Support Commitment


Open-Xchange encourages administrators to regularly update to the latest available release. To ensure a stable and up to date environment please note the different versions supported.

Our support commitment depends on the chosen release channel. Currently we offer two channels for Software Subscription customers: Stable and Long-Term-Support (LTS).

StableMajorA major release might contain new features and bug fixes. The current release cadence is four weeks. Support for a major release is also four weeks long and ends with the availability of the next major release, i.e. after First Customer Shipment (FCS).
PatchPatch releases are limited to bug fixes. A patch releases can be requested for the current stable release and limited to Severity 1 and 2. Issues with severity 3 will be fixed within the next two releases.
LTSInitialLong-term-support releases are supposed to be released every two years. The initial LTS release will be based on a carefully chosen stable release and therefore contain all changes (features and bug fixes) since the last LTS. An LTS release will be supported until the next LTS plus one year to give enough time to schedule, test, and rollout the upgrade.
PatchIn the LTS channel, patch releases are also limited to bug fixes. A patch release can be requested for all severities. While severity 1 and 2 will be addressed as soon as possible, issues with severity 3 might be consolidated within the next 6 weeks.

Please note there is currently no LTS release for version 8 yet. It is scheduled for beginning 2025.

Time Bar Example

Time Bar Example

Open-Xchange Releases Support Commitment

ReleaseFirst Customer Shipment (FCS)Supported Commitment
v8.192023-11-29Discontinued Support
v8.202024-01-10Discontinued Support
v8.212024-02-07Discontinued Support
v8.222024-03-06Discontinued Support
v8.232024-04-03Discontinued Support
v8.242024-05-08Discontinued Support
v8.252024-06-05Discontinued Support
v8.262024-07-03Discontinued Support
v8.272024-07-31Discontinued Support
v8.282024-08-28Discontinued Support
v8.292024-09-25Discontinued Support
v8.302024-10-23Discontinued Support
v8.312024-11-20Discontinued Support
v8.322024-12-18Discontinued Support
v8.332025-01-15Support Commitment (until FCS v8.34, February 2025)

Support Commitment for released Major Release: This includes bug fixes for Severity 1+2 and Security Fixes. Severity 3+4 Fixes will be provided with the next Major Release.