
The following table provides an overview about the supported components of OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 and further products. This overview makes no claim to be complete.

Hardware Requirements

General Assumptions

Open-Xchange App Suite Software Subscription v8 is designed to be deployed into a standard Kubernetes cluster, though assumes some additional components to be available (Istio, Redis). This works best in a cluster dedicated to only running Open-Xchange Software Subscription v8. This preserves the degrees of freedom necessary to choose global enhancements to Kubernetes. If you need to run OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 in a Kubernetes cluster used for additional applications, care needs to be taken to ameliorate OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 requirements for the cluster with those of other components.

Network is expected to be flat, inside one datacenter, no multi-datacenter, no segments. No packet loss, low latency.


All recommendations below are without guarantee and can differ for specific deployments. For mid- and large-scale setups, a detailed deployment planning and sizing tests are mandatory and should be agreed on with OX Professional Services.

High Level Design / Kubernetes Setup

We assume a standard Kubernetes cluster, as per the upstream version of the software.

Further hardened and modified Kubernetes distributions might work, but we don't test them explicitly. The closer to a standard Kubernetes the cluster is, the fewer problems there'll be. For any of the Kubernetes components (Kubernetes and add-ons) we'll support and expect one version below the currently released version and one below that, but expect swift and frequent updates to the platform as well. Automation needs to be in place to update cluster software and App Suite 8 itself. We do not recommend running services requiring persistence (database, file store) inside Kubernetes yet.

Platform Architecture: Kubernetes needs to be able to run containers in 64 bit (x84_64) architecture.

Node Sizing

Container Sizing

  • For Java services (of which there are 4) we recommend to use not more than 4GB as memory requests and limits and scale out by scaling up the number of containers instead
  • For the spellcheck service, we recommend allocating not more than 2 GB of memory
  • UI Middleware needs 512MB
  • The UI source containers (of which there are 4) need around 100MB of RAM and usually don't need to be scaled up since they only supply source code to the UI middleware
  • Helm charts contain reasonable defaults for these values, and usually you will only need to change them downwards if you're serving a smaller than usual installation or instead scale up the number of containers if your load exceeds what the standard setup can handle.

Cluster Sizing

  • General advice for running a robust Kubernetes cluster apply. Run a separate ETCd cluster with at least 3 nodes, at least 2 Kubernetes API / primary nodes and at least 2 agents. Factor in some overhead on top of the sums of what the services use above.
  • 2 agents with 16 GB memory each should serve as a starter configuration if you want to run at least two redundant instances of anything but the UI source containers (of which one is enough). That should cover a minimum viable professional installation of App Suite 8.

Untested/Unsupported Deployments

  • Hardened Kubernetes (e.g. OpenShift). We aspire to supporting these platforms, but currently don't yet.
  • Cloud platform services (PaaS) that promise to replacements for certain supported technologies but have not been verified by OX for these regards
  • Multi-site active-active

Software Requirements


OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 is designed to run on a Kubernetes cluster.

To ensure the stability, security, and compatibility of App Suite, we adhere to a strict Kubernetes version support policy. Our software is designed and tested to operate seamlessly on the two most recent versions of Kubernetes prior to the latest stable release.

Current Supported Kubernetes versions

As of the latest update, our software supports the following versions of Kubernetes:

  • The latest stable release of Kubernetes minus one version (N-1)
  • The latest stable release of Kubernetes minus two versions (N-2)

For example, if the latest stable release of Kubernetes is version 1.30, our software will support:

  • Kubernetes version 1.29
  • Kubernetes version 1.28

Version update cycle

Whenever a new stable release of Kubernetes is published, we will update our software to ensure compatibility with the newly supported versions (N-1 and N-2). Support for the oldest previously supported version will be discontinued. Users are encouraged to keep their Kubernetes clusters updated within the supported versions to continue receiving full support and the latest features.

Kubernetes Configuration Requirements

We require that the DNS domain of the k8s cluster is configured to the default value .cluster.local. (Customized cluster names are still possible as long as the DNS domain is kept on the default value.)


OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 is designed to run with Istio installed in the Kubernetes cluster.

To ensure the stability, security, and compatibility of App Suite, we adhere to a strict Istio version support policy. Supported Istio versions are the latest stable release and the two versions prior to that. Only versions which are still in the support lifecycle of the Istio project are included in this policy.

Current Supported Istio versions

As of the latest update, our software supports the following versions of Istio:

  • The latest stable release of Istio minus one version (N)
  • The latest stable release of Istio minus one version (N-1)
  • The latest stable release of Istio minus two versions (N-2)

For example, if the latest stable release of Istio is version 1.22, our software will support:

  • Istio version 1.22
  • Istio version 1.21
  • Istio version 1.20

Version update cycle

Whenever a new stable release of Istio is published, we will update our software to ensure compatibility with the newly supported versions (N, N-1 and N-2). Support for the oldest previously supported version will be discontinued. Users are encouraged to keep their Istio installations updated within the supported versions to continue receiving full support and the latest features.

In addition to the components above, we strongly recommend using FluentBit / Graylog for log ingestion and storage as well as Prometheus/Grafana for monitoring.


OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 uses MariaDB with the InnoDB storage engine as its primary data store. The following vendors and products are supported.

MariaDBMariaDB Server, Galera Clusterv10.6.x, v10.11.x


OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 uses Redis for caching and session storage.

The following vendors and products are supported.

Redisopen in new window7.4.x

Redis Operator Deprecation

Currently App Suite utilizes spotahome/redis-operator to configure Redis in the Kubernetes cluster. In an upcoming release this support will get removed. In the future we will depend on Redis being setup and configured by the administrator.

File Storage

Temporary Data

OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 stores temporary files in the local file system, e.g. for spooling of uploaded data, and uses emptyDirs for that. This will use some local storage on the agents.

Persistent Data

Persistent data like OX Drive files, PIM attachments etc. and temporary attachment data need to be stored in a distributed file system as registered file store that is available from all server nodes. For single-node setups a local file system mount point can be used, small to mid-scale setups can be powered by NFS. For large-scale setups, object storage should be considered.

Object Storage

OX App Suite Software Subscription v8 ships with different optional adapters to support object storage.

AmazonAWS S3S3 HTTP APISee also AppSuite:S3_File_Storeopen in new window
CEPHRadosGWS3 HTTP APISee also AppSuite:S3_File_Storeopen in new window
ScalityScality RINGSproxyd HTTP APISee also AppSuite:Scality_File_Storeopen in new window

Desktop Browser (Minimum display resolution: 1024 x 768)

BrowserOX App Suite User Front-End
Google Chrome (latest & previous version)v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Mozilla Firefox (latest & current ESR-Version)v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Apple Safari (18.x)v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Microsoft Edge (latest version, Chromium-based)v8.35, v8.34, v8.33

Mobile OS & Browser Support (Smartphone & Tablet)

Mobile DeviceSupported BrowserOX App Suite User Front-End
iOS/iPadOS >= 17.7.1, >= 18.xSafariv8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Android >= 10Chrome (latest version)v8.35, v8.34, v8.33

Mobile network connection: Devices not connected a local wifi should at least use a 4G (LTE) internet connection for best results

Calendar/Contact synchronization Apple macOS

RequirementCalendar synchronization with CalDAVContacts synchronization with CardDAV
macOS 14.0 (Sonoma)
macOS 15.0 (Sequoia)

Calendar/Contact synchronization Apple iOS

RequirementCalendar synchronization with CalDAVContacts synchronization with CardDAV
Apple iOS 17 / iOS 18 / iPadOS

Mobility Solution - Supported-Platforms, Features and Devices

Feature/Technology/DeviceConnector for Business Mobility
Exchange Active Sync 12.1
Exchange Active Sync 14.1
Access and creation of emails
Calendar/Contact synchronization Apple iOS/Android
Public and Shared PIM folder
Global address book
Push E-Mail
Apple iOS 17 / iOS 18 / iPadOS
Android 8 (Oreo) or later with latest Gmail app.

OX Drive Clients

RequirementSystem / Platform
OX Drive for WindowsOX App Suite Software Subscription v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Latest versions of Windows 10 and above (no support for Windows RT and emulators)
OX Drive for Apple macOSOX App Suite Software Subscription v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
macOS Sonoma 14, macOS Sequoia 15, Intel- and Apple Silicon-based devices are both supported
OX Drive for Apple iOSOX App Suite Software Subscription v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Apple iOS 17 / iOS 18 / iPadOS
OX Drive for AndroidOX App Suite Software Subscription v8.35, v8.34, v8.33
Smartphones and tablets running Android 9.0 (API level 28) and above

OX Sync App

RequirementSystem / Platform / User Interface
OX App Suite Software Subscriptionv8.35, v8.34, v8.33
OX Sync App for AndroidSmartphone on Android 5.0 or later

OX Guard

RequirementSystem / Platform / User Interface
OX App Suite Software Subscriptionv8.35, v8.34, v8.33

Open-Xchange Server Translations for OX App Suite v8

US Englishen_USSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
British Englishen_GBSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Germande_DESupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Frenchfr_FRSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Canadian Frenchfr_CASupportedOpen-Xchange
Spanishes_ESSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Mexican Spanishes_MXSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Dutchnl_NLSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Polishpl_PLSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Japaneseja_JPSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Italianit_ITSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Simplified Chinesezh_CNSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Traditional Chinesezh_TWSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange
Brazilian Portuguesept_BRSupportedOpen-Xchange
Turkishtr_TRSupportedOnline Help/ManualOpen-Xchange