- Translation updates (#487, #547)
- First start wizard to guide new users through the basic setup (#234)
- Breaking change: AI integration is an App Suite frontend plugin (appsuite/fullstack-services/ai-service#16)
- AI integration code and tests are removed from core ui
- AI service now delivers the code as App Suite plugin itself
- UI middleware needs to be configured to load plugin code from the AI Service
- The capability for AI has changed from "openai" to "ai-service"
- The feature toggle has changed from "openai" to "ai"
- Code-loading issue with non '/' root paths (#457)
- In rare cases resizing Firefox windows creates an unwanted shift of slides in the Viewer viewport (FCV-28)
- Sharing links that open the Viewer only display a dark overlay in large collections (FCV-28)
- Use custom upsell icon when defined (appsuite/fullstack-services/lobby#36)