App Suite Middleware Core
App Suite Middleware Core Helm Chart
Name | Url | |
Open-Xchange GmbH | |
Source Code
Repository | Name | Version |
oci:// | collabora-online | 1.1.28 |
oci:// | gotenberg | 1.10.0 |
oci:// | ox-common | 1.0.47 |
Additional informations
- This version introduces new
section which adds support for Redis. Please refer to the documentation invalues.yaml
. - Changed the default service type from
service. - Removed all ingress configuration settings.
- Removed
. Not necessary anymore but it's possible to override them e.g.
- Renamed environment variables
- Partially or fully override
- This version introduces new
section which adds support for a separate cache for volatile data. Please refer to the documentation invalues.yaml
- Hazelcast is now required for OX Documents only.
- Disabled packages
per default. - Introduced a new role
that enables packagesopen-xchange-documents-backend
and adds necessaryHZ_*
env variables to containers. The role has been added to thedefaultScaling
. - Removed
as it was not used anymore - Removed role
- Whether to use TLS to connect to the Redis endpoint can now be configured using
To 6.0.1
If you are using custom node definitions (scaling.nodes
) in your Helm values, please make sure to remove roles hazelcast-data-holding
and hazelcast-lite-member
. Beside of that, a new role called documents
has been introduced. The role needs to be added to every node definition that contains the http-api
role and should run OX Documents. Furthermore, it ensures that a Hazelcast headless service is still deployed for OX Documents.
Please consider the following scaling.nodes
replicas: 2
- admin
- http-api
- hazelcast-data-holding
replicas: 1
- sync
- businessmobility
- hazelcast-lite-member
A migrated version could look like this:
replicas: 2
- admin
- http-api
- documents
replicas: 1
- sync
- businessmobility
Nodes that do not have the role documents
will not be deployed as a StatefulSet
anymore. Instead they will be deployed as a Deployment
. Upgrading a StatefulSet
to a Deployment
is not easily possible without some preparation. Simply upgrading via Helm would remove all pods of the StatefulSet
before starting the first pod of the new Deployment
. This would result in a short downtime for endusers.
Take a look at the following migrated example:
replicas: 2
- admin
- http-api
replicas: 1
- sync
- businessmobility
Nodes groupware-without-docs
will not run OX Documents and roles hazelcast-data-holding
and hazelcast-lite-member
have been removed, too. Prior 6.0.1
, those nodes were deployed as a StatefulSet
. After the upgrade, they will be deployed as Deployment
. If downtime is not feasible, you need to do the following before the upgrade:
- Remove the
without removing the pods with:
kubectl delete statefulset appsuite-core-mw-groupware-without-docs --cascade=orphan
- Upgrade via Helm
If you're low on resources, you should scale replicas to 0
in your values.yaml
. Otherwise, you will end up with the two pods from the StatefulSet
and another two pods for the Deployment
replicas: 0
You can now upgrade the deployment via Helm:
helm upgrade [...]
After the upgrade, you can manually delete the StatefulSet
pods and scale up the Deployment
kubectl delete pod appsuite-core-mw-groupware-without-docs-1
kubectl scale deployment appsuite-core-mw-groupware-without-docs --replicas=1
kubectl delete pod appsuite-core-mw-groupware-without-docs-0
kubectl scale deployment appsuite-core-mw-groupware-without-docs --replicas=2
This process needs to be followed for all node definitions that previously had the hazelcast-data-holding
role without having the documents
role after the migration.
Don't forget to scale up the replicas in your values.yaml
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the App Suite Middleware Core
chart and their default values.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} | Affinity for pod assignment | | string | "all" | |
basicAuthLogin | string | "" | The user name used for HTTP basic auth. |
basicAuthPassword | string | "" | The password used for HTTP basic auth. |
collabora-online.enabled | bool | false | Whether Collabora should be enabled or not. |
collabora-online.image.repository | string | "" | |
collabora-online.image.tag | string | "" | |
configuration | object | {"businessmobility":{"logging":{"debug":{"enabled":false,"logPath":""}}},"languages":[],"logging":{"debug":true,"file":{"maxFileSize":"2MB","maxIndex":99,"minIndex":0,"name":"/var/log/open-xchange/open-xchange.log.0","pattern":"/var/log/open-xchange/open-xchange.log.%i"},"json":{"prettyPrint":false},"logger":[{"level":"WARN","name":"org.apache.cxf"},{"level":"WARN","name":"com.openexchange.soap.cxf.logger"}],"logstash":{"host":"localhost","port":31337},"queueSize":2048,"root":{"file":false,"json":true,"level":"INFO","logstash":false},"syslog":{"facility":"USER","host":"localhost","port":514}}} | Configuration |
configuration.businessmobility.logging.debug.enabled | bool | false | Whether debug log is enabled or not |
configuration.businessmobility.logging.debug.logPath | string | "" | The path of the log file @default /var/log/open-xchange |
configuration.languages | list | [] | List of languages which should be enabled. The default set of languages is de_DE , en_US , es_ES , fr_FR and it_IT .Example for enabling a couple of languages: [ nl_NL, fi_FI, pl_PL ] or for all available languages [ all ] |
configuration.logging.debug | bool | true | Enables logback's debug mode |
configuration.logging.json.prettyPrint | bool | false | Whether PrettyPrint is enabled |
configuration.logging.logger | list | [{"level":"WARN","name":"org.apache.cxf"},{"level":"WARN","name":"com.openexchange.soap.cxf.logger"}] | List of named logger |
configuration.logging.logstash | object | {"host":"localhost","port":31337} | Logstash configuration |
configuration.logging.queueSize | int | 2048 | The number of logging events to retain for delivery |
configuration.logging.root.file | bool | false | Whether File logging is enabled |
configuration.logging.root.json | bool | true | Whether JSON logging is enabled |
configuration.logging.root.level | string | "INFO" | Sets the log level of the root logger |
configuration.logging.root.logstash | bool | false | Whether logging to logstash is enabled |
configuration.logging.syslog | object | {"facility":"USER","host":"localhost","port":514} | Syslog configuration |
containerPorts | list | [{"containerPort":8009,"name":"http"}] | Container ports |
contextSets | object | {} | Context sets |
createCommonEnv | bool | true | Whether to create a secret containing common properties as environment variables (e.g. SESSIOND_ENCRYPTION_KEY) |
credstoragePasscrypt | string | "" | Key to encrypt/decrypt the password held in credential storage. |
defaultRegistry | string | "" | The default registry |
defaultScaling.nodes.default.roles[0] | string | "http-api" | |
defaultScaling.nodes.default.roles[1] | string | "sync" | |
defaultScaling.nodes.default.roles[2] | string | "admin" | |
defaultScaling.nodes.default.roles[3] | string | "businessmobility" | |
defaultScaling.nodes.default.roles[4] | string | "request-analyzer" | |
defaultScaling.nodes.default.roles[5] | string | "documents" | |
documentConverterClient.cache.remoteCache.enabled | bool | true | |
enableDBConnectionCheck | bool | true | Whether to wait for configdb. |
enableInitialization | bool | false | Whether initial bootstraping is enabled or not. |
etcBinaries | list | [] | etc files |
etcFiles | object | {} | etc files |
extraContainers | list | [] | List of extra sidecar containers |
extraEnv | list | [] | List of extra environment variables |
extraMounts | list | [] | List of extra mounts |
extraPodSpec | object | {} | Extra PodSpec definitions |
extraStatefulSetProperties | object | {} | List of extra StatefulSet properties |
extraVolumes | list | [] | List of extra volumes |
extras.monitoring.enabled | bool | false | Whether monitoring resources should be created, e.g. a ConfigMap containing the Grafana dashboards. |
features | object | {"definitions":{"admin":["open-xchange-admin","open-xchange-admin-contextrestore","open-xchange-admin-soap","open-xchange-admin-soap-usercopy","open-xchange-admin-user-copy"],"documents":["open-xchange-documents-backend","open-xchange-hazelcast"],"guard":["open-xchange-guard","open-xchange-guard-backend-mailfilter","open-xchange-guard-backend-plugin","open-xchange-guard-file-storage","open-xchange-guard-s3-storage"],"omf-source":["open-xchange-omf-source","open-xchange-omf-source-dualprovisioning","open-xchange-omf-source-dualprovisioning-cloudplugins","open-xchange-omf-source-guard","open-xchange-omf-source-mailfilter"],"plugins":["open-xchange-plugins-antiphishing","open-xchange-plugins-antiphishing-vadesecure","open-xchange-plugins-blackwhitelist","open-xchange-plugins-blackwhitelist-sieve","open-xchange-plugins-contact-storage-group","open-xchange-plugins-contact-storage-provider","open-xchange-plugins-contact-whitelist-sync","open-xchange-plugins-mx-checker","open-xchange-plugins-onboarding-maillogin","open-xchange-plugins-trustedidentity","open-xchange-plugins-unsubscribe","open-xchange-plugins-unsubscribe-vadesecure"],"reseller":["open-xchange-admin-reseller","open-xchange-admin-soap-reseller"],"usm-eas":["open-xchange-usm","open-xchange-eas"],"weakforced":["open-xchange-weakforced"]},"status":{"documents":"disabled","omf-source":"disabled","plugins":"disabled","reseller":"disabled","usm-eas":"disabled","weakforced":"disabled"}} | Feature definition |
features.definitions.admin | list | see values.yaml | Admin definitions |
features.definitions.documents | list | see values.yaml | Documents definitions |
features.definitions.guard | list | see values.yaml | Guard definitions |
features.definitions.omf-source | list | see values.yaml | OX2OX Migration Framework Source definitions |
features.definitions.plugins | list | see values.yaml | Plugins definitions |
features.definitions.reseller | list | see values.yaml | Reseller definitions |
features.definitions.usm-eas | list | see values.yaml | USM EAS sync definitions |
features.status | object | see values.yaml | Choose whether to enable or disable features. |
fullnameOverride | string | "" | Fully override of the ox-common.names.fullname template |
global.extras.monitoring.enabled | bool | false | |
global.imageRegistry | string | "" | Sets the image registry globally |
global.mysql.existingSecret | string | "" | |
gotenberg.chromium.disableJavaScript | bool | true | |
gotenberg.enabled | bool | false | Whether Gotenberg should be enabled or not. |
gotenberg.image.repository | string | "" | |
gotenberg.image.tag | string | "8.15.3" | |
gotenberg.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true | |
gotenberg.volumeMounts[0].mountPath | string | "/tmp" | |
gotenberg.volumeMounts[0].name | string | "tmp-volume" | |
gotenberg.volumes[0].emptyDir.medium | string | "Memory" | |
gotenberg.volumes[0].emptyDir.sizeLimit | string | "256Mi" | |
gotenberg.volumes[0].name | string | "tmp-volume" | |
hooks.beforeApply | object | {} | |
hooks.beforeAppsuiteStart | object | {} | |
hooks.start | object | {} | |
hzGroupName | string | "" | The Hazelcast group name. |
hzGroupPassword | string | "" | The Hazelcast group password. |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull policy |
image.repository | string | "appsuite-core/middleware" | Image repository |
image.tag | string | "" | Image tag |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images |
initContainer | object | {} | |
istio.compression.enabled | bool | false | Whether to enable HTTP compression (gzip, deflate, etc.). |
istio.injection.enabled | bool | false | Whether to enable sidecar injection or not. |
istio.virtualServices.destinationPort | int | 80 | The virtual service destination port |
javaOpts.debug.gcLogs.enabled | bool | false | Enables Java Garbage Collector logging |
javaOpts.debug.heapdump.custom | object | {} | The definition of a custom volume excluding its name which shall be used instead of a hostpath volume. |
javaOpts.debug.heapdump.enabled | bool | false | Enables Java Heap Dump creation in OOM situations |
javaOpts.debug.heapdump.hostPath.dir | string | "/mnt/appsuite-heap-dumps" | hostPath directory on the k8s worker nodes, which needs to be created manually by the k8s admin. The directory will be mounted inside the core-mw container as '/heapdump'. |
javaOpts.memory.maxHeapSize | string | "2048M" | | | string | "" | |
javaOpts.other | string | "" | |
javaOpts.server | string | "" | |
jolokiaLogin | string | "" | User used for authentication with HTTP Basic Authentication. |
jolokiaPassword | string | "" | Password used for authentification with HTTP Basic Authentication. |
masterAdmin | string | "" | The name of the master admin. |
masterPassword | string | "" | The password of the master admin. |
meta | object | {} | Meta |
mysql.auth.password | string | "" | The database password. (read/write connection) |
mysql.auth.readPassword | string | "" | The database password. (read connection) |
mysql.auth.readUser | string | "" | The database user name. (read connection) |
mysql.auth.rootPassword | string | "" | The MySQL root password. |
mysql.auth.user | string | "" | The database user name. (read/write connection) |
mysql.auth.writePassword | string | "" | The database password. (write connection) |
mysql.auth.writeUser | string | "" | The database user name. (write connection) |
mysql.database | string | "" | The database/schema name. (read/write connection) |
mysql.existingSecret | string | "" | Name of an existing secret. | | string | "" | The database host. (read/write connection) |
mysql.port | string | "" | The database port. (read/write connection) |
mysql.readDatabase | string | "" | The database/schema name. (read connection) |
mysql.readHost | string | "" | The database host. (read connection) |
mysql.readPort | string | "" | The database port. (read connection) |
mysql.writeDatabase | string | "" | The database/schema name. (write connection) |
mysql.writeHost | string | "" | The database host. (write connection) |
mysql.writePort | string | "" | The database port. (write connection) |
nameOverride | string | "" | Partially override of the ox-common.names.fullname templateNOTE: Preserves the release name. |
nodeSelector | object | {} | Tolerations for pod assignment |
packages | object | {"status":{"open-xchange-admin-autocontextid":"disabled","open-xchange-authentication-imap":"disabled","open-xchange-authentication-ldap":"disabled","open-xchange-authentication-masterpassword":"disabled","open-xchange-authentication-oauth":"disabled","open-xchange-cassandra":"disabled","open-xchange-dataretention-csv":"disabled","open-xchange-drive-client-windows":"disabled","open-xchange-eas-provisioning":"disabled","open-xchange-eas-provisioning-mail":"disabled","open-xchange-eas-provisioning-sms":"disabled","open-xchange-hostname-config-cascade":"disabled","open-xchange-hostname-ldap":"disabled","open-xchange-multifactor":"disabled","open-xchange-parallels":"disabled","open-xchange-passwordchange-script":"disabled","open-xchange-saml-core":"disabled","open-xchange-sms-sipgate":"disabled","open-xchange-sms-twilio":"disabled","open-xchange-spamhandler-parallels":"disabled","open-xchange-sso":"disabled"},"whitelist":[]} | Packages By default, all packages will be enabled. If a package is defined within a feature and that feature is disabled, the package will not be started UNLESS it is explicitly reactivated in this section. All disabled packages will be written into the environment variable OX_BLACKLISTED_PACKAGES. |
packages.status | object | see values.yaml | Choose whether to enable or disable packages. |
packages.whitelist | list | [] | Whitelist The whitelist stands in contrast to the blacklist approach. Packages listed here are added to the OX_WHITELISTED_PACKAGES variable. This variable takes precedence over OX_BLACKLISTED_PACKAGES, causing the blacklist to be ignored. |
podAnnotations | object | {"":"appsuite-json"} | Annotations to add to the pod |
podSecurityContext | object | {} | The pod security context |
probe.liveness.enabled | bool | true | Enable the liveness probe |
probe.liveness.failureThreshold | int | 15 | The liveness probe failure threshold |
probe.liveness.httpGet | object | {"path":"/live","port":8016,"scheme":"HTTP"} | Specifies the HTTP request to perform |
probe.liveness.httpGet.path | string | "/live" | Path to access on the HTTP server |
probe.liveness.httpGet.port | int | 8016 | Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. |
probe.liveness.httpGet.scheme | string | "HTTP" | Scheme to use for connecting to the host (HTTP or HTTPS). Defaults to "HTTP". |
probe.liveness.periodSeconds | int | 10 | The liveness probe period (in seconds) |
probe.readiness.enabled | bool | true | Enable the readiness probe |
probe.readiness.failureThreshold | int | 2 | The readiness probe failure threshold |
probe.readiness.httpGet | object | {"path":"/ready","port":8009,"scheme":"HTTP"} | Specifies the HTTP request to perform |
probe.readiness.httpGet.path | string | "/ready" | Path to access on the HTTP server |
probe.readiness.httpGet.port | int | 8009 | Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. |
probe.readiness.httpGet.scheme | string | "HTTP" | Scheme to use for connecting to the host (HTTP or HTTPS). Defaults to "HTTP". |
probe.readiness.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 | The readiness probe initial delay (in seconds) |
probe.readiness.periodSeconds | int | 5 | The readiness probe period (in seconds) |
probe.readiness.timeoutSeconds | int | 5 | The readiness probe timeout (in seconds) |
probe.startup.enabled | bool | true | Enable the startup probe |
probe.startup.failureThreshold | int | 30 | The startup probe failure threshold |
probe.startup.httpGet | object | {"path":"/health","port":8009,"scheme":"HTTP"} | Specifies the HTTP request to perform |
probe.startup.httpGet.path | string | "/health" | Path to access on the HTTP server |
probe.startup.httpGet.port | int | 8009 | Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. |
probe.startup.httpGet.scheme | string | "HTTP" | Scheme to use for connecting to the host (HTTP or HTTPS). Defaults to "HTTP". |
probe.startup.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 | The startup probe initial delay (in seconds) |
probe.startup.periodSeconds | int | 10 | The startup probe period (in seconds) |
probeHeaders | list | [] | |
properties | object | see values.yaml | Properties |
propertiesFiles | object | {} | Properties files |
rbac.create | bool | true | Whether Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) resources should be created |
rbac.rules | list | [] | Custom RBAC rules |
redis.affinity | object | {} | Affinity for pod assignment |
redis.auth.password | string | "" | The Redis password. |
redis.auth.username | string | "" | The Redis username. |
redis.cache | object | {"auth":{"password":"","username":""},"enabled":false,"hosts":[],"mode":"","sentinelMasterId":"","tls":{"enabled":false}} | Configuration for a separate cache for volatile data. |
redis.cache.auth.password | string | "" | The Redis password. |
redis.cache.auth.username | string | "" | The Redis username. |
redis.cache.enabled | bool | false | Whether a separate cache for volatile data is enabled or not, which is highly recommended in production. |
redis.cache.hosts | list | [] | List of Redis hosts: Example for redis : [ <redis_host>:<redis_port> ] Example for redis+sentinel : [ <sentinel1_host>:<sentinel1_port>,<sentinel2_host>:<sentinel2_port>,<sentinel3_host>:<sentinel3_port> ] > Note: If hosts is empty or null, then an internal redis -standalone instance will be deployed. |
redis.cache.mode | string | "" | Redis operation mode (standalone , cluster , sentinel ). |
redis.cache.sentinelMasterId | string | "" | Name of the sentinel masterSet, if operation mode is set to sentinel . |
redis.cache.tls | object | {"enabled":false} | Redis TLS configuration. |
redis.cache.tls.enabled | bool | false | Whether to use TLS to connect to Redis end-point or not. |
redis.extraEnvVars | list | [] | List of extra environment variables |
redis.hosts | list | [] | List of Redis hosts: Example for redis : [ <redis_host>:<redis_port> ] Example for redis+sentinel : [ <sentinel1_host>:<sentinel1_port>,<sentinel2_host>:<sentinel2_port>,<sentinel3_host>:<sentinel3_port> ] > Note: If hosts is empty or null, then an internal redis -standalone instance will be deployed. |
redis.image.repository | string | "redis" | Redis image repository |
redis.image.tag | string | "7-alpine" | Redis image tag |
redis.mode | string | "" | Redis operation mode (standalone , cluster , sentinel ) |
redis.nodeSelector | object | {} | Node labels for pod assignment |
redis.sentinelMasterId | string | "" | Name of the sentinel masterSet, if operation mode is set to sentinel . |
redis.tls | object | {"enabled":false} | Redis TLS configuration. |
redis.tls.enabled | bool | false | Whether to use TLS to connect to Redis end-point or not. |
redis.tolerations | list | [] | Tolerations for pod assignment |
remoteDebug.enabled | bool | false | Whether Java Remote Debugging is enabled. |
remoteDebug.nodePort | string | nil | The node port (default range: 30000-32767) |
remoteDebug.port | int | 8102 | The Java Remote Debug port. |
replicas | int | 1 | Number of nodes |
resources | object | {"limits":{"memory":"4096Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"4096Mi"}} | CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | | bool | true | If enabled tries to mount drive restricted configuration |
restricted.mobileApiFacade.enabled | bool | true | If enabled tries to mount mobile api facade configuration |[0].ports[0].name | string | "http" | |[0].ports[0].port | int | 80 | |[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" | |[0].ports[0].targetPort | string | "http" | |[0].type | string | "ClusterIP" | |[0].ports[0].name | string | "http" | |[0].ports[0].port | int | 80 | |[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" | |[0].ports[0].targetPort | string | "http" | |[0].type | string | "ClusterIP" | |
roles.businessmobility.values.features.status.usm-eas | string | "enabled" | |"com.openexchange.usm.ox.url" | string | "http://localhost:8009/appsuite/api/" | |
roles.documents.controller | string | "StatefulSet" | |[0].headless | bool | true | |[0].name | string | "hazelcast-headless" | |[0].ports[0].name | string | "tcp-hazelcast" | |[0].ports[0].port | int | 5701 | |
roles.documents.statefulSetServiceName | string | "hazelcast-headless" | |
roles.documents.values.features.status.documents | string | "enabled" | |[0].ports[0].name | string | "http" | |[0].ports[0].port | int | 80 | |[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" | |[0].ports[0].targetPort | string | "http" | |[0].type | string | "ClusterIP" | |[0].ports[0].name | string | "http" | |[0].ports[0].port | int | 80 | |[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" | |[0].ports[0].targetPort | string | "http" | |[0].type | string | "ClusterIP" | |[0].ports[0].name | string | "http" | |[0].ports[0].port | int | 80 | |[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" | |[0].ports[0].targetPort | string | "http" | |[0].type | string | "ClusterIP" | |
secretContextSets | object | {} | Secret Context sets |
secretETCBinaries | list | [] | Secret etc files |
secretETCFiles | object | {} | Secret etc files |
secretProperties | object | {} | Secret properties |
secretPropertiesFiles | object | {} | Secret properties files |
secretUISettings | object | {} | Secret UI settings |
secretUISettingsFiles | object | {} | Secret UI settings files |
secretYAMLFiles | object | {} | Secret YAML files |
securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false} | The security context |
serverName | string | "server" | The server name. |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} | Annotations to add to the service account |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true | Whether a service account should be created | | string | "" | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | 120 | Duration in seconds the pod waits to terminate gracefully. |
tolerations | list | [] | Tolerations for pod assignment |
uiSettings | object | {} | UI settings |
uiSettingsFiles | object | {} | UI settings files |
update.enabled | bool | false | Whether an update task job for the specified database schemata is created or not |
update.job | object | {"ttlSecondsAfterFinished":86400} | Job object settings |
update.job.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | int | 86400 | The number of seconds after which a job is deleted automatically |
update.schemata | string | "" | Database schemata to update. If empty, all schemata will be updated. |
update.types | list | [] | Filter for which types the update tasks are triggered. Every type with an unique bundle set will create a container in the update job. All containers (except one) are configured as init containers to ensure they run sequentially. |
update.values | object | {} | Override type sepcific update values |
yamlFiles | object | {} | YAML files |