Weakforced Connector deprecated

Deprecated This article has not been updated to reflect the changes introduced with the v8 releases of the Open Xchange Middleware.

How it works

The Open-Xchange Weakforced Connector (OXWF) utilizes the login listener framework. Registered login listeners receive various call-backs during log-in process for a user:

  • Before authentication takes place

And then either of:

  • After successful authentication
  • After failed authentication
  • After redirected authentication (neither failed nor succeeded, but authentication is supposed to happen at another service). Not used by OXWF.

NOTE Login listeners are also called for password-protected guest and share logins. The latter one (password-protected share) always advertises anonymous as login name. Hence, the utilized Weakforced policy should not operate solely on login name, but also take IP addresses into consideration. Otherwise all anonymous login attempts might be temporarily back-listed.

The OXWF itself registers such a login listener, which triggers the HTTP calls to Weakforced service. Currently used:

  • allow
  • report

Before authentication

The OXWF login listener executes the allow call before authentication takes place to let Weakforced service check whether that login attempt is allowed or not, which is determined by providing login, password-hash, remote address (either host name or IP address) and client identifier. The allow call responds with an integer result:

  • 0 (OK )
  • -1 (BLOCKED)
  • A positive integer

For an OK response, the login attempt is allowed to proceed as usual. The BLOCKED integer value leads to aborting the login attempt through throwing a LGI-0026 (LOGIN DENIED) error code. A positive integer indicates the number of seconds the client is supposed to wait until login attempt is allowed to proceed. Hence, the executing thread gets halted for that amount of seconds.

After successful authentication

A successful authentication attempt is reported back to Weakforced service by OXWF login listener while providing login, password-hash, remote address (either host name or IP address) and client identifier. That call-back may also be used to pass more attributes to Weakforced service in order to be validated; e.g. the login result may now contain certain information from LDAP (or any other authentication authority). If so a allow call is executed prior to the report request, while the status result gets examined as explained above (OK, BLOCKED, or positive integer).

After failed authentication

A failed authentication attempt is reported back to Weakforced service by providing login, password-hash, remote address (either host name or IP address) and client identifier in order to be tracked for subsequent validations of login attempts from the same client/user.


OXWF requires to enable the open-xchange-weakforced package. Once enabled the associated login listener gets registered and receives the mentioned call-backs during login requests.

After the package is deployed, an administrator is able to configure the OXWF through /opt/open-xchange/etc/weakforced.properties file.


The OXWF accepts a listing of Weakforced HTTP end-points, whose entries are used in a round-robin fashion while tracking outages and re-availability of individual end-points. It is possible to specify generic end-points, which are used to fire allow and report calls. But it is also possible to specify end-points, which are used for either of those calls.

Moreover, as long as the infrastructure itself does the load-balancing, so the OXWF is only aware of one end-point, it makes no sense for the OXWF to perform black-listing. It must then be possible to disable this behavior. For this reason, the setting com.openexchange.weakforced.endpoints.blacklist is available, which allows black-listing to be switched off

Each end-point listing also supports specifying the total number of connections to use, max. connections per route as well as read and connect timeout. If not configured default values are used:

  • Total number of connections is 100
  • Max. connection per route defaults to total number of connections divided by number of end-points in listing
  • Read timeout defaults to 2500 milliseconds
  • Connect timeout defaults to 1500 milliseconds


 com.openexchange.weakforced.endpoints=http://weakforced1.host.invalid:8084, http://weakforced2.host.invalid:8084
 com.openexchange.weakforced.endpoints.maxConnectionsPerRoute=0 (max. connections per route is then determined automatically by specified end-points)
 ------------- For "report" call
 com.openexchange.weakforced.endpoints.report=http://weakforced1.reporthost.invalid:8084, http://weakforced2.reporthost.invalid:8084
 com.openexchange.weakforced.endpoints.report.maxConnectionsPerRoute=0 (max. connections per route is then determined automatically by specified end-points)

This examples specifies two generic end-points and two end-points to use for report calls exclusively. Hence, the OXWF routes all report calls to either http://weakforced1.reporthost.invalid:8084 or http://weakforced2.reporthost.invalid:8084. Remaining calls (only allow left) will use http://weakforced1.host.invalid:8084 orhttp://weakforced2.host.invalid:8084.

Password hash

This section describes available properties that specify how the hash for login and password tuple is generated.

  • The com.openexchange.weakforced.hash.secret option specifies the secret to use when calculating the hash for password acting as some sort of salt
  • The com.openexchange.weakforced.hash.algorithm option specifies the name of the algorithm, which is used to generate the digest bytes. Supported values are: MD2, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512. Default is SHA-256
  • The com.openexchange.weakforced.hash.truncate option specifies whether the HEX string for the computed digest bytes is generated considering only the first 12 bits padded by 4 0 (zero) bits) or if the whole digest is taken. Default is true

Basic authentication

The com.openexchange.weakforced.basic-auth.login and com.openexchange.weakforced.basic-auth.password properties allow setting the user-name and password to use to perform HTTP basic authentication against Weakforced end-points. All end-points are expected to have the same HTTP basic authentication.


The com.openexchange.weakforced.attributes specifies a comma-separated list of arbitrary attributes that are supposed to read from session on successful authentication. Those attributes are then communicated to Weakforced using post-auth allow hook.

If no attributes specified or no single attribute available from session, no post-auth 'allow' takes place.