Switchboard is a service complementing an App Suite stack providing a central point to integrate additional services like e.g. presence. The service provides and manages the websocket connections directly with App Suite UI clients. The client which will be authenticated at an existing App Suite MW via the acquire/redeemToken API
The chart includes the following components:
- Deployment and Service of
- Ingress to access the API
All configuration values can be listed with the command helm show values path/to/chart/switchboard
Before the switchboard service can be deployed all dependencies should be up and running either as Kubernetes services or external services.
This section will provide any missing details for specific requirements.
App Suite
In order to authenticate the deployments with App Suite, the redeemToken API needs to be configured. In addition a secret must be created in /opt/open-xchange/etc/tokenlogin-secrets
. This secret must be available to the switchboard pod.
To enable the UI part of switchboard, these settings must be present for the user:
io.ox/switchboard//host: your.switchboard.service.deployment
com.openexchange.capability.switchboard: "true"
The switchboard service injects brand information into the JWT only if the io.ox/core//brand
setting is configured for the user as a "protected" setting. This ensures, the user can not provide false brand information, but can only be configured by the administrator.
Single domain setup
If hostnames are rare, it's possible to “mount” the switchboard REST API on the same hostname as the App Suite service by using a subpath. This is a little trickier to setup, though.
The host
setting should point to the App Suite service and the path can be handed to the client using the apiRoot
Here's an example:
io.ox/switchboard//host: your.appsuite.host
io.ox/switchboard//apiRoot: /switchboard/
This does not change the path of the websocket. In your ingress configuration you need to map those paths to the switchboard service.
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /switchboard/api/
name: switchboard-api-route
uri: /api/
- destination:
host: "switchboard.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local"
number: 80
Exposing the websocket is also possible with a similar configuration:
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /socket.io
name: switchboard-socket-route
- destination:
host: "switchboard.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local"
number: 80
This used to be part of the static routes as this path was reserved by the Java Middleware. As this component was removed with the App Suite 8.28 release, it's now safe to use it for the websocket maintained by the switchboard service.
Webhook and push notifications
This feature enables mail and calendar updates to be sent to the App Suite UI via websocket. The middleware will register a webhook on the switchboard which in turn will then send the notification to the UI. For further information please refer to the documentation.
To use webhooks and receive notifications, these settings must configured on the middleware:
com.openexchange.pns.transport.webhooks.enabled: "true"
com.openexchange.webhooks.enabledIds: switchboard
uri: https://your-switchboard-hostname/api/v1/webhook
webhookSecret: secret1
signatureSecret: secret2
signatureHeaderName: X-OX-Signature
The secrets webhookSecret: secret1
and signatureSecret: secret2
must be the same as the ones configured in the switchboard deployment e.g.:
webhookSecret: secret1
signatureSecret: secret2
Webpush Notifications
Wepush Notifications allow the switchboard to send mail notifications to the App Suite UI via webpush to all connected clients of a user.
To enable webpush notifications you first need to configure webhooks as described above. Additionally a mail push service needs to be configured for the middleware e.g. with the dovecot notify plugin. The middleware will then send a notification to the webhook of your switchboard instance which in turn will send the notification to the UI. For further information please refer to the documentation. The logo located at /themes/default/logo_maskable_512.png
is currently used for web push notifications.
Configuring webpush on the switchboard requires a database to store the client's push endpoints and keys. Enable the database connection by configuring the following settings in your Helm chart:
enabled: true
existingSecret: ""
host: ""
database: ""
connections: 10
user: ""
password: ""
The configured database must be accessible from the switchboard deployment, and the database user must have the following permissions:
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS `switchboard`@`%`
IDENTIFIED BY 'examplePassword';
Furthermore you also need to genereate and configure a VAPID key pair and a VAPID subject (typically a :mailto address or contact page) for the switchboard to send the notifications.
You can generate VAPID keys with the help of a running switchboard pod:
kubectl -n YOUR_NAMESPACE exec deployments/switchboard -- /nodejs/bin/node -e "console.log(require('web-push').generateVAPIDKeys())"
publicKey: 'examplePublicKey',
privateKey: 'examplePrivateKey'
The generated keys must then be configured in the switchboard deployment:
enabled: true
existingSecret: ""
publicKey: "examplePublicKey"
privateKey: "examplePrivateKey"
subject: "mailto:switchboard@example.com"
# or
# subject: "https://example.com/contact"
JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)
Switchboard can be run with a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) to provide a set of public keys for verifying the signature of a JSON Web Token (JWT). The certificates needed for the JWKS must be provided in a secret. The secret must contain the following keys:
- tls.crt: The X.509 certificate in PEM format
- tls.key: The private key in PEM format
The secret must be created in the same namespace as the switchboard deployment and the name must be provided in the jwks.secretName
To specify the algorithm to use with the given certificate, the jwt.algorithm
parameter must be set according to https://github.com/panva/jose/issues/210.
⚡ If you set
all JWKS functionality will be disabled.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository | The image to be used for the deployment | registry.open-xchange.com/core/switchboard |
image.pullPolicy | The imagePullPolicy for the deployment | IfNotPresent |
image.tag | The image tag, defaults to app version | "" |
hostname | hostname for the switchboard deployment | "" |
origins | Allowed origins for CORS | * |
logLevel | specify log level for service | "info" |
logJson | log in JSON format | false |
appsuite.apiSecret | secret to get a session using token login, same as core-mw.secretETCFiles.tokenlogin-secrets | "" |
appsuite.webhookSecret | shared secret to secure the webhook, same as core-mw.webhooks.yml.switchboard.webhookSecret | "" |
appsuite.signatureSecret | shared secret to verify webhook call signatures, same as core-mw.webhooks.yml.switchboard.signatureSecret | "" |
appsuiteSecret.enabled | Generate App Suite related secret, see overrides.appsuiteSecret | true |
ingress.enabled | Generate ingress resource | false |
ingress.annotations | Map of key-value pairs that will be added as annotations to the ingress resource | {} |
overrides.name | Name of the chart | "switchboard" |
overrides.fullname | Full name of the chart installation | "RELEASE-NAME-switchboard" |
overrides.appsuiteSecret | Prefix of the appsuite secret | "RELEASE-NAME-appsuite" |
overrides.jwtSecret | Prefix of the jwt secret | "RELEASE-NAME-jwt" |
redis.hosts | Redis hosts as list | ["localhost:6379"] |
redis.tls.enabled | Enable TLS for Redis | false |
redis.tls.ca | PEM version of redis server CA certificate | "" |
redis.mode | Redis mode (standalone, sentinel or cluster) | "standalone" |
redis.db | Redis DB, e.g. "1" | 0 |
redis.sentinelMasterId | Name of the sentinel masterSet | "mymaster" |
redis.auth.enabled | Generate redis auth secret | false |
redis.auth.username | Redis username | "" |
redis.auth.password | Redis password | "" |
overrides.redisSecret | Prefix of the redis password secret | "" |
jwt.tokenExpiration | Expiration time for JWT tokens | "1h" |
jwt.serviceCapabilities | Comma separated list with capabilities to add to the token | "ai,calendar,contacts,infostore,jitsi,openai,switchboard,webmail,zoom" |
jwt.algorithm | Algorithm to use with the given certificate | "RS256" |
jwks.enabled | Run switchboard with JSON Web Key Set | false |
jwks.secretName | Name of existing secret with certificates for JSON Web Key Set | "" |
mysql.enabled | Wether mysql connection is enabled. Needed for webpush. | "false" |
mysql.existingSecret | Existing secret for mysql | "" |
mysql.host | The database host. | "" |
mysql.database | The database name. | "" |
mysql.connections | Number of concurrent connections to the database. | "" |
mysql.auth.user | The database user. | "" |
mysql.auth.password | The database password. | "" |
vapid.enabled | Wether VAPID secret is enabled. Needed for webpush. | "false" |
vapid.existingSecret | Existing secret for VAPID keys. | "" |
vapid.publicKey | VAPID public key. | "" |
vapid.privateKey | VAPID private key. | "" |
vapid.subject | VAPID subject. Must be a valid URL. | "" |
Deprecated Configuration
Please update your configuration to use JWKS.
Parameter | Description | Default |
jwtSecret.enabled | Generate shared jwt secret, see overrides.jwtSecret | true |
jwt.sharedSecret | Shared secret for JWT authentication, needed to verify JWT signed by Switchboard | "" |
jwt.algorithm | Algorithm to use with the given sharedSecret | "HS256" |