Action and Links deprecated

Action can be used to apply an action to an item or even a selection of items. Links representing their visualisation in toolbars or dropdowns.

based on this oxpedia article

source code: io.ox/core/extPatterns/links.js



These are the options available when you creating a new action.


  • a unique identifier
  • type: string

requires (optional)

  • type: string or function
  • (string) a string containing one or more special keywords ('toplevel', 'one', 'some', 'delete', …) representing needed components, permissions or collection statuses
  • (function) - a function that returns a Boolean value and gets a Baton object as parameter

action (optional)

  • type: function
  • baton is available to the action as parameter
  • a callback function, called when the action is triggered for one element

multiple (optional)

  • type: function
  • baton is available to the action as parameter
  • a callback function, called when the action is triggered for multiple (a list of) elements
  • id: must be unique
  • index: the position/order of the link
  • label: the label for the link
  • ref:the reference to the action id

Common usage

For some examples how to create and customize please refer to the customize action article.