This pages describes the HTTP API of the OX Middleware.
Low level protocol
The client accesses the server through HTTP GET, POST and PUT requests. HTTP cookies are used for authentication and must therefore be processed and sent back by the client as
specified by RFC 6265. The HTTP API is accessible at URIs starting with /ajax
. Each server module has a unique name and its own sub-namespace with
that name below /ajax
, e. g. all access to the module "tasks" is via URIs starting with /ajax/tasks
Text encoding is always UTF-8. Data is sent from the server to the client as application/json
and interpreted by the client to obtain an ECMAScript object.
The HTTP API uses only a small subset of the ECMAScript syntax. This subset is roughly described by the following BNF:
Value ::= "null" | Boolean | Number | String | Array | Object
Boolean ::= "true" | "false"
Number ::= see NumericLiteral in ECMA 262 3rd edition
String ::= \"([^"\n\\]|\\["\n\\])*\"
Array ::= "[]" | "[" Value ("," Value)* "]"
Object ::= "{}" | "{" Name ":" Value ("," Name ":" Value)* "}"
Name ::= [A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f_]*
Numbers are the standard signed integer and floating point numbers. Strings can contain any character, except double quotes, newlines and backslashes, which must be escaped by a backslash. Control characters in strings (other than newline) are not supported. Whitespace is allowed between any two tokens. See JSON and ECMA 262, 3rd edition for the formal definition.
The response body consists of an object, which contains up to four fields as described in Response body. The field data contains the actual payload which is described in following chapters.
The fields timestamp
, error
and error_params
are present when data objects are returned, if an error occurred and if the error message contains conversion specifiers, respectively.
Following sections describe the contents of these fields in more detail.
Name | Type | Value |
data | Value | Payload of the response. |
timestamp | Timestamp | The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates). |
error | String | The translated error message. Present in case of errors. |
error_params | Array | As of 7.4.2: Empty JSON array. Before that: Parameters for the error message that would need to be replaced in the error string (in a printf-format style). |
error_id | String | Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs. |
error_desc | String | The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available |
code | String | Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012" |
error_stack | Array | If configured (see "com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError" in '') this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array |
categories | String OR Array | Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs. |
category | Number | Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category. |
The following table shows the different category identifiers:
Name | Description |
USER_INPUT | An error resulting from wrong or missing input from front-end (e.g. mandatory field missing). |
CONFIGURATION | An error related to user/system configuration which denies requested operation. |
PERMISSION_DENIED | An error related to insufficient permission settings. |
TRY_AGAIN | A requested operation could not be accomplished because a needed resource is temporary down or missing (e.g. imap server rejects connection because of too many established connections). |
SERVICE_DOWN | A subsystem or third party service is down and therefore does not respond (e.g. database is down). |
CONNECTIVITY | The underlying socket connection is corrupt, empty or closed. Only a temporary error that does not affect the whole system. |
ERROR | A programming error which was caused by incorrect program code. |
CONFLICT | A concurrent modification. |
CAPACITY | The requested operation could not be performed cause an underlying resource is full or busy (e.g. IMAP folder exceeds quota). |
TRUNCATED | The given data could not be stored into the database because an attribute contains a too long value. |
WARNING | Action was at least partially successful, but a condition occurred that merited a warning |
Data from the client to the server can be sent in several formats. Small amounts of data are sent as application/x-www-urlencoded
in query parameters in the request URI.
For POST requests, some or all parameters may be sent in the request body instead of in the URI using any valid encoding for POST requests.
Alternatively, some requests specify that data is sent as text/javascript
in the body of a PUT request. The format of the request body for PUT requests is the same as for sending
data from the server to the client, except that the payload is sent directly, without being wrapped in another object.
When updating existing data, the client sends only fields that were modified. To explicitly delete a field, the field is sent with the value null.
For fields of type String
, the empty string "" is equivalent to null
Error handling
If the session of the user times out, if the client doesn't send a session ID or if the session for the specified session ID can not be found then the server returns the above described response object, that contains an error code and an error message. If the request URI or the request body is malformed or incomplete then the server returns the reponse object with an error message, too. In case of internal server errors, especially Java exceptions, or if the server is down, it returns the HTTP status code 503, Service Unavailable. Other severe errors may return other HTTP status values.
Application errors, which can be caused by a user and are therefore expected during the operation of the groupware, are reported by setting the field error in the returned object, as described in
the Response body. Since the error messages are translated by the client, they can not be composed of multiple variable parts. Instead, the error message can contain simplified printf()-style
conversion specifications, which are replaced by elements from the array in the field error_params
. If error_params
is not present, no replacement occurs, even if parts of the error message
match the syntax of a conversion specification.
A simplified conversion specification, as used for error messages, is either of the form %s or %n$s, where n is a 1-based decimal parameter index.
The conversion specifications are replaced from left to right by elements from error_params
, starting at the first element. %s is replaced by the current element
and the current index is incremented. %n$s is replaced by the n'th element and the current index is set to the (n + 1)'th element.
Some error message contain data sizes which must be expressed in Bytes or Kilobytes etc., depending on the actual value. Since the unit must be translated, this conversion is performed by the client. Unfortunately, standard printf()-style formatting does not have a specifier for this kind of translation. Therefore, the conversion specification for sizes is the same as for normal strings, and the client has to determine which parameters to translate based on the error code. The current error codes and the corresponding size parameters are listed below:
Error code | Parameter indices |
CON-0101 | 2, 3 |
FLS-0003 | 1, 2, 3 |
MSG-0065 | 1, 3 |
MSG-0066 | 1 |
NON-0005 | 1, 2 |
Date and time
Dates without time are transmitted as the number of milliseconds between 00:00 UTC on that date and 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC. Leap seconds are ignored, therefore this number is always an integer multiple of 8.64e7.
Because ECMAScript Date objects have no way to explicitly specify a timezone for calculations, timezone correction must be performed on the server.
Dates with time are transmitted as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC (again, ignoring leap seconds) plus the offset between the user's timezone and UTC at the time in question.
(See the Java method java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(long)). Unless optional URL parameter timezone
is present.
Then dates with time are transmitted as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC (again, ignoring leap seconds) plus the offset between the specified timezone and
UTC at the time in question.
To prevent the timezone offset getting applied implicitly on the server for dates with time, e.g. because the client handles timezones on his own, requests should be decorated with the URL parameter timezone
set to UTC
For some date and time values, especially timestamps, monotonicity is more important than the actual value. Such values are transmitted as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds and without timezone correction. If possible, a unique strictly monotonic increasing value should be used instead, as it avoids some race conditions described below.
This specification refers to these three interpretations of the type Number as separate data types.
Type | Time | Timezone | Comment |
Date | No | UTC | Date without time. |
Time | Yes | User | Date and time. |
Timestamp | Yes | UTC | Timestamp or unique sequence number. |
To allow efficient synchronization of a client with changes made by other clients and to detect conflicts, the server stores a timestamp of the last modification for each object.
Whenever the server transmits data objects to the client, the response object described in Response body includes the field timestamp
This field contains a timestamp value which is computed as the maximum of the timestamps of all transmitted objects.
When requesting updates to a previously retrieved set of objects, the client sends the last timestamp which belongs to that set of objects. The response contains all updates with timestamps greater than the one specified by the client. The field timestamp of the response contains the new maximum timestamp value.
If multiple different objects may have the same timestamp values, then a race condition exists when an update is processed between two such objects being modified. The first, already modified object will be included in the update response and its timestamp will be the maximum timestamp value sent in the timestamp field of the response. If the second object is modified later but gets the same timestamp, the client will never see the update to that object because the next update request from the client supplies the same timestamp value, but only modifications with greater timestamp values are returned.
If unique sequence numbers can't be used as timestamps, then the risk of the race condition can be at least minimized by storing timestamps in the most precise format and/or limiting update results to changes with timestamp values which are measurably smaller than the current timestamp value.
Editing objects is performed one object at a time. There may be multiple objects being edited by the same client simulataneously, but this is achieved by repeating the steps required for editing a single object. There is no batch edit or upload command.
To edit an object, a client first requests the entire object from the server. The server response contains the timestamp
field described in the previous section.
For in-place editing inside a view of multiple objects, where only already retrieved fields can be changed, retrieving the entire object is not necessary, and the last timestamp
of the view is used as the timestamp of each object in it.
When sending the modified object back to the server, only modified fields need to be included in the sent object. The request also includes the timestamp of the edited object. The timestamp is used by the server to ensure that the object was not edited by another client in the meantime. If the current timestamp of the object is greater than the timestamp supplied by the client, then a conflict is detected and the field error is set in the response. Otherwise, the object gets a new timestamp and the response to the client is empty.
If the client displays the edited object in a view together with other objects, then the client will need to perform an update of that view immediately after successfully uploading an edited object.
File uploads
File uploads are made by sending a POST request that submits both the file and the needed fields as parts of a request of content-type “multipart/form-data” or “multipart/mixed”.
The file metadata are stored in a form field “file” (much like an <input type=”file” name=”file” />
would do). In general a call that allows file uploads via POST will have a corresponding
call using PUT to send object data. The JSON-encoded object-data that is send as the body of a corresponding PUT call is, when performed as a POST with file uploads, put into
the request parameter “json”.
Since the upload is performed directly by the browser and is not an Ajax call, the normal callback mechanism for asynchronous Javascript calls cannot be used to obtain the result. For this reason the server responds to these POST calls with a complete HTML page that performs the callback and should not be displayed to the user. The HTML response is functionally equivalent to:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">
<script type="text/javascript">
(parent["callback_action"] || window.opener && window.opener["callback_action"])
The placeholders {json}
is replaced by the response with the timestamp that would be expected from the corresponding PUT method. The placeholder action
is replaced by the value of the
parameter action
of the request (except for the import bundle, which is named "import" instead of the action name for legacy purposes). The content-type of the answer is text/html
Non-browser clients don't need to interpret HTML or JavaScript. The JSON data can be recognized by the outermost ({
and })
, where the inner braces are part of the JSON value.
For example, the regular expression \((\{.*\})\)
captures the entire JSON value in its first capturing group.
The client can also send the force_json_response
parameter to get errors in form of a normal json responses instead of html.
The default security scheme which uses a session ID previously obtained from the login module. Used in combination with a session cookie.
The security scheme for oauth enabled modules of the middleware
Authorization grant | Available scopes |
authorization-code |
Documentation of the Open-Xchange HTTP API which is used by the new AJAX GUI.
The addressbooks module is used to access contact information. In contrast to its legacy pendant "contacts", it can also be used to access data stored in external contact provider plugins.-
Finds contacts based on a prefix, usually used to auto-complete e-mail recipients while the user is typing.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string query (empty) The query to search for.
query string email (empty) Whether to only include contacts with at least one e-mail address. Defaults to `true`.
query boolean folder (empty) Object ID of the parent folder that is searched. If not set, all visible folders are used.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified. If this parameter is missing, response is sorted by a user-specific use count of contacts, ID of contacts' parent folder and display name.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string collation Allows you to specify a collation to sort the contacts by. Only supports "gbk" and "gb2312", not needed for other languages. Parameter sort should be set for this to work.
query string left_hand_limit (empty) A positive integer number to specify the "left-hand" limit of the range to return.
query integer right_hand_limit (empty) A positive integer number to specify the "right-hand" limit of the range to return.
query integer Responses:
A JSON object containing the contact data. Contacts are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts. Each contact is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the requested contact.
query string folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the contacts.
query string Responses:
An object containing all data of the requested contact. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( ContactData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
ContactData Composed Schema
ALLOF: CommonObjectData RawContactData -
{- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the contact. Is used to recognize contacts within vCard files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- display_name ( string ): The display name.
- first_name ( string ): The given name.
- last_name ( string ): The sur name.
- second_name ( string ): The middle name.
- suffix ( string ): The suffix.
- title ( string ): The title.
- street_home ( string ): The street of the home address.
- postal_code_home ( string ): The postal code of the home address.
- city_home ( string ): The city of the home address.
- state_home ( string ): The state of the home address.
- country_home ( string ): The country of the home address.
- birthday ( integer ): The date of birth.
- marital_status ( string ): The marital status.
- number_of_children ( string ): The number of children.
- profession ( string ): The profession.
- nickname ( string ): The nickname.
- spouse_name ( string ): The name of the spouse.
- anniversary ( integer ): The anniversary.
- note ( string ): A note.
- department ( string ): The department.
- position ( string ): The position.
- employee_type ( string ): The type of the employee.
- room_number ( string ): The room number.
- street_business ( string ): The street of the business address.
- postal_code_business ( string ): The postal code of the business address.
- city_business ( string ): The city of the business address.
- state_business ( string ): The state of the business address.
- country_business ( string ): The country of the business address.
- user_id ( integer , read only ): The internal user id.
- number_of_employees ( string ): The number of employees.
- sales_volume ( string ): The sales volume.
- tax_id ( string ): The tax id.
- commercial_register ( string ): The commercial register.
- branches ( string ): The branches.
- business_category ( string ): The business category.
- info ( string ): An information.
- manager_name ( string ): The manager's name.
- assistant_name ( string ): The assistant's name.
- street_other ( string ): The street of another address.
- postal_code_other ( string ): The postal code of another address.
- city_other ( string ): The city of another address.
- state_other ( string ): The state of another address.
- country_other ( string ): The country of another address.
- telephone_business1 ( string ): The business telephone number 1.
- telephone_business2 ( string ): The business telephone number 2.
- fax_business ( string ): The business fax number.
- telephone_callback ( string ): The callback telephone number.
- telephone_car ( string ): The car telephone number.
- telephone_company ( string ): The company telephone number.
- telephone_home1 ( string ): The home telephone number 1.
- telephone_home2 ( string ): The home telephone number 2.
- fax_home ( string ): The home fax number.
- cellular_telephone1 ( string ): The cellular telephone number 1.
- cellular_telephone2 ( string ): The cellular telephone number 2.
- telephone_other ( string ): The other telephone number.
- fax_other ( string ): The other fax number.
- email1 ( string ): The email address 1.
- email2 ( string ): The email address 2.
- email3 ( string ): The email address 3.
- url ( string ): The url address or homepage.
- telephone_isdn ( string ): The ISDN telephone number.
- telephone_pager ( string ): The pager telephone number.
- telephone_primary ( string ): The primary telephone number.
- telephone_radio ( string ): The radio telephone number.
- telephone_telex ( string ): The telex telephone number.
- telephone_ttytdd ( string ): The TTY/TDD telephone number.
- instant_messenger1 ( string ): The instant messenger address 1.
- instant_messenger2 ( string ): The instant messenger address 2.
- telephone_ip ( string ): The IP telephone number.
- telephone_assistant ( string ): The assistant telephone number.
- company ( string ): The company name.
- image1 ( string ): No description available
- image1_content_type ( string ): The content type of the image (like "image/png").
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image.
- number_of_images ( integer ): The number of images.
- image_last_modified ( integer ): The last modification of the image.
- distribution_list ( array[DistributionListMember] ): If this contact is a distribution list, then this field is an array of objects. Each object describes a member of the list.
- number_of_distribution_list ( integer ): The number of objects in the distribution list.
- mark_as_distributionlist ( boolean ): No description available
- file_as ( string ): The file name.
- default_address ( integer ): The default address.
- useCount ( integer ): In case of sorting purposes the column 609 is also available, which places global address book contacts at the beginning of the result. If 609 is used, the order direction (ASC, DESC) is ignored.
- yomiFirstName ( string ): Kana based representation for the First Name. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- yomiLastName ( string ): Kana based representation for the Last Name. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- yomiCompany ( string ): Kana based representation for the Company. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- addressHome ( string ): Support for Outlook 'home' address field.
- addressBusiness ( string ): Support for Outlook 'business' address field.
- addressOther ( string ): Support for Outlook 'other' address field.
- userfield01 ( string ): Dynamic Field 1.
- userfield02 ( string ): Dynamic Field 2.
- userfield03 ( string ): Dynamic Field 3.
- userfield04 ( string ): Dynamic Field 4.
- userfield05 ( string ): Dynamic Field 5.
- userfield06 ( string ): Dynamic Field 6.
- userfield07 ( string ): Dynamic Field 7.
- userfield08 ( string ): Dynamic Field 8.
- userfield09 ( string ): Dynamic Field 9.
- userfield10 ( string ): Dynamic Field 10.
- userfield11 ( string ): Dynamic Field 11.
- userfield12 ( string ): Dynamic Field 12.
- userfield13 ( string ): Dynamic Field 13.
- userfield14 ( string ): Dynamic Field 14.
- userfield15 ( string ): Dynamic Field 15.
- userfield16 ( string ): Dynamic Field 16.
- userfield17 ( string ): Dynamic Field 17.
- userfield18 ( string ): Dynamic Field 18.
- userfield19 ( string ): Dynamic Field 19.
- userfield20 ( string ): Dynamic Field 20.
{- id ( string ): Object ID of the member's contact if the member is an existing contact.
- folder_id ( string ): Parent folder ID of the member's contact if the member is an existing contact.
- display_name ( string ): The display name.
- sort_name ( string ): A name which can be used for sorting.
- mail ( string ): The email address (optional if you are referring to an internal contact).
, possibleValues:
* 0 (independent contact),
* 1 (default email field, email1),
* 2 (second email field, email2),
* 3 (third email field, email3)
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified , then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string collation Allows you to specify a collation to sort the contacts by. Only supports "gbk" and "gb2312", not needed for other languages. Parameter sort should be set for this to work.
query string Body:
Description:No description available
Content-type: application/json-
{- filter ( string ): A JSON object describing the search term as introducted in Advanced search. If not specified, all contacts contained in the specified folders are returned. Example: `["and",["=", {"field":"last_name"},"Mustermann"],["=",{"field":"first_name"},"Max"]]` which represents 'last_name = "Mustermann" AND first_name = "Max"'. Valid fields are the ones specified in Contact data model. The field 'folder' is not allowed as operand.
- folders ( array[string] ): The identifiers of the folders to restrict the search to. If not defined, all visible folders (optionally filtered through to "folderTypes"]) are considered.
- folderTypes ( contactsSearchFolderTypes ): The kind of folders to perform the search in, if no folders are defined through "folders" explicitly.
contactsSearchFolderTypes - The kind of folders to perform the search in, if no folders are defined through "folders" explicitly.
{- includeUnsubscribed ( string ): Controls whether also unsubscribed folders (i.e. not visible in the tree) are considered.
- pickerOnly ( string ): Configures if only folders that are explicitly marked for usage in the picker are considered.
A JSON object containing an array with matching contacts. Contacts are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts. Each contact is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
Finds contacts whose anniversary falls into a specified time range.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string start (empty) The lower (inclusive) limit of the requested time range.
query long end (empty) The upper (exclusive) limit of the requested time range.
query long folder (empty) Object ID of the parent folder that is searched. If not set, all visible folders are used.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified , then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string collation Allows you to specify a collation to sort the contacts by. Only supports "gbk" and "gb2312", not needed for other languages. Parameter sort should be set for this to work.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with matching contacts. Contacts are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts. Each contact is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
Updates a contact's data. This request cannot change or add contact images. Therefore it is necessary to use the
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the contacts.
query string id (empty) Object ID of the contact that shall be updated.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the updated contact. If the contact was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.
query long Body:
Description:A JSON object containing the contact's data. Only modified fields must be specified. To remove some contact image send the image attribute set to null.
Content-type: application/json-
ContactData Composed Schema
ALLOF: CommonObjectData RawContactData -
{- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the contact. Is used to recognize contacts within vCard files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- display_name ( string ): The display name.
- first_name ( string ): The given name.
- last_name ( string ): The sur name.
- second_name ( string ): The middle name.
- suffix ( string ): The suffix.
- title ( string ): The title.
- street_home ( string ): The street of the home address.
- postal_code_home ( string ): The postal code of the home address.
- city_home ( string ): The city of the home address.
- state_home ( string ): The state of the home address.
- country_home ( string ): The country of the home address.
- birthday ( integer ): The date of birth.
- marital_status ( string ): The marital status.
- number_of_children ( string ): The number of children.
- profession ( string ): The profession.
- nickname ( string ): The nickname.
- spouse_name ( string ): The name of the spouse.
- anniversary ( integer ): The anniversary.
- note ( string ): A note.
- department ( string ): The department.
- position ( string ): The position.
- employee_type ( string ): The type of the employee.
- room_number ( string ): The room number.
- street_business ( string ): The street of the business address.
- postal_code_business ( string ): The postal code of the business address.
- city_business ( string ): The city of the business address.
- state_business ( string ): The state of the business address.
- country_business ( string ): The country of the business address.
- user_id ( integer , read only ): The internal user id.
- number_of_employees ( string ): The number of employees.
- sales_volume ( string ): The sales volume.
- tax_id ( string ): The tax id.
- commercial_register ( string ): The commercial register.
- branches ( string ): The branches.
- business_category ( string ): The business category.
- info ( string ): An information.
- manager_name ( string ): The manager's name.
- assistant_name ( string ): The assistant's name.
- street_other ( string ): The street of another address.
- postal_code_other ( string ): The postal code of another address.
- city_other ( string ): The city of another address.
- state_other ( string ): The state of another address.
- country_other ( string ): The country of another address.
- telephone_business1 ( string ): The business telephone number 1.
- telephone_business2 ( string ): The business telephone number 2.
- fax_business ( string ): The business fax number.
- telephone_callback ( string ): The callback telephone number.
- telephone_car ( string ): The car telephone number.
- telephone_company ( string ): The company telephone number.
- telephone_home1 ( string ): The home telephone number 1.
- telephone_home2 ( string ): The home telephone number 2.
- fax_home ( string ): The home fax number.
- cellular_telephone1 ( string ): The cellular telephone number 1.
- cellular_telephone2 ( string ): The cellular telephone number 2.
- telephone_other ( string ): The other telephone number.
- fax_other ( string ): The other fax number.
- email1 ( string ): The email address 1.
- email2 ( string ): The email address 2.
- email3 ( string ): The email address 3.
- url ( string ): The url address or homepage.
- telephone_isdn ( string ): The ISDN telephone number.
- telephone_pager ( string ): The pager telephone number.
- telephone_primary ( string ): The primary telephone number.
- telephone_radio ( string ): The radio telephone number.
- telephone_telex ( string ): The telex telephone number.
- telephone_ttytdd ( string ): The TTY/TDD telephone number.
- instant_messenger1 ( string ): The instant messenger address 1.
- instant_messenger2 ( string ): The instant messenger address 2.
- telephone_ip ( string ): The IP telephone number.
- telephone_assistant ( string ): The assistant telephone number.
- company ( string ): The company name.
- image1 ( string ): No description available
- image1_content_type ( string ): The content type of the image (like "image/png").
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image.
- number_of_images ( integer ): The number of images.
- image_last_modified ( integer ): The last modification of the image.
- distribution_list ( array[DistributionListMember] ): If this contact is a distribution list, then this field is an array of objects. Each object describes a member of the list.
- number_of_distribution_list ( integer ): The number of objects in the distribution list.
- mark_as_distributionlist ( boolean ): No description available
- file_as ( string ): The file name.
- default_address ( integer ): The default address.
- useCount ( integer ): In case of sorting purposes the column 609 is also available, which places global address book contacts at the beginning of the result. If 609 is used, the order direction (ASC, DESC) is ignored.
- yomiFirstName ( string ): Kana based representation for the First Name. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- yomiLastName ( string ): Kana based representation for the Last Name. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- yomiCompany ( string ): Kana based representation for the Company. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- addressHome ( string ): Support for Outlook 'home' address field.
- addressBusiness ( string ): Support for Outlook 'business' address field.
- addressOther ( string ): Support for Outlook 'other' address field.
- userfield01 ( string ): Dynamic Field 1.
- userfield02 ( string ): Dynamic Field 2.
- userfield03 ( string ): Dynamic Field 3.
- userfield04 ( string ): Dynamic Field 4.
- userfield05 ( string ): Dynamic Field 5.
- userfield06 ( string ): Dynamic Field 6.
- userfield07 ( string ): Dynamic Field 7.
- userfield08 ( string ): Dynamic Field 8.
- userfield09 ( string ): Dynamic Field 9.
- userfield10 ( string ): Dynamic Field 10.
- userfield11 ( string ): Dynamic Field 11.
- userfield12 ( string ): Dynamic Field 12.
- userfield13 ( string ): Dynamic Field 13.
- userfield14 ( string ): Dynamic Field 14.
- userfield15 ( string ): Dynamic Field 15.
- userfield16 ( string ): Dynamic Field 16.
- userfield17 ( string ): Dynamic Field 17.
- userfield18 ( string ): Dynamic Field 18.
- userfield19 ( string ): Dynamic Field 19.
- userfield20 ( string ): Dynamic Field 20.
{- id ( string ): Object ID of the member's contact if the member is an existing contact.
- folder_id ( string ): Parent folder ID of the member's contact if the member is an existing contact.
- display_name ( string ): The display name.
- sort_name ( string ): A name which can be used for sorting.
- mail ( string ): The email address (optional if you are referring to an internal contact).
, possibleValues:
* 0 (independent contact),
* 1 (default email field, email1),
* 2 (second email field, email2),
* 3 (third email field, email3)
A JSON object with a timestamp. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( ContactUpdateData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): ID of a newly created contact.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string Body:
Description:A JSON array of JSON objects with the id and folder of the contacts.
Content-type: application/json-
{- id ( string , required ): The object ID of the contact.
- folder ( string , required ): The object ID of the related folder.
A JSON object containing an array with data for the requested contacts. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts. Each contact is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the contacts.
query string columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entities should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string collation Allows you to specify a collation to sort the contacts by. Only supports "gbk" and "gb2312", not needed for other languages. Parameter sort should be set for this to work.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with data for all contacts. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts. Each contact is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
Creates a new contact. This request cannot add contact images. Therefor it is necessary to use the
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Description:A JSON object containing the contact's data. The field id is not included.
Content-type: application/json-
ContactData Composed Schema
ALLOF: CommonObjectData RawContactData -
{- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the contact. Is used to recognize contacts within vCard files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- display_name ( string ): The display name.
- first_name ( string ): The given name.
- last_name ( string ): The sur name.
- second_name ( string ): The middle name.
- suffix ( string ): The suffix.
- title ( string ): The title.
- street_home ( string ): The street of the home address.
- postal_code_home ( string ): The postal code of the home address.
- city_home ( string ): The city of the home address.
- state_home ( string ): The state of the home address.
- country_home ( string ): The country of the home address.
- birthday ( integer ): The date of birth.
- marital_status ( string ): The marital status.
- number_of_children ( string ): The number of children.
- profession ( string ): The profession.
- nickname ( string ): The nickname.
- spouse_name ( string ): The name of the spouse.
- anniversary ( integer ): The anniversary.
- note ( string ): A note.
- department ( string ): The department.
- position ( string ): The position.
- employee_type ( string ): The type of the employee.
- room_number ( string ): The room number.
- street_business ( string ): The street of the business address.
- postal_code_business ( string ): The postal code of the business address.
- city_business ( string ): The city of the business address.
- state_business ( string ): The state of the business address.
- country_business ( string ): The country of the business address.
- user_id ( integer , read only ): The internal user id.
- number_of_employees ( string ): The number of employees.
- sales_volume ( string ): The sales volume.
- tax_id ( string ): The tax id.
- commercial_register ( string ): The commercial register.
- branches ( string ): The branches.
- business_category ( string ): The business category.
- info ( string ): An information.
- manager_name ( string ): The manager's name.
- assistant_name ( string ): The assistant's name.
- street_other ( string ): The street of another address.
- postal_code_other ( string ): The postal code of another address.
- city_other ( string ): The city of another address.
- state_other ( string ): The state of another address.
- country_other ( string ): The country of another address.
- telephone_business1 ( string ): The business telephone number 1.
- telephone_business2 ( string ): The business telephone number 2.
- fax_business ( string ): The business fax number.
- telephone_callback ( string ): The callback telephone number.
- telephone_car ( string ): The car telephone number.
- telephone_company ( string ): The company telephone number.
- telephone_home1 ( string ): The home telephone number 1.
- telephone_home2 ( string ): The home telephone number 2.
- fax_home ( string ): The home fax number.
- cellular_telephone1 ( string ): The cellular telephone number 1.
- cellular_telephone2 ( string ): The cellular telephone number 2.
- telephone_other ( string ): The other telephone number.
- fax_other ( string ): The other fax number.
- email1 ( string ): The email address 1.
- email2 ( string ): The email address 2.
- email3 ( string ): The email address 3.
- url ( string ): The url address or homepage.
- telephone_isdn ( string ): The ISDN telephone number.
- telephone_pager ( string ): The pager telephone number.
- telephone_primary ( string ): The primary telephone number.
- telephone_radio ( string ): The radio telephone number.
- telephone_telex ( string ): The telex telephone number.
- telephone_ttytdd ( string ): The TTY/TDD telephone number.
- instant_messenger1 ( string ): The instant messenger address 1.
- instant_messenger2 ( string ): The instant messenger address 2.
- telephone_ip ( string ): The IP telephone number.
- telephone_assistant ( string ): The assistant telephone number.
- company ( string ): The company name.
- image1 ( string ): No description available
- image1_content_type ( string ): The content type of the image (like "image/png").
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image.
- number_of_images ( integer ): The number of images.
- image_last_modified ( integer ): The last modification of the image.
- distribution_list ( array[DistributionListMember] ): If this contact is a distribution list, then this field is an array of objects. Each object describes a member of the list.
- number_of_distribution_list ( integer ): The number of objects in the distribution list.
- mark_as_distributionlist ( boolean ): No description available
- file_as ( string ): The file name.
- default_address ( integer ): The default address.
- useCount ( integer ): In case of sorting purposes the column 609 is also available, which places global address book contacts at the beginning of the result. If 609 is used, the order direction (ASC, DESC) is ignored.
- yomiFirstName ( string ): Kana based representation for the First Name. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- yomiLastName ( string ): Kana based representation for the Last Name. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- yomiCompany ( string ): Kana based representation for the Company. Commonly used in japanese environments for searchin/sorting issues.
- addressHome ( string ): Support for Outlook 'home' address field.
- addressBusiness ( string ): Support for Outlook 'business' address field.
- addressOther ( string ): Support for Outlook 'other' address field.
- userfield01 ( string ): Dynamic Field 1.
- userfield02 ( string ): Dynamic Field 2.
- userfield03 ( string ): Dynamic Field 3.
- userfield04 ( string ): Dynamic Field 4.
- userfield05 ( string ): Dynamic Field 5.
- userfield06 ( string ): Dynamic Field 6.
- userfield07 ( string ): Dynamic Field 7.
- userfield08 ( string ): Dynamic Field 8.
- userfield09 ( string ): Dynamic Field 9.
- userfield10 ( string ): Dynamic Field 10.
- userfield11 ( string ): Dynamic Field 11.
- userfield12 ( string ): Dynamic Field 12.
- userfield13 ( string ): Dynamic Field 13.
- userfield14 ( string ): Dynamic Field 14.
- userfield15 ( string ): Dynamic Field 15.
- userfield16 ( string ): Dynamic Field 16.
- userfield17 ( string ): Dynamic Field 17.
- userfield18 ( string ): Dynamic Field 18.
- userfield19 ( string ): Dynamic Field 19.
- userfield20 ( string ): Dynamic Field 20.
{- id ( string ): Object ID of the member's contact if the member is an existing contact.
- folder_id ( string ): Parent folder ID of the member's contact if the member is an existing contact.
- display_name ( string ): The display name.
- sort_name ( string ): A name which can be used for sorting.
- mail ( string ): The email address (optional if you are referring to an internal contact).
, possibleValues:
* 0 (independent contact),
* 1 (default email field, email1),
* 2 (second email field, email2),
* 3 (third email field, email3)
A JSON object containing the ID of the newly created contact. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( ContactUpdateData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): ID of a newly created contact.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the deleted contacts.
query long Body:
Description:A JSON array of JSON objects with the id and folder of the contacts.
Content-type: application/json-
{- id ( string , required ): The object ID of the contact.
- folder ( string , required ): The object ID of the related folder.
A JSON array with object IDs of contacts which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
Finds contacts whose birthday falls into a specified time range.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string start (empty) The lower (inclusive) limit of the requested time range.
query long end (empty) The upper (exclusive) limit of the requested time range.
query long folder (empty) Object ID of the parent folder that is searched. If not set, all visible folders are used.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified , then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string collation Allows you to specify a collation to sort the contacts by. Only supports "gbk" and "gb2312", not needed for other languages. Parameter sort should be set for this to work.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with matching contacts. Contacts are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts. Each contact is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the contacts.
query string columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Detailed contact data.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the requested contacts.
query long ignore Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Omit this parameter or set it to "deleted" to not have deleted tasks identifier in the response. Set this parameter to `false` and the response contains deleted tasks identifier.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entities should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string Responses:
An array with new, modified and deleted contacts. New and modified contacts are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. Deleted contacts (should the ignore parameter be ever implemented) would be identified by their object IDs as integers, without being part of a nested array. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of contacts.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
Via the advertisement module the client can retrieve the advertisement configuration-
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
'The configuration as a JSON object or in case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).'
Content-type: application/json-
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Description:No description available
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded-
Application Data
{- uuid ( string ): Type uuid of the password to remove
A JSON object containing the result, which should be OK, otherwise error. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Registration response data
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
data - Registration response data
{- result ( string ): Result of the operation
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
A JSON object containing the existing password list. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[AppPassword] ): Array of application specific passwords.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- UUID ( string ): The id of the password
- Scope ( string ): The application type that defines the scope
- Name ( string ): The user defined name of the password
- LastDevice ( string ): The last device that logged in using the password
- LastLogin ( string ): The last date and time the password was used for login
- IP ( string ): The IP address of the device used to login
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
A JSON object containing the list of available applications. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[AppPasswordApplication] ): Array of application type available.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- name ( string ): The name of the scope
- displayName ( string ): The display name of the scope to be shown to user
- sort ( integer ): Optional sort order
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Description:No description available
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded-
Application Data
{- appScope ( string ): The scope name of the application
- appName ( string ): The user chosen name for the application password
A JSON object containing the username and password to use in login. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Registration response data
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
data - Registration response data
{- password ( string ): Password to use for the application login
- login ( string ): The username to use for login
- newLogin ( boolean ): Login may not be same as used by the user to login to appsuite.
The module attachments allows file attachments to arbitrary objects. An attachment always belongs to an object (called 'attached') in a certain folder of a certain module.-
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
write_tasks Name Scopes oauth
write_calendar Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer Body:
Description:A JSON array with the identifiers of the attachments that shall be deleted.
Content-type: application/json
In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
read_tasks Name Scopes oauth
read_calendar Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the requested infoitem.
query string attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer Responses:
A JSON object containing all data of the requested attachment. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( AttachmentData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- folder ( integer ): The ID of the first folder in which the attached object resides.
- attached ( integer ): The ID of the object this attachment is attached to.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (appointment),
* 4 (task),
* 7 (contact),
* 137 (infostore) - filename ( string ): The filename of the attached file.
- file_size ( integer ): The file size (in bytes) of the attached file.
- file_mimetype ( string ): The MIME type of the attached file.
- rft_flag ( boolean ): If the attachment is a RTF attachment of outlook (outlook descriptions can be stored as RTF documents).
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer Body:
Description:A JSON array with the identifiers of the attachments, which shall be put into ZIP archive
Content-type: application/json
The raw byte data of the ZIP archive.
Content-type: application/zip-
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
read_tasks Name Scopes oauth
read_calendar Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,800". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Attachment data.
query string Body:
Description:A JSON array with the identifiers of the requested attachments.
Content-type: application/json
A JSON object containing an array with data for the requested infoitems. Each array element describes one infoitem and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of infoitems. Each infoitem is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,800". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Attachment data.
query string module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the requested infoitems.
query long ignore Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entities should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string Responses:
An array with new and deleted attachments. New attachments are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. Deleted attachments would be identified by their object IDs as integer, without being part of a nested array. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of attachments.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
It is possible to create multiple attachments at once. Therefor add additional form fields and replace "[index]" in
with the appropriate index, likejson_1
. The index always starts with 0 (mandatory attachment object).Security:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
write_tasks Name Scopes oauth
write_calendar Name Scopes oauth
Description:No description available
Content-type: multipart/form-data-
{- json_0 ( string , required ): A JSON string representing an attachment object as described in AttachmentData model with at least the fields `folder`, `attached` and `module`.
- file_0 ( string , required ): The attachment file as per ``.
A HTML page as described in File uploads containing a JSON array of object IDs of the newly created attachments or errors if some occurred.
Content-type: text/html-
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
read_tasks Name Scopes oauth
read_calendar Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,800". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data and Attachment data.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entities should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with data for all attachments. Each array element describes one attachment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of attachments. Each attachment is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
It is possible to add a filename to the request's URI like
. The filename may be added to the customary attachment path to suggest a filename to a Save-As dialog.Security:
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type attached (empty) The ID of the object to which the attachment belongs.
query integer folder (empty) The folder ID of the object.
query integer module (empty) The module type of the object: 1 (appointment), 4 (task), 7 (contact), 137 (infostore).
query integer id (empty) Object ID of the requested attachment.
query string content_type (empty) If present the response declares the given `content_type` in the Content-Type header and not the attachments file MIME type.
query string scan (empty) Flag to request an Anti-Virus scan for the specified attachment before downloading it.
query boolean Responses:
The raw byte data of the document. The response type for the HTTP request is set accordingly to the defined MIME type for this attachment or the content_type given.
Content-type: application/octet-stream-
The module autoconfig can be used to request the best available settings for an appropriate mail server.-
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Description:No description available
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded-
{- email ( string , required ): The email address for which a mail configuration will be discovered.
- password ( string , required ): The corresponding password for the mail account.
- force_secure ( boolean ): Enforces a secure connection for configured mail account, default is `true`.
- oauth ( integer ): The optional identifier of the OAuth account to use for authentication.
A JSON object containing the best available settings for an appropriate mail server for the given email address. The data may be incomplete or empty. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( MailAccountData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( integer ): The account identifier.
- name ( string , required ): The account's display name.
- login ( string , required ): The login name.
- password ( string , required ): The (optional) password.
- mail_url ( string , required ): The mail server URL, e.g. "imap://". **URL is preferred over single fields** (like `mail_server`, `mail_port`, etc.).
- mail_server ( string ): The mail server's hostname or IP address.
- mail_port ( integer ): The mail server's port.
- mail_protocol ( string ): The mail server's protocol. **Always use basic protocol name.** E.g. use "imap" instead of "imaps".
- mail_secure ( boolean ): Whether to establish a secure connection to mail server (SSL, TLS).
- mail_starttls ( boolean ): Whether to establish a secure connection to mail server via STARTTLS.
- mail_oauth ( integer ): Provides the identifier of the associated OAuth account (if any) or `-1`.
- transport_url ( string ): The transport server URL, e.g. "smtp://". **URL is preferred over single fields** (like `transport_server`, `transport_port`, etc.).
- transport_server ( string ): The transport server's hostname or IP address.
- transport_port ( integer ): The transport server's port.
- transport_protocol ( string ): The transport server's protocol. **Always use basic protocol name.** E.g. use "smtp" instead of "smtps".
- transport_secure ( boolean ): Whether to establish a secure connection to transport server (SSL, TLS).
- transport_login ( string ): The transport login. **Please see `transport_auth` for the handling of this field.**
- transport_password ( string ): The transport password. **Please see `transport_auth` for the handling of this field.**
- transport_auth ( string ): Specifies the source for mail transport (SMTP) credentials. Possible values are `mail`, `custom`, and `none`. `mail` signals to use the same credentials as given in associated mail store (IMAP, POP3). `custom` signals that individual credentials are supposed to be used (fields `transport_login`, `transport_password` and/or `transport_oauth` are considered). `none` means the mail transport does not support any authentication mechanism (rare case!)
- transport_starttls ( boolean ): Whether to establish a secure connection to transport server via STARTTLS.
- transport_oauth ( integer ): The identifier of the OAuth account to use for mail transport. **Please see `transport_auth` for the handling of this field.**
- root_folder ( string ): The fully-qualifying identifier of account's root folder, e.g. "default519".
- primary_address ( string , required ): The user's primary address in account, e.g. "".
- spam_handler ( string ): The name of the spam handler used by account.
- trash ( string ): The name of the default trash folder.
- sent ( string ): The name of the default sent folder.
- drafts ( string ): The name of the default drafts folder.
- spam ( string ): The name of the default spam folder.
- confirmed_spam ( string ): The name of the default confirmed-spam folder.
- confirmed_ham ( string ): The name of the default confirmed-ham folder.
- unified_inbox_enabled ( boolean ): Whether Unified INBOX is enabled.
- trash_fullname ( string ): Path to default trash folder. Preferred over `trash`.
- sent_fullname ( string ): Path to default sent folder. Preferred over `sent`.
- drafts_fullname ( string ): Path to default drafts folder. Preferred over `drafts`.
- spam_fullname ( string ): Path to default spam folder. Preferred over `spam`.
- confirmed_spam_fullname ( string ): Path to default confirmed-spam folder. Preferred over `confirmed_spam`.
- confirmed_ham_fullname ( string ): Path to default confirmed-ham folder. Preferred over `confirmed_ham`.
- pop3_refresh_rate ( integer ): The interval in minutes the POP3 account is refreshed.
- pop3_expunge_on_quit ( boolean ): Whether POP3 messages shall be deleted on actual POP3 account after retrieval or not.
- pop3_delete_write_through ( boolean ): If option `pop3_expunge_on_quite` is disabled, this field defines whether a deleted in local INBOX also deletes affected message in actual POP3 account.
- pop3_storage ( string ): The name of POP3 storage provider, default is "mailaccount".
- pop3_path ( string ): Path to POP3's virtual root folder in storage, default name of the POP3 account beside default folders.
- personal ( string ): The customizable personal part of the email address.
- reply_to ( string ): The customizable reply-to email address.
- addresses ( string ): The comma-separated list of available email addresses including aliases (**only available for primary mail account**).
- meta ( string ): Stores arbitrary JSON data as specified by client associated with the mail account.
- archive ( string ): The name of the archive folder. **Currently not functional!**
- archive_fullname ( string ): The full name of the archive folder. **Currently not functional!**
The calendar module is used to access calendar data.-
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type start (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start on or after this date are returned.
query long end (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end before this date are returned.
query long Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with the length of the number of days between `start` and `end`. Meaning, each element corresponds with one day in the range that was queried, explaining whether there is an appointment on this day (true) or not (false). In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[boolean] ): Array with elements that correspond with days in the time range, explaining whether a day has appointments or not.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the appointment series.
query string folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the appointments.
query string columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with appointment data. Each array element describes one appointment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of appointments. Each appointment is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the requested appointment.
query string ignore_conflicts (empty) Flag indicating whether conflicts should be ignored or not.
query boolean folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the appointments.
query string timezone (empty) The timezone which should be used
query string Body:
Description:A JSON object containing the new destination folder id.
Content-type: application/json-
{- folder_id ( string ): ID of the destination folder.
'A JSON object containing the id of the newly created appointment if it was created successfully. If the appointment could not be created due to conflicts, the response body is an object with the field `conflicts`, which is an array of appointment objects which caused the conflict. Each appointment object which represents a resource conflict contains an additional field `hard_conflict` with the Boolean value `true`. If the user does not have read access to a conflicting appointment, only the fields `id`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `shown_as` and `participants` are present and the field `participants` contains only the participants which caused the conflict. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).'
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( AppointmentCreationData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): ID of the appointment.
- conflicts ( array[AppointmentCreationConflict] ): An array of appointments which cause conflicts.
{- hard_conflicts ( boolean ): `true` if appointment represents a resource conflict.
- recurrence_id ( integer ): Object ID of the entire appointment sequence. Present on series and change exception appointments. Equals to object identifier on series appointment and is different to object identifier on change exceptions.
- recurrence_position ( integer ): 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- recurrence_date_position ( integer ): Date of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- change_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all change exceptions of a sequence.
- delete_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all delete exceptions of a sequence.
- location ( string ): The location of the appointment.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (reserved),
* 2 (temporary),
* 3 (absent),
* 4 (free) - timezone ( string ): The timezone of the appointment.
- recurrence_start ( integer ): Start of a sequence without time.
- ignore_conflicts ( boolean ): Ignore soft conflicts for the new or modified appointment. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- title ( string ): Short description.
- start_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by start_time and full_time).
- end_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by end_time and full_time).
- note ( string ): Long description.
- alarm ( integer ): Specifies when to notify the participants as the number of minutes before the start of the appointment (-1 for "no alarm"). For tasks, the Time value specifies the absolute time when the user should be notified.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (none, single event),
* 1 (daily),
* 2 (weekly),
* 3 (monthly),
* 4 (yearly) - days ( integer ): Specifies which days of the week are part of a sequence. The value is a bitfield with bit 0 indicating sunday, bit 1 indicating monday and so on. May be present if recurrence_type > 1. If allowed but not present, the value defaults to 127 (all 7 days).
- day_in_month ( integer ): Specifies which day of a month is part of the sequence. Counting starts with 1. If the field "days" is also present, only days selected by that field are counted. If the number is bigger than the number of available days, the last available day is selected. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 2.
- month ( integer ): Month of the year in yearly sequencies. 0 represents January, 1 represents February and so on. Present if and only if recurrence_type = 4.
- interval ( integer ): Specifies an integer multiplier to the interval specified by recurrence_type. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0. Must be 1 if recurrence_type = 4.
- until ( integer ): Inclusive end date of a sequence. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0. The sequence has no end date if recurrence_type > 0 and this field is not present. Note: since this is a Date, the entire day after the midnight specified by the value is included.
- notification ( boolean ): If `true`, all participants are notified of any changes to this object. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- participants ( array[TaskParticipant] ): Each element identifies a participant, user, group or booked resource.
- users ( array[TaskUser] ): Each element represents a participant. User groups are resolved and are represented by their members. Any user can occur only once.
- occurrences ( integer ): Specifies how often a recurrence should appear. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0.
- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the appointment or task. Is used to recognize appointments within iCal files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- organizer ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment organizer which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- sequence ( integer ): iCal sequence number. **Not implemented for tasks**. Must be incremented on update. Will be incremented by the server, if not set.
- confirmations ( array[TaskConfirmation] ): Each element represents a confirming participant. This can be internal and external user. Not implemented for tasks.
- organizerId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userId of the appointment organizer if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principal ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment principal which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principalId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userIId of the appointment principal if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- full_time ( boolean ): `True` if the event is a whole day appointment or task, `false` otherwise.
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- id ( integer ): User ID.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (user),
* 2 (user group),
* 3 (resource),
* 4 (resource group),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Mail address of an external participant.
{- id ( integer ): User ID. Confirming for other users only works for appointments and not for tasks.
- display_name ( string ): Displayable name of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - confirmmessage ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (user),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Email address of external participant.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of external participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - message ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Description:A JSON object containing the appointment's data.
Content-type: application/json-
{- recurrence_id ( integer ): Object ID of the entire appointment sequence. Present on series and change exception appointments. Equals to object identifier on series appointment and is different to object identifier on change exceptions.
- recurrence_position ( integer ): 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- recurrence_date_position ( integer ): Date of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- change_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all change exceptions of a sequence.
- delete_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all delete exceptions of a sequence.
- location ( string ): The location of the appointment.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (reserved),
* 2 (temporary),
* 3 (absent),
* 4 (free) - timezone ( string ): The timezone of the appointment.
- recurrence_start ( integer ): Start of a sequence without time.
- ignore_conflicts ( boolean ): Ignore soft conflicts for the new or modified appointment. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- title ( string ): Short description.
- start_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by start_time and full_time).
- end_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by end_time and full_time).
- note ( string ): Long description.
- alarm ( integer ): Specifies when to notify the participants as the number of minutes before the start of the appointment (-1 for "no alarm"). For tasks, the Time value specifies the absolute time when the user should be notified.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (none, single event),
* 1 (daily),
* 2 (weekly),
* 3 (monthly),
* 4 (yearly) - days ( integer ): Specifies which days of the week are part of a sequence. The value is a bitfield with bit 0 indicating sunday, bit 1 indicating monday and so on. May be present if recurrence_type > 1. If allowed but not present, the value defaults to 127 (all 7 days).
- day_in_month ( integer ): Specifies which day of a month is part of the sequence. Counting starts with 1. If the field "days" is also present, only days selected by that field are counted. If the number is bigger than the number of available days, the last available day is selected. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 2.
- month ( integer ): Month of the year in yearly sequencies. 0 represents January, 1 represents February and so on. Present if and only if recurrence_type = 4.
- interval ( integer ): Specifies an integer multiplier to the interval specified by recurrence_type. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0. Must be 1 if recurrence_type = 4.
- until ( integer ): Inclusive end date of a sequence. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0. The sequence has no end date if recurrence_type > 0 and this field is not present. Note: since this is a Date, the entire day after the midnight specified by the value is included.
- notification ( boolean ): If `true`, all participants are notified of any changes to this object. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- participants ( array[TaskParticipant] ): Each element identifies a participant, user, group or booked resource.
- users ( array[TaskUser] ): Each element represents a participant. User groups are resolved and are represented by their members. Any user can occur only once.
- occurrences ( integer ): Specifies how often a recurrence should appear. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0.
- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the appointment or task. Is used to recognize appointments within iCal files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- organizer ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment organizer which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- sequence ( integer ): iCal sequence number. **Not implemented for tasks**. Must be incremented on update. Will be incremented by the server, if not set.
- confirmations ( array[TaskConfirmation] ): Each element represents a confirming participant. This can be internal and external user. Not implemented for tasks.
- organizerId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userId of the appointment organizer if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principal ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment principal which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principalId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userIId of the appointment principal if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- full_time ( boolean ): `True` if the event is a whole day appointment or task, `false` otherwise.
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- id ( integer ): User ID.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (user),
* 2 (user group),
* 3 (resource),
* 4 (resource group),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Mail address of an external participant.
{- id ( integer ): User ID. Confirming for other users only works for appointments and not for tasks.
- display_name ( string ): Displayable name of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - confirmmessage ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (user),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Email address of external participant.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of external participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - message ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
'A JSON object containing the id of the newly created appointment if it was created successfully. If the appointment could not be created due to conflicts, the response body is an object with the field `conflicts`, which is an array of appointment objects which caused the conflict. Each appointment object which represents a resource conflict contains an additional field `hard_conflict` with the Boolean value `true`. If the user does not have read access to a conflicting appointment, only the fields `id`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `shown_as` and `participants` are present and the field `participants` contains only the participants which caused the conflict. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).'
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( AppointmentCreationData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): ID of the appointment.
- conflicts ( array[AppointmentCreationConflict] ): An array of appointments which cause conflicts.
{- hard_conflicts ( boolean ): `true` if appointment represents a resource conflict.
- recurrence_id ( integer ): Object ID of the entire appointment sequence. Present on series and change exception appointments. Equals to object identifier on series appointment and is different to object identifier on change exceptions.
- recurrence_position ( integer ): 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- recurrence_date_position ( integer ): Date of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- change_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all change exceptions of a sequence.
- delete_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all delete exceptions of a sequence.
- location ( string ): The location of the appointment.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (reserved),
* 2 (temporary),
* 3 (absent),
* 4 (free) - timezone ( string ): The timezone of the appointment.
- recurrence_start ( integer ): Start of a sequence without time.
- ignore_conflicts ( boolean ): Ignore soft conflicts for the new or modified appointment. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- title ( string ): Short description.
- start_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by start_time and full_time).
- end_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by end_time and full_time).
- note ( string ): Long description.
- alarm ( integer ): Specifies when to notify the participants as the number of minutes before the start of the appointment (-1 for "no alarm"). For tasks, the Time value specifies the absolute time when the user should be notified.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (none, single event),
* 1 (daily),
* 2 (weekly),
* 3 (monthly),
* 4 (yearly) - days ( integer ): Specifies which days of the week are part of a sequence. The value is a bitfield with bit 0 indicating sunday, bit 1 indicating monday and so on. May be present if recurrence_type > 1. If allowed but not present, the value defaults to 127 (all 7 days).
- day_in_month ( integer ): Specifies which day of a month is part of the sequence. Counting starts with 1. If the field "days" is also present, only days selected by that field are counted. If the number is bigger than the number of available days, the last available day is selected. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 2.
- month ( integer ): Month of the year in yearly sequencies. 0 represents January, 1 represents February and so on. Present if and only if recurrence_type = 4.
- interval ( integer ): Specifies an integer multiplier to the interval specified by recurrence_type. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0. Must be 1 if recurrence_type = 4.
- until ( integer ): Inclusive end date of a sequence. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0. The sequence has no end date if recurrence_type > 0 and this field is not present. Note: since this is a Date, the entire day after the midnight specified by the value is included.
- notification ( boolean ): If `true`, all participants are notified of any changes to this object. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- participants ( array[TaskParticipant] ): Each element identifies a participant, user, group or booked resource.
- users ( array[TaskUser] ): Each element represents a participant. User groups are resolved and are represented by their members. Any user can occur only once.
- occurrences ( integer ): Specifies how often a recurrence should appear. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0.
- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the appointment or task. Is used to recognize appointments within iCal files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- organizer ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment organizer which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- sequence ( integer ): iCal sequence number. **Not implemented for tasks**. Must be incremented on update. Will be incremented by the server, if not set.
- confirmations ( array[TaskConfirmation] ): Each element represents a confirming participant. This can be internal and external user. Not implemented for tasks.
- organizerId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userId of the appointment organizer if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principal ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment principal which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principalId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userIId of the appointment principal if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- full_time ( boolean ): `True` if the event is a whole day appointment or task, `false` otherwise.
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- id ( integer ): User ID.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (user),
* 2 (user group),
* 3 (resource),
* 4 (resource group),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Mail address of an external participant.
{- id ( integer ): User ID. Confirming for other users only works for appointments and not for tasks.
- display_name ( string ): Displayable name of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - confirmmessage ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (user),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Email address of external participant.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of external participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - message ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
query string start (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start on or after this date are returned.
query long end (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end before this date are returned.
query long folder (empty) Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried. If not specified, defaults to all calendar folders.
query string recurrence_master (empty) Extract the recurrence to several appointments. The default value is false so every appointment of the recurrence will be calculated.
query boolean Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with appointment data. Each array element describes one appointment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. Appointment sequencies are broken up into individual appointments and each occurrence of a sequence in the requested range is returned separately. The appointments are sorted in ascending order by the field `start_date`. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of appointments. Each appointment is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the deleted appointments.
query long Body:
Description:A JSON array of JSON objects with the id, folder and optionally the recurrence position (if present in an appointment to fully identify it) of the appointments.
Content-type: application/json-
{- id ( string , required ): The object ID of the appointment.
- folder ( string , required ): The object ID of the related folder.
- pos ( integer ): Value of the field recurrence_position, if present in the appointment.
A JSON array of objects identifying the appointments which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[AppointmentDeletionsElement] ): An array with object IDs of appointments which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string , required ): The object ID of the appointment.
- folder ( string , required ): The object ID of the related folder.
- pos ( integer ): Value of the field recurrence_position, if present in the appointment.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the requested appointments.
query long folder (empty) Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried. That parameter may be absent in case ignore is set to "deleted", which means all accessible calendar folders are considered. If ignore is not set to "deleted", that parameter is mandatory.
query string start (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned. This parameter is optional in case a certain folder is queried, but mandatory if all accessible calendar folders are supposed to be considered (folder not specified).
query long end (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned. This parameter is optional in case a certain folder is queried, but mandatory if all accessible calendar folders are supposed to be considered (folder not specified).
query long ignore Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.
query string recurrence_master (empty) Extract the recurrence to several appointments. The default value is false so every appointment of the recurrence will be calculated.
query boolean Responses:
An array with new, modified and deleted appointments. New and modified appointments are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. Deleted appointments (should the ignore parameter be ever implemented) would be identified by their object IDs as integers, without being part of a nested array. Appointment sequencies are broken up into individual appointments and each modified occurrence of a sequence in the requested range is returned separately. The appointments are sorted in ascending order by the field start_date. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of appointments.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
query string recurrence_master (empty) Extract the recurrence to several appointments. The default value is false so every appointment of the recurrence will be calculated.
query boolean Body:
Description:A JSON array of JSON objects with the id, folder and optionally either recurrence_position or recurrence_date_position of the requested appointments.
Content-type: application/json-
{- id ( string , required ): The object ID of the appointment.
- folder ( string , required ): The object ID of the related folder.
- recurrence_position ( integer ): 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence.
- recurrence_date_position ( integer ): Date of an individual appointment in a sequence.
A JSON object containing an array with data for the requested appointments. Each array element describes one appointment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of appointments. Each appointment is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Internal user id. Must be obtained from the contact module.
query integer start (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned.
query long end (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned.
query long type Constant for user or resource (1 for users, 3 for resources).
query integer Responses:
An array of objects identifying the appointments which lie between start and end as described. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[AppointmentFreeBusyItem] ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- full_time ( boolean ): True if the event is a whole day appointment or task, false otherwise.
- confirmations ( array[TaskConfirmation] ): Each element represents a confirming participant. This can be internal and external user. Not implemented for tasks.
- title ( string ): Short description.
- start_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by start_time and full_time).
- end_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by end_time and full_time).
- participants ( array[TaskParticipant] ): Each element identifies a participant, user, group or booked resource.
, possibleValues:
, possibleValues:
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (user),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Email address of external participant.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of external participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - message ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
{- id ( integer ): User ID.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (user),
* 2 (user group),
* 3 (resource),
* 4 (resource group),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Mail address of an external participant.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the requested appointment.
query string folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the appointments.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the updated appointment. If the appointment was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.
query long Body:
Description:A JSON object containing the appointment's data. The field `recurrence_id` is always present if it is present in the original appointment. The field `recurrence_position` is present if it is present in the original appointment and only this single appointment should be modified. The field `id` is not present because it is already included as a parameter. Other fields are present only if modified.
Content-type: application/json-
{- recurrence_id ( integer ): Object ID of the entire appointment sequence. Present on series and change exception appointments. Equals to object identifier on series appointment and is different to object identifier on change exceptions.
- recurrence_position ( integer ): 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- recurrence_date_position ( integer ): Date of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- change_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all change exceptions of a sequence.
- delete_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all delete exceptions of a sequence.
- location ( string ): The location of the appointment.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (reserved),
* 2 (temporary),
* 3 (absent),
* 4 (free) - timezone ( string ): The timezone of the appointment.
- recurrence_start ( integer ): Start of a sequence without time.
- ignore_conflicts ( boolean ): Ignore soft conflicts for the new or modified appointment. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- title ( string ): Short description.
- start_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by start_time and full_time).
- end_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by end_time and full_time).
- note ( string ): Long description.
- alarm ( integer ): Specifies when to notify the participants as the number of minutes before the start of the appointment (-1 for "no alarm"). For tasks, the Time value specifies the absolute time when the user should be notified.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (none, single event),
* 1 (daily),
* 2 (weekly),
* 3 (monthly),
* 4 (yearly) - days ( integer ): Specifies which days of the week are part of a sequence. The value is a bitfield with bit 0 indicating sunday, bit 1 indicating monday and so on. May be present if recurrence_type > 1. If allowed but not present, the value defaults to 127 (all 7 days).
- day_in_month ( integer ): Specifies which day of a month is part of the sequence. Counting starts with 1. If the field "days" is also present, only days selected by that field are counted. If the number is bigger than the number of available days, the last available day is selected. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 2.
- month ( integer ): Month of the year in yearly sequencies. 0 represents January, 1 represents February and so on. Present if and only if recurrence_type = 4.
- interval ( integer ): Specifies an integer multiplier to the interval specified by recurrence_type. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0. Must be 1 if recurrence_type = 4.
- until ( integer ): Inclusive end date of a sequence. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0. The sequence has no end date if recurrence_type > 0 and this field is not present. Note: since this is a Date, the entire day after the midnight specified by the value is included.
- notification ( boolean ): If `true`, all participants are notified of any changes to this object. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- participants ( array[TaskParticipant] ): Each element identifies a participant, user, group or booked resource.
- users ( array[TaskUser] ): Each element represents a participant. User groups are resolved and are represented by their members. Any user can occur only once.
- occurrences ( integer ): Specifies how often a recurrence should appear. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0.
- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the appointment or task. Is used to recognize appointments within iCal files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- organizer ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment organizer which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- sequence ( integer ): iCal sequence number. **Not implemented for tasks**. Must be incremented on update. Will be incremented by the server, if not set.
- confirmations ( array[TaskConfirmation] ): Each element represents a confirming participant. This can be internal and external user. Not implemented for tasks.
- organizerId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userId of the appointment organizer if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principal ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment principal which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principalId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userIId of the appointment principal if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- full_time ( boolean ): `True` if the event is a whole day appointment or task, `false` otherwise.
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- id ( integer ): User ID.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (user),
* 2 (user group),
* 3 (resource),
* 4 (resource group),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Mail address of an external participant.
{- id ( integer ): User ID. Confirming for other users only works for appointments and not for tasks.
- display_name ( string ): Displayable name of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - confirmmessage ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (user),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Email address of external participant.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of external participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - message ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
A JSON object containing the id of the updated appointment. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( AppointmentUpdateData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): ID of the appointment.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the appointment that shall be confirmed.
query string folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the appointments.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the appointment.
query long occurrence (empty) The numeric identifier of the occurrence to which the confirmation applies (in case `id` denotes a series appointment).
query integer Body:
Description:A JSON object with the fields `confirmation`, `confirmmessage` and optionally `id`.
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - confirmmessage ( string , required ): The confirmation message or comment.
- id ( integer ): User ID. Confirming for other users only works for appointments and not for tasks.
, possibleValues:
Nothing, except the standard response object with empty data, the timestamp of the confirmed and thereby updated appointment, and maybe errors. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
query string Body:
Description:A JSON object containing search parameters.
Content-type: application/json-
{- pattern ( string ): Search pattern to find appointments. In the pattern, the character "*" matches zero or more characters and the character "?" matches exactly one character. All other characters match only themselves.
- startletter ( string ): Search appointments with the given starting letter.
A JSON object containing an array with matching appointments. Appointments are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of appointments. Each appointment is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type columns (empty) A comma-separated list of columns to return, like "1,500". Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier, see Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
query string start (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned.
query long end (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned.
query long limit (empty) Limits the number of returned objects to the given value.
query string sort (empty) The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified and holds a column number, then the parameter order must be also specified.
query string order (empty) "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with appointment data. Appointments are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the `columns` parameter. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( data ): Array of appointments. Each appointment is described as an array itself.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) Object ID of the requested appointment.
query string folder (empty) Object ID of the folder who contains the appointments.
query string recurrence_position (empty) Recurrence position of requested appointment.
query integer Responses:
An object containing all data of the requested appointment. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( AppointmentData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- recurrence_id ( integer ): Object ID of the entire appointment sequence. Present on series and change exception appointments. Equals to object identifier on series appointment and is different to object identifier on change exceptions.
- recurrence_position ( integer ): 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- recurrence_date_position ( integer ): Date of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
- change_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all change exceptions of a sequence.
- delete_exceptions ( array[integer] , read only ): An array of Dates, representing all delete exceptions of a sequence.
- location ( string ): The location of the appointment.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (reserved),
* 2 (temporary),
* 3 (absent),
* 4 (free) - timezone ( string ): The timezone of the appointment.
- recurrence_start ( integer ): Start of a sequence without time.
- ignore_conflicts ( boolean ): Ignore soft conflicts for the new or modified appointment. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- title ( string ): Short description.
- start_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by start_time and full_time).
- end_date ( integer ): (DEPRECATED) Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments. (deprecated for tasks since v7.6.1, replaced by end_time and full_time).
- note ( string ): Long description.
- alarm ( integer ): Specifies when to notify the participants as the number of minutes before the start of the appointment (-1 for "no alarm"). For tasks, the Time value specifies the absolute time when the user should be notified.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (none, single event),
* 1 (daily),
* 2 (weekly),
* 3 (monthly),
* 4 (yearly) - days ( integer ): Specifies which days of the week are part of a sequence. The value is a bitfield with bit 0 indicating sunday, bit 1 indicating monday and so on. May be present if recurrence_type > 1. If allowed but not present, the value defaults to 127 (all 7 days).
- day_in_month ( integer ): Specifies which day of a month is part of the sequence. Counting starts with 1. If the field "days" is also present, only days selected by that field are counted. If the number is bigger than the number of available days, the last available day is selected. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 2.
- month ( integer ): Month of the year in yearly sequencies. 0 represents January, 1 represents February and so on. Present if and only if recurrence_type = 4.
- interval ( integer ): Specifies an integer multiplier to the interval specified by recurrence_type. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0. Must be 1 if recurrence_type = 4.
- until ( integer ): Inclusive end date of a sequence. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0. The sequence has no end date if recurrence_type > 0 and this field is not present. Note: since this is a Date, the entire day after the midnight specified by the value is included.
- notification ( boolean ): If `true`, all participants are notified of any changes to this object. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
- participants ( array[TaskParticipant] ): Each element identifies a participant, user, group or booked resource.
- users ( array[TaskUser] ): Each element represents a participant. User groups are resolved and are represented by their members. Any user can occur only once.
- occurrences ( integer ): Specifies how often a recurrence should appear. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0.
- uid ( string ): Can only be written when the object is created. Internal and external globally unique identifier of the appointment or task. Is used to recognize appointments within iCal files. If this attribute is not written it contains an automatic generated UUID.
- organizer ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment organizer which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- sequence ( integer ): iCal sequence number. **Not implemented for tasks**. Must be incremented on update. Will be incremented by the server, if not set.
- confirmations ( array[TaskConfirmation] ): Each element represents a confirming participant. This can be internal and external user. Not implemented for tasks.
- organizerId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userId of the appointment organizer if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principal ( string ): Contains the email address of the appointment principal which is not necessarily an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- principalId ( integer , read only ): Contains the userIId of the appointment principal if it is an internal user. **Not implemented for tasks**.
- full_time ( boolean ): `True` if the event is a whole day appointment or task, `false` otherwise.
- id ( string ): Object ID.
- created_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who created this object.
- modified_by ( integer , read only ): User ID of the user who last modified this object.
- creation_date ( integer , read only ): Date and time of creation.
- last_modified ( integer , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- folder_id ( string ): Object ID of the parent folder.
- categories ( string ): String containing comma separated the categories. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
- private_flag ( boolean ): Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When `true`, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
- color_label ( integer ): Color number used by Outlook to label the object. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). Not present in folder objects.
- number_of_attachments ( integer ): Number of attachments.
- lastModifiedOfNewestAttachmentUTC ( integer ): Timestamp of the newest attachment written with UTC time zone.
{- id ( integer ): User ID.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (user),
* 2 (user group),
* 3 (resource),
* 4 (resource group),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Mail address of an external participant.
{- id ( integer ): User ID. Confirming for other users only works for appointments and not for tasks.
- display_name ( string ): Displayable name of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - confirmmessage ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
* 0 (user),
* 5 (external user) - mail ( string ): Email address of external participant.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of external participant.
, possibleValues:
* 1 (accepted),
* 2 (declined),
* 3 (tentative) - message ( string ): Confirm message of the participant.
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type uid (empty) The UID that shall be resolved.
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing the related object ID in the field `id`. If no object exists with the specified UID or in case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( AppointmentUpdateData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): ID of the appointment.
Provides access to capabilities, i.e. modules or features that are available on the backend and the user has access to.-
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) The identifier of the capability
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing the data of the capability or an empty result, if capability not available. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( CapabilityData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): The identifier of the capability.
- attributes ( attributes ): A JSON object holding properties of the capability.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
A JSON object containing an array with data for all capabilities. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[CapabilityData] ): An array of JSON objects each describing one capability.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( string ): The identifier of the capability.
- attributes ( attributes ): A JSON object holding properties of the capability.
Deletes the fingerprint/hostname combination
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type fingerprint (empty) The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
query string hostname (empty) The hostname for which the SSL certificate is trusted/not trusted. If absent, then all entries for the specified fingerprint will be deleted
query string Responses:
An empty JSON object. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Returns all trusted and untrusted SSL certificates
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
A JSON object containing an array with data for all certificates. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[CertificateStoreData] ): An array of certificate objects.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- fingerprint ( string ): The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
- hostname ( string ): The hostname which the endpoint call was done, or the hostname for which the exception is valid
- trusted ( boolean ): Whether the SSL certificate is trusted by the user
Examines an untrusted SSL certificate from a previous endpoint call. The SSL certificate is cached for a brief amount of time by the middleware (2 minutes).
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type fingerprint (empty) The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing the data of the certificate. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( CertificateExamineData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- fingerprint ( string ): The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
- issuedOn ( integer ): The timestamp of the date when the SSL certificate was issued
- expiresOn ( integer ): The timestamp of the date when the SSL certificate expires
- hostname ( string ): The hostname which the endpoint call was done, or the hostname for which the exception is valid
- commonName ( string ): The hostname for which the SSL certificate is valid (Comon Name)
- issuedBy ( string ): Information on the authority that issued the SSL certificate
- signature ( string ): The signature of the SSL certificate
- serialNumber ( string ): The serial number of the SSL certificate
- failureReason ( string ): The reason why the SSL certificate is not trusted
- expired ( boolean ): Whether the SSL certificate is expired
- trusted ( boolean ): Whether the SSL certificate is trusted by the user
Stores the fingerprint of an SSL certificate in combination with a hostname as either trusted or untrusted. This API call also accepts a JSONObject.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type fingerprint (empty) The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
query string hostname (empty) The hostname for which to trust/untrust the SSL certificate
query string trust (empty) Whether the combination of the SSL certificate and the hostname is to be trusted
query boolean Body:
Description:A JSON object describing the SSL certificate.
Content-type: application/json-
{- fingerprint ( string ): The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
- hostname ( string ): The hostname which the endpoint call was done, or the hostname for which the exception is valid
- trusted ( boolean ): Whether the SSL certificate is trusted by the user
An empty JSON object. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Deletes all fingerprint/hostname combinations for the user
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
An empty JSON object. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Updates the exception for an SSL certificate in combination with a hostname as either trusted or untrusted
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type fingerprint (empty) The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
query string hostname (empty) The hostname for which to trust/untrust the SSL certificate
query string trust (empty) Whether the combination of the SSL certificate and the hostname is to be trusted
query boolean Responses:
An empty JSON object. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Gets a specific or all SSL certificates
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type fingerprint (empty) The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
query string hostname (empty) The hostname for which the SSL certificate is trusted/not trusted. If absent, then all entries for the specified fingerprint will be returned
query string Responses:
A JSON object containing an array with data for all certificates. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[CertificateStoreData] ): An array of certificate objects.
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- fingerprint ( string ): The fingerprint of the SSL certificate
- hostname ( string ): The hostname which the endpoint call was done, or the hostname for which the exception is valid
- trusted ( boolean ): Whether the SSL certificate is trusted by the user
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) ID of the event.
query string folder (empty) ID of the folder who contains the events.
query string extendedEntities (empty) If set to 'true' attendees of internal users will be extended by a 'contact' field, which contains some of the contact fields of this user.
query boolean pushToken (empty) The client's push token to allow filtering of push events for modified calendar data
query string fields (empty) A comma-separated list of field identifiers.
query string alarmId (empty) The id of the alarm which shall be acknowledged.
query integer Responses:
A JSON object containing containing the result of the acknowledge operation. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( CalendarResult ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- created ( array[EventData] ): The created events.
- updated ( array ): The updated events.
- deleted ( array ): The deleted events.
- conflicts ( array[ChronosConflictDataRaw] ): An array of conflicts.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
Conflict - A conflict.
{- hard_conflict ( boolean ): Defines whether the conflict is a hard conflict or not.
- conflicting_attendees ( array ): An array of conflicting attendees.
- event ( EventData ): No description available
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type query (empty) The query
query string language (empty) The language/locale to translate the results to. If none is provided then the locale of the user's session will be used. If that one is not available then falls back to 'en'.
query string maxRows (empty) Specifies the maximum amount of results to return. If not specified, then it will fall back to '20'
query integer Responses:
A JSON object containing the result of the browse operation. The structure of the returned JSON object can be found here (
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( SearchData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- item_id ( string ): For search will always be 'nil'
- name ( string ): The query that was used to search
- page_sections ( array[PageSectionsData] ): No description available
{- items ( array[object] ): No description available
- name ( string ): The section's name
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
An object containing all data of the requested availability. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[Available] ): Array of Available blocks
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- id ( integer ): The identifier of the available block.
- user ( integer ): The user identifier of the available block.
- uid ( string ): The unique identifier of the available block.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- modified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- start ( DateTime ): No description available
- end ( DateTime ): No description available
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
(DEPRECATED) Updates an event based on an update sent by the organizer or a reply sent to the organizer.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type timezone (empty) The timezone to show the resulting events in.
query string Body:
Description:The data source object.
Content-type: application/json-
{- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.fullname ( string ): The identifier of the folder.
- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.mailid ( string ): The identifier of the mail.
- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.sequenceid ( string ): The identifier of attachment to analyze.
An array of Events that were newly created or changed.
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[EventData] ): The created or updated event.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) ID of the event.
query string folder (empty) ID of the folder who contains the events.
query string managedId (empty) The identifier of the attachment.
query integer Responses:
The attachment's raw data. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type folder (empty) ID of the folder who contains the events.
query string id (empty) ID of the event.
query string recurrenceId (empty) The recurrence identifier.
query string recurrenceRange (empty) The targeted range specified with the recurrence id.
query string checkConflicts (empty) Whether to check for conflicts or not.
query boolean scheduling Controls the generation of scheduling messages and notification mails for the current operation.
query string extendedEntities (empty) If set to 'true' attendees of internal users will be extended by a 'contact' field, which contains some of the contact fields of this user.
query boolean pushToken (empty) The client's push token to allow filtering of push events for modified calendar data
query string fields (empty) A comma-separated list of field identifiers.
query string rangeStart (empty) If expand is set to 'true' this parameter defines a lower inclusive limit as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which start on or after this date are returned.
query string rangeEnd (empty) If expand is set to 'true' this parameter defines a upper exclusive limit as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which end before this date are returned.
query string expand (empty) Defines if event series should be extended or not.
query boolean usedGroups (empty) In case the client resolves groups into single attendees the client can provide the ids of the groups he used (resolved) as a comma separated list. This way the usecount of those groups will be increased.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the event.
query long Body:
Description:A JSON object containing the event's data.
Content-type: application/json-
{- event ( EventData ): No description available
- comment ( string ): Optional comment for the user to provide information about the update of the event. This will not be peristed and is just used to inform the attendees via notifications and invitation mails
A JSON object containing containing the result of the update. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( CalendarResult ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- created ( array[EventData] ): The created events.
- updated ( array ): The updated events.
- deleted ( array ): The deleted events.
- conflicts ( array[ChronosConflictDataRaw] ): An array of conflicts.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
Conflict - A conflict.
{- hard_conflict ( boolean ): Defines whether the conflict is a hard conflict or not.
- conflicting_attendees ( array ): An array of conflicting attendees.
- event ( EventData ): No description available
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
It is possible to update multiple attachments at once. Therefore add additional form fields and replace "[index]" in
with the appropriate index, likefile_1
. The index always starts with 0 (mandatory attachment object). There can only be one json payload describing the EventData, the rest json payloads (if present) will simply be ignored. If the event already has attachments, then for each of those attachments their valid manageId must be provided as part of the attachment metadata. The absense of an already existing attachment for the event will result in the deletion of that attachment.Security:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type folder (empty) ID of the folder who contains the events.
query string id (empty) ID of the event.
query string recurrenceId (empty) The recurrence identifier.
query string checkConflicts (empty) Whether to check for conflicts or not.
query boolean scheduling Controls the generation of scheduling messages and notification mails for the current operation.
query string extendedEntities (empty) If set to 'true' attendees of internal users will be extended by a 'contact' field, which contains some of the contact fields of this user.
query boolean usedGroups (empty) In case the client resolves groups into single attendees the client can provide the ids of the groups he used (resolved) as a comma separated list. This way the usecount of those groups will be increased.
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the event.
query long Body:
Description:No description available
Content-type: multipart/form-data-
{- json_0 ( string , required ): A JSON object containing an optional comment for the user to provide information about the update of the event under the key 'comment' and the event's data as described in EventData under the key 'data'.
- file_0 ( string , required ): The attachment file as per ``.
A HTML page containing the result of the update or in case of errors an error object (see File uploads as an example).
Content-type: text/html-
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type id (empty) ID of the event.
query string folder (empty) ID of the folder who contains the events.
query string recurrenceId (empty) The recurrence identifier.
query string fields (empty) A comma-separated list of field identifiers.
query string extendedEntities (empty) If set to 'true' attendees of internal users will be extended by a 'contact' field, which contains some of the contact fields of this user.
query boolean Responses:
An object containing all data of the requested event. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( EventData ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type rangeStart (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a utc date-time value as specified in RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which start on or after this date are returned.
query string rangeEnd (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a utc date-time value as specified in RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which end before this date are returned.
query string fields (empty) A comma-separated list of field identifiers.
query string order (empty) The sort order to apply, either
for ascending, orDESC
for descending.query string sort (empty) Specifies the field for sorting the results.
query string expand (empty) Defines if event series should be extended or not.
query boolean extendedEntities (empty) If set to 'true' attendees of internal users will be extended by a 'contact' field, which contains some of the contact fields of this user.
query boolean Body:
Description:A JSON object describing the search term as introducted in Advanced search. Example: `{"filter":["and",["=", {"field":"summary"},"FooBar Meeting"],["=",{"field":"createdBy"},"1337"]]}` which represents 'summary = "FooBar Meeting" AND createdBy = "1337"'. Valid fields are the following ones specified in Event data model: `summary`, `location`, `description`, `organizer`, `attendees`, `url`, `uid`, `timestamp`, `created`, `createdBy`, `lastModified`, `modifiedBy`, `sequence`, `categories`, `color`, `rrule`, `transp`, `status`, `class`. Calendar users in `organizer` / `attendees` can either be matched by their internal entity identifier, or based on their email address. The fields `startDate` and `endDate` can be defined with the `rangeStart` and `rangeEnd` URL parameters.
Content-type: application/json-
A JSON object containing an array with events. The events are sorted in ascending order by the field `start_date`. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[MultipleEventData] ): No description available
{- error ( error ): No description available
- folder ( string ): No description available
- events ( array[EventData] ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
{- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the events.
query long rangeStart (empty) If expand is set to 'true' this parameter defines a lower inclusive limit as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which start on or after this date are returned.
query string rangeEnd (empty) If expand is set to 'true' this parameter defines a upper exclusive limit as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which end before this date are returned.
query string expand (empty) Defines if event series should be extended or not.
query boolean extendedEntities (empty) If set to 'true' attendees of internal users will be extended by a 'contact' field, which contains some of the contact fields of this user.
query boolean fields (empty) A comma-separated list of field identifiers.
query string pushToken (empty) The client's push token to allow filtering of push events for modified calendar data
query string scheduling Controls the generation of scheduling messages and notification mails for the current operation.
query string Body:
Description:A JSON array of JSON objects with the id and optionally the recurrence position of the event.
Content-type: application/json-
{- events ( array[EventId] ): No description available
- comment ( string ): Optional comment for the user to provide information about the deletion of the event. This will not be peristed and is just used to inform the attendees via notifications and invitation mails.
{- folder ( string , required ): The identifier of the folder.
- id ( string , required ): The identifier of the event.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence.
- recurrenceRange ( string ): The targeted range specified with the recurrence id.
An json object containing the deleted event if the deletion was successful. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( CalendarResults ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- folderId ( string ): The folder id.
- id ( string ): The event id.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id.
- error ( Error ): In case an error occurs this field contains error relevant data.
- created ( array[EventData] ): The created events.
- updated ( array ): The updated events.
- deleted ( array ): The deleted events.
- conflicts ( array[ChronosConflictDataRaw] ): An array of conflicts.
Error - In case an error occurs this field contains error relevant data.
{- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): An array of error params.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
Conflict - A conflict.
{- hard_conflict ( boolean ): Defines whether the conflict is a hard conflict or not.
- conflicting_attendees ( array ): An array of conflicting attendees.
- event ( EventData ): No description available
In case the oauth token is missing or is invalid
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
In case the scope of the oauth token is insufficient
Content-type: application/json-
, possibleValues:
- error_description ( string ): The error description
- scope ( string ): The missing scope
, possibleValues:
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type message (empty) The comment the attendee wants to transmit
query string timezone (empty) The timezone to show the resulting events in.
query string Body:
Description:The data source object.
Content-type: application/json-
{- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.fullname ( string ): The identifier of the folder.
- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.mailid ( string ): The identifier of the mail.
- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.sequenceid ( string ): The identifier of attachment to analyze.
An array of Events that were newly created or changed.
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[EventData] ): The created or updated event.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type message (empty) The comment the attendee wants to transmit
query string timezone (empty) The timezone to show the resulting events in.
query string Body:
Description:The data source object.
Content-type: application/json-
{- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.fullname ( string ): The identifier of the folder.
- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.mailid ( string ): The identifier of the mail.
- com.openexchange.mail.conversion.sequenceid ( string ): The identifier of attachment to analyze.
An array of Events that were newly created or changed.
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[EventData] ): The created or updated event.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
- folder ( string ): The folder of the attendee.
- partStat ( string ): The participation status.
, possibleValues:
- The chair of the calendar entity.REQ-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is required.OPT-PARTICIPANT
- A participant whose participation is optional.NON-PARTICIPANT
- A participant who is copied for information purposes only.
- comment ( string ): The comment of the attendee.
- rsvp ( boolean ): The rsvp expectation of the attendee.
- member ( array[string] ): Each element represents the ID of a group or list in which the attendee is a member.
- contact ( contact ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
- resource ( resource ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
- group ( group ): In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
, possibleValues:
contact - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is an internal user then this field contains some of the contact data of this user.
{- first_name ( string ): The first name of the attendee.
- last_name ( string ): The last name of the attendee.
- title ( string ): The title of the attendee.
- display_name ( string ): The display name of the attendee.
- image1_url ( string ): The url to the image of the attendee.
resource - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a resource then this field contains the data of this resource.
{- id ( integer ): The resource ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the resource.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- mailaddress ( string ): Email address of the resource.
- availability ( boolean ): Can be false to mark the resource currently unavailable.
- description ( string ): The description of the resource.
- last_modified ( string , read only ): Date and time of the last modification.
- last_modified_utc ( string , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
group - In case the parameter 'extendedEntities' is set to 'true' and the entity is a group then this field contains the data of this group.
{- id ( integer ): The group ID.
- display_name ( string ): Display name of the group.
- name ( string ): Internal name with character restrictions.
- members ( array[integer] ): The array contains identifiers of users that are member of the group.
- last_modified_utc ( integer , read only ): Timestamp of the last modification.
extendedParameters - Extended parameters of the conference.
{- key ( string ): The name of the parameter
{- uid ( string ): The uid of the alarm.
- id ( integer ): The id of the alarm.
- action ( string ): The action of the alarm.
- acknowledged ( integer ): The time of the acknowledgement.
- trigger ( Trigger ): The trigger of the alarm.
- attachments ( array[ChronosAttachment] ): An array of attachments.
- attendees ( array ): An array of attendees.
- summary ( string ): The summary of this alarm.
- description ( string ): The description of this alarm.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
Trigger - The trigger of the alarm.
{- duration ( string ): The duration of the trigger relative to the related field. See rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.6. for more informations about durations.
, possibleValues:
- dateTime ( string ): Defines an absolute date for the alarm. The value is a date-time value in utc timezone as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z"
{- filename ( string ): The name of the attachment file.
- fmtType ( string ): The format type of the attachment.
- size ( integer ): The size of the attachment in bytes.
- created ( integer ): The creation date.
- managedId ( integer ): The manage id of the attachment.
- uri ( string ): A uniform resource identifier to the attachment file.
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
Geo - The geolocation of the event.
{- lat ( number ): The latitude geographic coordinate.
- long ( number ): The longitude geographic coordinate.
{- id ( integer ): The internal identifier of the conference.
- uri ( string ): The URI to access the conference.
- label ( string ): The label used to convey additional details on the use of the URI.
- features ( array[string] ): The features describing the key capabilities of the conference system.
- extendedParameters ( extendedParameters ): Extended parameters of the conference.
This security scheme must be used:Name Scopes session
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type rangeStart (empty) Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only alarms that should trigger on or after this date are returned.
query string rangeEnd (empty) Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only alarms that should trigger on or after this date are returned.
query string actions (empty) A comma separated list of alarm actions. Only this actions will be returned.
query string Responses:
An array of alarm trigger objects. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( array[object] ): An array of alarm trigger objects
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
One of these security schemes must be used:Name Scopes session
Name Scopes oauth
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type folder (empty) ID of the folder who contains the events.
query string id (empty) ID of the event.
query string recurrenceId (empty) The recurrence identifier.
query string recurrenceRange (empty) The targeted range specified with the recurrence id.
query string expand (empty) Defines if event series should be extended or not.
query boolean fields (empty) A comma-separated list of field identifiers.
query string pushToken (empty) The client's push token to allow filtering of push events for modified calendar data
query string timestamp (empty) Timestamp of the last update of the event.
query long rangeStart (empty) If expand is set to 'true' this parameter defines a lower inclusive limit as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which start on or after this date are returned.
query string rangeEnd (empty) If expand is set to 'true' this parameter defines a upper exclusive limit as a utc date-time value as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000Z". Only events which end before this date are returned.
query string scheduling Controls the generation of scheduling messages and notification mails for the current operation.
query string Body:
Description:A JSON object containing the new organizer and an optional comment.
Content-type: application/json-
{- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- comment ( string ): Optional comment for the acting organizer to provide information about the reason of transmitting the event to an new organizer. This will not be peristed and is just used to inform the attendees via notification mails
{- sentBy ( SentByCalendarUser ): A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
SentByCalendarUser - A calendar user that is acting on behalf of this calendar user
{- uri ( string ): The universal resource identifier of the user.
- cn ( string ): The common name of the user.
- email ( string ): The mail address of the user.
- entity ( integer ): The internal user identifier.
A JSON object containing containing the result of the update. In case of errors the responsible fields in the response are filled (see Error handling).
Content-type: application/json-
{- data ( CalendarResult ): No description available
- timestamp ( integer ): The latest timestamp of the returned data (see Updates).
- error ( string ): The translated error message. Present in case of errors.
- error_params ( array[string] ): Empty JSON array.
- error_id ( string ): Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
- error_desc ( string ): The technical error message (always English) useful for debugging the problem. Might be the same as error message if there is no more information available.
- error_stack ( array[string] ): If configured (see com.openexchange.ajax.response.includeStackTraceOnError) this field provides the stack trace of associated Java exception represented as a JSON array.
- code ( string ): Error code consisting of an upper-case module identifier and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash; e.g. "MSG-0012"
- categories ( string ): Either a single (String) or list (Array) of upper-case category identifiers to which the error belongs.
- category ( integer ): Maintained for legacy reasons: The numeric representation of the first category.
{- created ( array[EventData] ): The created events.
- updated ( array ): The updated events.
- deleted ( array ): The deleted events.
- conflicts ( array[ChronosConflictDataRaw] ): An array of conflicts.
{- startDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- endDate ( DateTime ): No description available
- created ( integer ): The creation time.
- timestamp ( integer , read only ): The timestamp of the event.
- categories ( array[string] ): An array of categories.
- filename ( string ): The filename of the event.
- uid ( string ): The universal identifier of the event.
- description ( string ): The event's description.
- attendees ( array[Attendee] ): The attendees of the event.
- alarms ( array[Alarm] ): The alarms of the event for the current user.
- lastModified ( integer ): The last modification time.
- modifiedBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- summary ( string ): The summary of the event.
- sequence ( integer ): The sequence number of the event.
- id ( string ): The identifier of the event.
- class ( string ): The classification of the event.
- organizer ( CalendarUser ): No description available
, possibleValues:
- color ( string ): The color of the even as a css3 color definition.
- folder ( string ): The folder identifier.
- createdBy ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- changeExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of changed recurrences.
- deleteExceptionDates ( array[string] ): An array of deleted recurrences.
- recurrenceId ( string ): The recurrence id of this recurrence. The value is either a utc date-time value (e.g. "20170708T220000Z"), a floating date-time (e.g. "20170708T220000"), a date (e.g. "20170708"), or a local time with timezone reference (e.g. "Europe/Berlin:20170708T220000"). See RFC 5545 chapter 3.3.5. for more information.
- calendarUser ( CalendarUser ): No description available
- rrule ( string ): The recurrence rule according to rfc 5545 chapter
- attachments ( array ): An array of attachments.
- extendedProperties ( extendedProperties ): No description available
- geo ( Geo ): The geolocation of the event.
- attendeePrivileges ( string ): The privileges attendees have on an event.
- url ( string ): The uniform resource locator (URL) of the event.
- seriesId ( string ): The identifier of the event series.
- status ( string ): The status of the event.
- location ( string ): The location of the event.
- flags ( array[string] ): Flags indicating certain aspects of an event, as described in Event Flags.
- relatedTo ( string ): The relationship between this and other events.
- conferences ( array[Conference] ): The conferences of the event.
{- value ( string ): A date-time value without timezone information as specified in rfc 5545 chapter 3.3.5. E.g. "20170708T220000"
- tzid ( string ): A timezone identifier. E.g. "America/New_York"
, possibleValues:
, possibleValues: