lastlogintimestamp deprecated

PACKAGE: open-xchange-core


lastlogintimestamp - prints the timestamp of last login for specified user for given client.


lastlogintimestamp [OPTION]...


This command line tool prints the timestamp of last login for specified user for given client.


-c, --context contextId : A valid (numeric) context identifier.

-u, --user userId : A valid (numeric) user identifier.

-i userId : A valid (numeric) user identifier. As alternative for the -u, --user option.

-d, --datepattern datePattern : The optional date pattern used for formatting retrieved timestamp; e.g "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" would yield "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700".

-l, --list-clients : Outputs a table of known client identifiers

-t, --client clientId : A client identifier; e.g "open-xchange-appsuite" for App Suite UI. Execute lastlogintimestamp --listclients to get a listing of known identifiers.

-A, --adminuser masterAdmin : Master admin user name for authentication. Optional, depending on your configuration.

-P, --adminpass masterAdminPassword : Master admin password for authentication. Optional, depending on your configuration.

-s, --server rmiHost : The optional RMI server (default: localhost).

-p, --port rmiPort : The optional RMI port (default:1099).

-h, --help : Prints a help text.

--responsetimeout : The optional response timeout in seconds when reading data from server (default: 0s; infinite).


lastlogintimestamp -c 1 -u 6 -t open-xchange-appsuite

Prints the last login timestamp for the specified user that logged from the specified client.

lastlogintimestamp -c 1 -u 6 -t open-xchange-appsuite -d "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z"

Prints the last login timestamp for the specified user that logged from the specified client and format the timestamp with the specified pattern.


logconf(1), includestacktrace(1), logincounter(1)