Important Changes
This releases marks the first Long Term Support (LTS) release of OX App Suite in its 8th generation. Long-Term-Support releases are intended to be released every year. The initial LTS release will be based on a carefully chosen standard release that contain all changes (features and bug fixes) since the last LTS. A LTS release will be supported until the next LTS 'plus six months'. Also, we would like to improve our support commitment strategy for OX App Suite v8.x standard releases. With the launch of v8.35 we will start to support, not just the current launched release, but also the last 'two' released version. An overview of the latest OX App Suite v8 supported Major, Minor and Public Patch Releases can be found here.
Please refer to the App Suite 8 Operations Guide for detailed information on how to install this version.
There are breaking changes administrators should be aware of when updating to OX App Suite v8.35.
New Option "convert-guest" in "createuser" Commandline Tool, SOAP and RMI interfaces
Administrators now have the ability to convert a guest user account into a regular user account. This means the user can then continue to access to all files, folders, contacts, calendars and tasks. This also could affect the integration of the SOAP API. We have tested popular SOAP client implementations and those continued to work correctly w/o changes applied. Still there is a small possibility that your provisioning integration needs changes to recognize the new optional parameter. More information can be found here SCR-1529 and SCR-1528.
Deprecation of spotahome/redis-operator support
In this release we depreciate the support for spotahome/redis-operator. We recommend administrators transition to an alternative Redis management solutions, such as the Bitnami Redis chart or other suitable alternatives. This functionality will be completely removed in a future release. Please plan your migration accordingly to avoid disruptions.