Templates deprecated

The configuration options for configuring the email templates used when sending Guard mails


Defines the template Id to use. Guard will first search for templates that have the id followed by template name first. For example, for templateID=3, guard will search for 3-template.html, then fallback to template.html if not present.
Default: 0
Configcascade: true
As of version: 2.8
Package: open-xchange-guard


Defines directory where Guard templates are located
Default: /opt/open-xchange/templates/guard
Configcascade: true
As of version: 2.8
Package: open-xchange-guard


Configures if Guard should try to add header template to template emails
Default: false
Configcascade: true
As of version: 8.24
Package: open-xchange-guard


Configures if Guard should try to add footer template to template emails
Default: false
Configcascade: true
As of version: 8.24
Package: open-xchange-guard


Comma deliniated list of extra variables for templates
Configcascade: true
As of version: 8.24
Package: open-xchange-guard


Defines the value of the variable that was listed in templateVariables
Configcascade: true
As of version: 8.24
Package: open-xchange-guard