Properties deprecated

The configuration items for Documents.

com.openexchange.capability.text=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Enables or disables the "text" module capability globally.

com.openexchange.capability.spreadsheet=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Enables or disables the "spreadsheet" module capability globally.

com.openexchange.capability.presentation=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Enables or disables the "presentation" module capability globally.

com.openexchange.capability.presenter=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Enables or disables the "presenter" module capability globally.

com.openexchange.capability.remote_presenter=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Enables or disables the capability to start remote presentations with the "presenter" module globally.

io.ox/office//module/debugavailable=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Allow disabling of debugging functions in documents.

io.ox/office//module/realtimedebugging=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Allow disabling of real time debugging functions in documents.

io.ox/office//module/odfsupport=<boolean> Default: true
Configcascade: true
Allow disabling of ODF support in documents.

io.ox/office//module/debugondemand=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Whether web clients can override the values of the configuration items "debugavailable" and "realtimedebugging" by adding specific options to the URL hash.

io.ox/office//module/debugoperations=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Allow saving of operations and the original document within the office document in a "debug" folder.

io.ox/office//module/maxTableColumns=<number> Default: 15
Configcascade: true
Specifies the maximum table column size in office documents which are supported, higher size may lead to performance problems.

io.ox/office//module/maxTableRows=<number> Default: 1500
Configcascade: true
Specifies the maximum table row size in office documents which are supported, higher size may lead to performance problems

io.ox/office//module/maxTableCells=<number> Default: 1500
Configcascade: true
Specifies the maximum table cell count in office documents which are supported, higher size may lead to performance problems

io.ox/office//module/sendAsHtmlMaxPageCount=<number> Default: 10
Configcascade: true
The maximum page number that is allowed to be pasted as inline-html content into a newly created e-mail.

io.ox/office//module/spellingEnabled=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Determines whether online spelling is enabled.

io.ox/office//module/switchingEditRightsTimeout=<number> Default: 20
Configcascade: true
Allows to change the time in seconds available for a client to send pending operations to the server. 0 means that there is no timeout

io.ox/office//module/useLocalStorage=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Determines whether the local browser storage shall be used.

io.ox/office//module/showRemoteSelections=<boolean> Default: true
Configcascade: true
Determine whether the remote selections shall be be visible.

io.ox/office//module/logPerformanceData=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Determine whether performance data shall be collected by the server.

io.ox/office//module/performanceDataLogPath=<string> Default: /var/log/open-xchange/performance.log
Configcascade: true
Define the absolute path where the performance data log file is located or shall be created. This value is only evaluated, if 'io.ox/office//module/logPerformanceData' is set to true.

io.ox/office//module/templatePath=<string> Default: /opt/open-xchange/templates/documents
Configcascade: true
Define the absolute path where document templates are located inside the local (!) file system. Inside an eclipse environment this value is set to ${workspace_loc:/office-templates/templates} automatically. So there is no need to touch nor edit this value.

io.ox/office//module/standalone=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Defines a standalone-view for the frontend. If true, the appsuite-top-bar is hidden, and the gui has no close-button. If true it cant be changed by the frontend.

io.ox/office//module/renamedisabled=<boolean> Default: false
Configcascade: true
Enable/disable the Document Name edit field. This ensures that environments, which don't support transparent changes of the file name, don't break an active RT connection.

com.openexchange.presenter.maxParticipants=<number> Default: 100
Configcascade: true
Allows to set the maximum number of participants for a presentation with the "presenter" module. Users who want to join the presentation, if the maximum is reached, will receive an error message. Handle the value with care as a big number of participants raises the network transfer between backend nodes.<number> Default: 100
Configcascade: true
Allows to limit the maximum document file size that can be loaded. Document larger than the configured value will result in an error message (document size limits are exceeded). The system will also check that the current JVM memory consumption allows to load a document. The file size value is interpreted as MB.

io.ox/office//spreadsheet/maxCells=<number> Default: 500000
Configcascade: true
Determines the maximum number of cells that are supported within a spreadsheet document. Trying to edit a document that contains more cells than specified results in a load error. A value smaller than 1 disables the complexity check in the filter.

io.ox/office//spreadsheet/maxSheets=<number> Default: 200
Configcascade: true
Determines the maximum number of sheets that are supported within a spreadsheet document. Trying to edit a document that contains more sheets than specified results in a load error. A value smaller than 1 disables the complexity check in the filter.

io.ox/office//spreadsheet/maxFormulas=<number> Default: 10000
Configcascade: true
Defines the maximal count of formulas. If a document exceeds the limit the user sees an alert "This document exceeds the spreadsheet size and complexity limits. Calculation has been stopped".

io.ox/office//text/maxWordCount=<number> Default: 50000
Configcascade: true
Defines the maximum size of a text document that can be loaded in text. A higher count may lead to performance problems. Note that the number is a rough limit and the exact value is not calculated.

io.ox/office//windowHandling/openInTabs=<number> Default: true
Configcascade: true
Enables opening documents in browser tabs.