Servlets deprecated

This pages contains an overview about which servlets are registered by the middleware core from which packages, and what their purpose is. Also there is an recommendation to whom to expose the servlets to. Please note that this is not an complete overview about about all registered servlets. Additional components like e.g. documents will register their own serlvets. Please read the corresponding documentation, too.


Servlet Path Package Expose to Property to configure
DAV /servlet/dav open-xchange-dav Clients com.openexchange.dav.prefixPath
Dispatcher /ajax open-xchange-core Clients com.openexchange.dispatcher.prefixPath
EAS /serlvet/mobileconfig open-xchange-eas-provisioning Clients
Guard /oxguard open-xchange-guard Clients
Infostore /infostore, /files, /drive, /servlet/webdav.infostore, /servlet/" open-xchange-core Clients
Jolokia /monitoring/jolokia open-xchange-core Admins
Proxy /servlet/proxy open-xchange-core Clients
REST / open-xchange-core See below
SOAP CXF /webservices, /servlet/axis2/services open-xchange-soap-cxf Admins com.openexchange.soap.cxf.baseAddress
websockets / open-xchange-core Clients



Enables the DAV related functionality for the MW, in particular support for CalDAV and CardDAV. See CalDAV and CardDAV


The dispatcher framework handles any client request to the middleware. Note: Per default the dispatcher prefix is /ajax. However the UI will query the middleware via /appsuite/api. Therefore the used proxy needs to redirect those calls to /ajax. For example the apache configuration should contain the lines

  ProxyPass /ajax balancer://oxcluster/ajax
  ProxyPass /appsuite/api balancer://oxcluster/ajax


The endpoint for EAS clients to request their configuration from.


The Open Xchange Guard feature. As this feature provides additional API for clients, it registers new servlets, too. Note: The serlvelts registers by Guard will begin with /oxguard. However clients may query /appsuite/api/oxguard. Therefore likewise for the dispatcher, an proxy before the middleware should redirect calls. For example

  ProxyPass /appsuite/api/oxguard balancer://oxcluster/oxguard


The infostore aka drive module for the middleware. Provides files for clients.


Jolokia is an HTTP/JSON bridge for remote JMX access. Designed to be used by administrators


A module for the middleware in which it will act as a proxy.


REST API endpoints created by the middleware have multiple different path. Therefore a general statement is not possible. The list below will show all registered REST endpoints and outline by whom the APIs are accessed.

Feature Path Package Accessible by
Session closer /admin/v1/close-sessions open-xchange-core Master Admins
Password change history /admin/v1/contexts/{context-id}/users/{user-id}/passwd-changes open-xchange-admin Individual
Multifactor /admin/v1/contexts/{context-id}/users/{user-id}/multifactor/devices open-xchange-multifactor Basic Auth login
Adverstiment /advertisement/v1 open-xchange-advertisment Basic Auth login
Chronos Push Mail /chronos/v1/itip/pushmail open-xchange-core Basic Auth login
MW Healtch checks /health open-xchange-core Health check login
Guard guest share link /preliminary/guard/guest/v1 open-xchange-guard Basic Auth login
Dovecot Push /preliminary/http-notify/v1/ open-xchange-push-dovecot Basic Auth login
Authentication service /preliminary/adminproc/v1 open-xchange-rest Basic Auth login
Capability service /preliminary/capabilities/v1/ open-xchange-rest Basic Auth login
ConfigView service /preliminary/configuration/v1/ open-xchange-rest Basic Auth login
HTML sanitizer service /preliminary/htmlproc/v1/ open-xchange-rest Basic Auth login
SessionD service /preliminary/session/v1/ open-xchange-rest Basic Auth login
Mail resolver /preliminary/utilities/mailResolver/v1 open-xchange-rest Basic Auth login
User Feedback /userfeedback/v1 open-xchange-userfeedback Basic Auth login

Note: The "Basic Auth login" can be adjusted via

Further reading

The REST API is described here


SOAP admin interfaces.


The endpoint for creating and using websockets between the UI and the middleware.