API Factory deprecated
Superclass which provides basic caching mechanisms and common functions
It's used as superclass for most of our module and common APIs.
- factory for creating api instance
- instance can be customized via submitted options request
- provided functions for requesting server handles caching/event triggering
example usage
- use factory to get customized api instance
- customizable via options object to extend or overwrite
//get factory reference
require(['io.ox/core/api/factory'], function (factory) {
//get customized api instance
var myapi = factory({
//defines path/api for request
module: 'contacts',
//defining default parameters for requests using
//apis get, getAll and getList functions
requests: {
all: {
action: 'all',
folder: '6',
order: 'asc'
list: {
action: 'list',
columns: '20,1,101,500,501,502,505,520'
get: {
action: 'get'
params: {
all: function (options) {
//fix column
if (options.sort === 'thread') {
options.sort = 610;
return options;
default options
// globally unique id for caches
id: null
// for caches (if null use cache default generator)
keyGenerator: null
// modulename defines requested path
module: ""
// default params for all, list and get requests
requests: {
all: { action: "all", timezone: 'utc' },
list: { action: "list", timezone: 'utc' },
get: { action: "get", timezone: 'utc' },
search: { action: "search", timezone: 'utc' },
remove: { action: "delete" }
//generate key used to identify distinguish requests
cid: function (o) {
return o.folder + DELIM + (o.sortKey || o.sort) + '.' + o.order + '.' + (o.max || o.limit || 0);
//custom done callbacks
//supported keys: all, list, get
done: {}
//custom done callbacks
//supported keys: get
fail: {}
//custom pipe callbacks
//supported keys: all, list, get, allPost, listPost, getCache
pipe: {}
//custom function to fix params
//supported keys: all
params: {}
//custom filter
//currently used only in list request
filter: null
Event Hub
- Event Hub based on jQuery's on, off, one and trigger
- differences documentated for each function
// attach listener
api.on(type, data, function);
// detach listener
api.off(type, function);
// attach listener for a single execution
api.one(type, data, function);
// trigger event
// difference: allows multiple types separated by spaces.
// difference: actually calls triggerHandler since we are not in the DOM.
// explicit destroy to clean up.
- 'delete:' + id
- 'delete', ids
- 'beforedelete', ids
- 'refresh.all'
- 'refresh:all:local'
- 'refresh.list'
- 'update:' + id