Dynamic Theming deprecated

The dynamic theme plugin allows to have custom colors and logo without creating a real theme for each possible color combination.

based on this oxpedia article

The customization information is stored in the Configuration Cascade and applied at runtime, immediately after login.


The theme generator consists of the single package open-xchange-dynamic-theme, which is installed on the OX middleware.


Enabling the Plugin

The plugin is enabled or disabled by the capability dynamic-theme, e.g. in a file /opt/open-xchange/etc/dynamic-theme.properties set


When using the plugin, the actual theme should be the built-in default theme. To prevent all users from changing it and hide the theme selector in the preferences, set the property io.ox/core//theme to read-only. To do this, change the file /opt/open-xchange/etc/meta/appsuite.yaml as follows:

    protected: true

If some users won't use dynamic themes, this approach won't work. Instead, the theme selector can be disabled an enabled by controlling the list of available themes. The theme selector is hidden if the list is empty. To be able to do that with the Configuration Cascade, the entire list of themes needs to be specified as a single JSON value, e.g. by changing the file /opt/open-xchange/etc/settings/appsuite.properties as follows:

io.ox/core/settingOptions//themes={"default":"Default Theme"}

Then, to hide the theme selector for users with a dynamic theme, use the Configuration Cascade to change the value to {}.

Specifying a Theme

The package installs the file /opt/open-xchange/etc/settings/open-xchange-dynamic-theme.properties, which contains the global defaults for the custom theme settings. Any of the settings contained in that file can be changed per-context or at any other granularity supported by the Configuration Cascade. The individual settings are as follows:

Variable Default Dark/Light Description
mainColor #283f73 dark The main highlight color. Setting only this variable might already be enough.
linkColor same as mainColor dark Text color for links and border-less buttons.
loginColor #1f3d66 dark Background color of the login screen.
headerPrefixColor #6cbafc light Text color of the "OX" prefix on the login screen.
headerColor #fff light Text color of the "App Suite" product name on the login screen.
headerLogo URL of an image which replaces the "OX App Suite" header text on the login screen.
logoURL URL of the logo in the top left corner of the top bar.
logoWidth auto Optional width of the logo as number of pixels or any CSS length unit. For best display on high-resolution screens, it is recommended to use a bigger image and specify a smaller size here.
logoHeight auto Optional height of the logo as number of pixels or any CSS length unit. The maximum value is 64. For best display on high-resolution screens, it is recommended to use a bigger image and specify a smaller size here.
topbarBackground same as mainColor dark Background color of the top bar.
topbarHover rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) dark Background of an item in the top bar when it has the keyboard focus, the mouse hovers it, or it is active.
listSelected #ddd light Background of selected items in the list view when the list view does not have the keyboard focus.
listHover #f7f7f7 light Background of a not selected item in the list view when the mouse hovers over it.
listSelectedFocus same as mainColor dark Background color of selected items in the list view when the list view has the keyboard focus.
folderBackground #f5f5f5 light Background color of left the side panel.
folderSelected rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) light Background of a selected item in the side panel when the side panel does not have the keyboard focus.
folderHover rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) light Background color of a not selected item in the side panel when the mouse hovers over it.
folderSelectedFocus same as mainColor dark Background color of a selected item in the side panel when the side panel has the keyboard focus.

In the configuration file, each variable name must be preceded by 'io.ox/dynamic-theme//'. When referring to the value of other variables on the right side of the equals sign, (like in the default value of linkColor) the variable names must be preceded by '@io-ox-dynamic-theme-'. The colors can be any CSS color. headerLogo and logoURL can be relative (to /appsuite/), or absolute. When using absolute URLs to point to different hosts, use the form //hostname/path to keep the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and avoid any unnecessary security warnings.