Support Commitment


Open-Xchange encourages administrators to regularly update to the latest available release. To ensure a stable and up to date environment please note the different versions supported.

StandardMajorA major release might contain new features and bug fixes. The release cadence is four weeks. Support for a major release is 12 weeks long and ends with the availability of the next 3rd major release, i.e. after First Customer Shipment (FCS).
PatchPatch releases are limited to bug fixes. A patch release can be requested for the current supported releases and limited to Severity 1 and 2 and Security Fixes. Issues with severity 3 will be fixed within the next two releases.
LTSInitialLong Term Support releases are intended to be released every year. The initial LTS release will be based on a carefully chosen standard release that contain all changes (features and bug fixes) since the last LTS. A LTS release will be supported until the next LTS 'plus six months' to give customers enough time to schedule, test and rollout the upgrade.
PatchOpen-Xchange provides bug fixes for Severity 1+2 and Security Fixes. While severity 1 and 2 will be addressed as soon as possible, issues with severity 3 might be consolidated within the next 12 weeks.

Open-Xchange Releases Support Commitment

ReleaseFirst Customer Shipment (FCS)Supported Commitment
v8.262024-07-03Discontinued Support
v8.272024-07-31Discontinued Support
v8.282024-08-28Discontinued Support
v8.292024-09-25Discontinued Support
v8.302024-10-23Discontinued Support
v8.312024-11-20Discontinued Support
v8.322024-12-18Discontinued Support
v8.332025-01-15Support Commitment (until FCS v8.36, April 2025)
v8.342025-02-12Support Commitment (until FCS v8.37, May 2025)
v8.35 (LTS)2025-03-12Support Commitment (until FCS next LTS + 0.5 Year)

Open-Xchange LTS supported Components

ChartsLTS Support CommitmentStandard Support Commitment
OX App Suite Core
OX Guard
OX Documents
OX Drive (drive-restricted)
OX App Suite Plugins
Ingress (Istio, nginx-ingress)
AI Integration (Available in the standard track only due it's volatile and evolving nature)
Connector for Business Mobility (EAS)
PDF Export (Collabora Support and Gotenberg Integration)
Video Conferencing Integration