Health Check deprecated


With v7.10.1 the Open-Xchange middleware offers health-checks to verify the middleware is running fine or get information which component is in trouble. This information can be retrieved via a REST interface.


The health-check feature is included in open-xchange-core package. Thus, no additional packages need to be installed. The REST interface will be available via GET hostname:8009/health .


Enable authentication to access REST interface

By default, there is no authentication for accessing the REST interface. To enable authentication, the properties and must be set.

Skip health-checks

To disable too expensive or invasive health-checks based on their names, the comma-separated list can be set. Health-checks listed here will not be executed at all.

Ignore health-check results

To ignore health-check results based on their names when evaluating the overall status, the comma-separated list can be set. Health-checks listed here will be executed and their results will be included in the response, but their status will not affect the overall status.


Available health-checks

With open-xchange-core the following health-checks are available


Checks if all bundles are ACTIVE. json { "name": "allPluginsLoaded", "status": "UP" }


JVM heap metrics based on MemoryMXBean-data. The field lastOOM is only available in DOWN case. json { "name": "jvmHeap", "status": "UP", "data": { "init": "260046848", "max": "523501568", "used": "234073864", "commited": "345624576", "lastOOM": "2018-08-30T12:43:50,319+0200" } }


Check the round-trip-time for read/write connections to the configDB. json { "name": "configDB", "status": "UP", "data": { "writeConnectionRoundTripTime": "230.573ms", "readConnectionRoundTripTime": "241.344ms" } }


If available, check for hazelcast cluster state. json { "name": "hazelcast", "status": "UP", "data": { "clusterState": "ACTIVE", "clusterVersion": "3.10", "memberVersion": "3.10.5", "memberCount": "1", "isLiteMember": "false" } }

Service data

Some information about the installed middleware. json "service": { "name": "appsuite-middleware", "version": "7.10.1-Rev0", "buildDate": "release-7.10.0", "date": "2018-09-29T16:23:58,524+0200", "timeZone": "Europe/Berlin", "locale": "de_DE", "charset": "UTF-8" }

Response codes

If all health-checks are running fine (or ignored), the HTTP status will be 200 OK and the health-check data will be included in the response body.

If any health-check is not running fine and not ignored, the HTTP status will be 503 Service unavailable and the health-check data will be included in the response body.

In case of severe middleware problems and the health-checks can not be executed, the HTTP status will be 500 Internal Server Error. In this case no data can be included in the response body.