updatesecondaryaccount deprecated

PACKAGE: open-xchange-admin


updatesecondaryaccount - publishes a secondary account to Open-Xchange Middleware


updatesecondaryaccount [-h|--help]

updatesecondaryaccount [-c contextId] [--users userIds] [--groups groupIds] -A adminUser -P adminPassword [-e primary-address] [--login login] [--password password] [--name name] [--personal personal] [--reply-to reply-to] [--mail-server mail-server] [--mail-port mail-port] [--mail-protocol mail-protocol] [--mail-secure mail-secure] [--mail-starttls mail-starttls] [--transport-login transport-login] [--transport-password transport-password] [--transport-server transport-server] [--transport-port transport-port] [--transport-protocol transport-protocol] [--transport-secure transport-secure] [--transport-starttls transport-starttls] [--archive-fullname archive-fullname] [--drafts-fullname drafts-fullname] [--sent-fullname sent-fullname] [--spam-fullname spam-fullname] [--trash-fullname trash-fullname] [--confirmed-spam-fullname confirmed-spam-fullname] [--confirmed-ham-fullname confirmed-ham-fullname] [-p RMI-Port] [-s RMI-Server] [--responsetimeout responseTimeout]


This command line tool updates a secondary account for dedicated users/groups in a context.


-c, --context contextId : The context identifier. Mandatory

--users userIds : The user identifiers as a comma-separated list. Required if no 'groupIds' are set.

--groups groupIds : The group identifiers as a comma-separated list. Required if no 'userIds' are set.

-h, --help : Prints a help text

-A, --adminuser admin : The context admin user name for authentication.

-P, --adminpass adminPassword : The context admin password for authentication.

-s,--server rmiHost : The optional RMI server (default: localhost)

-p,--port rmiPort : The optional RMI port (default:1099)

--responsetimeout timeout : The optional response timeout in seconds when reading data from server (default: 0s; infinite).

-e,--primary-address primary-address : The primary address of the account that identifies the account to update

--login login : The account login informaton; if not set login information is used as for primary account

--password password : The account password or secret; if not set password information is used as for primary account

--name name : The account name

--personal personal : The personal for the account's E-Mail address; e.g. Jane Doe jane.doe@example.com

--reply-to reply-to : The reply-to address to use for the account

--mail-server mail-server : The mail server host name or IP address

--mail-port mail-port : The mail server port; e.g. 143

--mail-protocol mail-protocol : The mail server protocol; e.g. imap

--mail-secure mail-secure : Whether SSL is supposed to be used when connecting against mail server

--mail-starttls mail-starttls : Whether STARTTLS is enforced when connecting plain against mail server

--transport-login transport-login : The transport server login informaton (if any). If absent the mail server one is used

--transport-password transport-password : The transport server password (if any). If absent the mail server one is used

--transport-server transport-server : The transport server host name or IP address

--transport-port transport-port : The transport server port; e.g. 25

--transport-protocol transport-protocol : The transport server protocol; e.g. smtp

--transport-secure transport-secure : Whether SSL is supposed to be used when connecting against transport server

--transport-starttls transport-starttls : Whether STARTTLS is enforced when connecting plain against transport server

--archive-fullname archive-fullname : The full name for the standard archive folder

--drafts-fullname drafts-fullname : The full name for the standard drafts folder

--sent-fullname sent-fullname : The full name for the standard sent folder

--spam-fullname spam-fullname : The full name for the standard spam folder

--trash-fullname trash-fullname : The full name for the standard trash folder

--confirmed-spam-fullname confirmed-spam-fullname : The full name for the standard confirmed-spam folder

--confirmed-ham-fullname confirmed-ham-fullname : The full name for the standard confirmed-ham folder