This Helm Chart deploys DocumentConverter service core in a kubernetes cluster.
This Chart includes the following components:
- DocumentConverter application container to deploy in a kubernetes cluster.
Requires Kubernetes v1.19+
This section will provide details about specific requirements in addition to this Helm Chart.
Pushing to registry
From wihtin ${PROJECT_DIR}/helm/core-documentconverter directory:
helm repo add ox-documents-registry
helm repo update
helm push . ox-documents-registry
Test installation
Run a test against a cluster deployment:
helm repo add ox-documents-registry
helm repo update
helm install --dry-run --debug --generate-name --version [VERSION] ox-documents-registry/core-documentconverter
Installing the chart
Install the Chart with the release name 'alice':
helm repo add ox-documents-registry
helm repo update
helm install alice --version [VERSION] ox-documents-registry/core-documentconverter [-f path/to/values_with_credentials.yaml]
Global Configuration
Parameter | Description | Default |
defaultRegistry | The image registry | |
image.repository | The image repository | core-documentconverter |
image.tag | The image tag | `` |
image.pullPolicy | The imagePullPolicy for the deployment | IfNotPresent |
imagePullSecrets | List of references to secrets for image registries | [] | | The database connection host. Uses the global value if not set. | `` |
mysql.port | The database connection port. Uses the global value if not set. | 3306 |
mysql.database | The database connection schema. Uses the global value if not set. | `` |
mysql.auth.user | The database connection user. Uses the global value if not set. | `` |
mysql.auth.password | The database connection password. Uses the global value if not set. | `` |
documentConverter.processorCount | The number of processing engines to use in parallel | 3 |
documentConverter.processingTimeoutSeconds | Specifies the maximum time in seconds a document will be processed | 60 |
documentConverter.jobQueueCountLimitHigh | The maxmimal number of jobs in queue after further jobs are rejected | 40 |
documentConverter.jobQueueCountLimitLow | The number of jobs in queue when jobs are accepted again after 'jobQueueCountLimitHigh' was reached | 30 |
documentConverter.jobQueueTimeoutSeconds | The time in seconds after a queued job gets removed from queue and is rejected | 300 |
documentConverter.jobAsyncQueueCountLimitHigh | The maximal number of asynchronous jobs to hold in queue to be processed | 2048 |
documentConverter.cache.remoteCache | The settings for the cache service to use | `` |
documentConverter.cache.remoteCache.enabled | The setting if the cache service should be used. If set to false, a local cache is used. | true |
documentConverter.cache.remoteCache.url | The optional remote cache service URL. If not set, a cluster local URL is generated. | '' |
documentConverter.cache.maxEntries | The maximum number of cache entries. Use -1 for unlimited. | 1000000 |
documentConverter.cache.maxSizeMegaBytes | The maximum size of all cache entries combined. Use -1 for unlimited. | -1 |
documentConverter.cache.minFreeSizeMegaBytes | The minimum size of local volume space that should not be used by cache. | 1024 |
documentConverter.cache.maxLifetimeSeconds | The maximum age in seconds of a cache entry before it gets removed. Use -1 for unlimited. | 2592000 |
documentConverter.cache.cleanupPeriodSeconds | The period in seconds after which the next cache cleanup will be performed | 300 |
documentConverter.remoteAccess.denyURLRegExp | The optional list of URL regular expressions that will not be resolved. | [.*] |
documentConverter.remoteAccess.allowURLRegExp | The optional list of URL regular expressions that will be resolved even if listed as denied. | [] |
documentConverter.readinessDownAfterUsedServiceUnavailabilitySeconds | Set readiness down after this period of time if depending service is not available. Use -1 to disable. | 300 |
documentConverter.livenessDownAfterReadinessDownSeconds | Shutdown service after this period of time after readiness went down. Use -1 to disable. | 15 |
documentConverter.readinessUpUsedServiceRecoveryPeriodSeconds | The period of time the remote cache client tries to reestablish a lost server connection. | 20 |
documentConverter.useCool | Specifies if document conversion should be done via Collabora Online. | false |
persistence.enabled | Specifies if cluster volumes are mounted by container. Using emptyDir Volumes when false. | false |
env | Configuration properties passed to the service via environment variables | [] |