Properties deprecated

The configuration items for the OX DocumentConverter.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.installDir=<string> Default: /opt/readerengine
Configcascade: false
The directory, containing the ./program directory of the underlying converter engine.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.cacheDir=<string> Default: /var/spool/open-xchange/documentconverter/readerengine.cache
Configcascade: false
The directory, containing the cache for persistent, huge job data at runtime.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.scratchDir=<string> Default: /var/spool/open-xchange/documentconverter/readerengine.scratch
Configcascade: false
A temporary directory, containing the runtime data for each started engine process.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.errorDir=<string> Default: [no default]
Configcascade: false
A temporary directory, containing files that could not be loaded due to an error condition or due to a timeout.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.blacklistFile=<string> Default: /opt/open-xchange/etc/readerengine.blacklist
Configcascade: false
The list of external document content URLs that are not allowed to be loaded by the readerengine after loading a document. The file itself contains a list of (newline separated) regular expressions. Each external URL is first checked against the list of blacklist URL regular expressions. If the external URL matches one blacklist entry, the external URL is then checked against the list of whitelist URL regular expressions. The behavior in summary is as follows: If the URL is not blacklisted and not whitelisted, it is resolved at runtime. If the URL is blacklisted but not whitelisted, it is not resolved at runtime. If the URL is not blacklisted but whitelisted, it is resolved at runtime. If the URL is blacklisted and whitelisted, it is resolved at runtime. In boolean notation: valid = (!blacklisted) || whitelisted Please note that the regular expressions need to fully qualify the patterns that the URL should be checked against. Upper/Lower cases need to be handled by the regular expression as well. The file itself needs to be UTF-8 encoded to be read appropriately.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.whitelistFile=<string> Default: /opt/open-xchange/etc/readerengine.whitelist
Configcascade: false
The list of external document content URLs that are allowed to be loaded by the readerengine after an external URL matched a blacklist pattern. The file itself contains a list of (newline separated) regular expressions. Each external URL is only checked against the list of whitelist URL regular expressions if it previously matched a pattern in the blacklist file. If the external URL matches one blacklist entry, the external URL is then checked against the list of whitelist URL regular expressions. The behavior in summary is as follows: If the URL is not blacklisted and not whitelisted, it is resolved at runtime. If the URL is blacklisted but not whitelisted, it is not resolved at runtime. If the URL is not blacklisted but whitelisted, it is resolved at runtime. If the URL is blacklisted and whitelisted, it is resolved at runtime. In boolean notation: valid = (!blacklisted) || whitelisted Please note that the regular expressions need to fully qualify the patterns that the URL should be checked against. Upper/Lower cases need to be handled by the regular expression as well. The file itself needs to be UTF-8 encoded to be read appropriately.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.urlLinkLimit=<number> Default: 200
Configcascade: false
The external URL link limit specifies the maximum amount of valid external internet URLs (filtered by blacklist and whitelist before), that are tried to get resolved by the engine when loading a document. When this limit is reached, no more external internet URLs are resolved for the current document. Set to -1 for no upper limit or to 0 to disable the resolving of internet URLs completely.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.urlLinkProxy=<string> Default: [no default]
Configcascade: false
The external URL link proxy entry specifies a proxy server that is used by the readerengine to resolve external links, contained within a document. Such links are e.g. external http:// graphic links, that are going to be resolved during the filtering process of a readerengine instance. Set this entry to the address of the proxy server: host:port Recognized protocols are http://, https:// and ftp:// Leave empty, if no proxy server should be used by the readerengine.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.cacheServiceUrl=<string> Default: [no default]
Configcascade: false
Use CacheService to speedup the conversion. The CacheService is receiving cache updates from the local cache. Leave empty if only the local filesystem cache should be used.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobProcessorCount=<number> Default: 3
Configcascade: false
The number of engines, working in parallel to execute jobs.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.processorPoolSize=<number> Default: 0
Related: com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobProcessorCount
Configcascade: false
Setting the size of the pool to take processing backends from in case a currently used backend needs to be restarted.
If this value is set to 0, each new processing backend is created on demand which might take up to a few seconds.
Settting this item to values > 0 allows to pre create processing backends so that they are already available in case a new backend is needed.
Values > 1 should be considered carefully since additional processing backends need memory resources that are also needed for the currently configured number of processing backends in parallel and each pool instance needs CPU time as well during start up.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobRestartCount=<number> Default: 50
Configcascade: false
The maximum number of executed jobs, after which a single engine is automatically restarted.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobRestartAfterTimeout=<boolean> Default: false
Related: com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobExecutionTimeoutMilliseconds
Configcascade: false
Set to true if a conversion job that ran into a timeout condition should be tried to convert again after the timeout occured.
Setting this value to true might allow to get a conversion result with the second try in case the overall CPU consumption of the host got lower after the first try. A second try in case of a timeout does not succeed in many cases and since a second try is quite resource and time consuming, setting this value to true should be considered carefully.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobExecutionTimeoutMilliseconds=<number> Default: 60000
Configcascade: false
The timeout in milliseconds, after which the execution of a single job is terminated.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.maxVMemMB=<number> Default: 2048
Configcascade: false
The maximum size in MegaBytes of virtual memory that a readerengine instance can allocate. Set -1 for no upper limit of maximum virtual memory.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.maxSourceFileSizeMB=<number> Default: 128
Configcascade: false
The maximum size of source files that are processed at all. The processing of files larger than this value returns an error.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.pdftoolMaxVMemMB=<number> Default: 1024
Configcascade: false
The maximum size in MegaBytes of virtual memory that a PDFTool instance can allocate. Set -1 for no upper limit of maximum virtual memory.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.minFreeVolumeSizeMB=<number> Default: 1024
Configcascade: false
The minimum size in MegaBytes of the volume, the cache is located on, that will not be used by the cache.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.maxCacheSizeMB=<number> Default: -1
Configcascade: false
The maximum size in MegaBytes of all persistently cached converter job entries at runtime. The total cache size will also take into account the value for the minimum free volume size, so that at least this free volume size will not be occupied by the cache set to -1 for no upper limit of the cache size or to 0 to disable the cache.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.maxCacheEntries=<number> Default: 4000000
Configcascade: false
The maximum number of converter jobs cached, internally limited to a maximum of 15.000.000 entries. Specifying a value of -1 for this configuration item sets the value to the internal maximum limit, a value of 0 disables the cache. Using the default value of 4.000.000 entries allows to run the DocumentConverter server with 1024 MB VM heap memory (default configuration). If more entries are configured, the maximum VM heap memory for the DocumentConverter server needs to be increased as well.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.cacheEntryTimeoutSeconds=<number> Default: 2592000
Configcascade: false
The timeout in seconds, after which a cached job execution result is automatically removed from the cache. Set to 0 for disabling the timeout based job removal from the cache.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.cacheCleanupPeriodSeconds=<number> Default: 300
Configcascade: false
The period in seconds, after which a cache performs the next cleanup of its entries.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.errorCacheTimeoutSeconds=<number> Default: 600
Configcascade: false
This value determines, how long an error, associated with a job hash value, is held within the errorcache. If the timeout has not been reached, additional RemoteInternalPreviewService#getPreviewFor calls with the same job hash will instantly return with the cached error code instead of processing the job again. Set to 0 to disable the errorcache handling.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.errorCacheMaxCycleCount=<number> Default: 5
Configcascade: false
This value determines the number of cycles, a job, associated with a job hash value, is added to the errorcache. One cycle starts after adding a job to the errorcache and ends after the errorCacheTimeout has been reached. After reaching the given maximum cycle count, the job is not removed from the errorcache anymore and will be held within the errorcache for the rest of the runtime of the current backend instance. Since the errorcache is not persistent, the cycle counter for each job hash is reset after a restart of the backend instance. Set to 0 to disable the errorcache handling.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.servletLocalFileUrls=<string> Default: false
Configcascade: false
Allow servlet engine to handle local file Urls. Set to true for allowing the servlet engine to handle local file:// Urls

com.openexchange.documentconverter.pdf.jpegQualityPercentage=<number> Default: 75
Configcascade: false
Sets the quality of exported images as percentage value when converting a document to PDF format. Lower values result in smaller PDF documents, if the document contains appropriate images. The default quality value of 75% is a good compromise between quality and size of exported images.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.autoCleanupTimeoutSeconds=<number> Default: 900
Configcascade: false
The timeout in seconds, after which stateful requests (e.g. #beginConvert) are automatically finalized, in order to cleanup resources, not needed anymore. Each subsequent stateful request (e.g. #getPage). updates the timestamp for the appropriate session, assigned to a stateful conversion sequence. In case no final #endConvert request is made, this call is made internally after the specified timeout. Set to 0 to disable the automated cleanup handling.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobQueueCountLimitHigh=<number> Default: 40
Configcascade: false
The maximum number of jobs that can be queued in order to be processed. Any additional job that would exceed this limit will return immediately with an appropriate error code set. In addition, any further job that still exceeds the 'jobQueueCountLimitLow' value will be rejected from that point of time on until the 'jobQueueCountLimitLow' value is reached again. Set to 0, if no count based removal of scheduled jobs from the queue should happen.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobQueueCountLimitLow=<number> Default: 30
Configcascade: false
The minimum number of queued jobs that need to be reached after the 'jobQueueCountLimitHigh' value is hit, before jobs are accepted again for processing. Before this lower limit is not reached again, new job requests are immediately rejected with an appropriate error code set. This value cannot be greater than the 'jobQueueCountLimitHigh' value and will be limited internally.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobQueueTimeoutSeconds=<number> Default: 300
Configcascade: false
The time in seconds after which a scheduled job is removed from the queue if it has not been processed in the meantime. An appropriate error code is returned to the caller of the method, that scheduled the job for processing. Set to 0 if no time based removal of scheduled jobs from the queue should happen.

com.openexchange.documentconverter.jobAsyncQueueCountLimitHigh=<number> Default: 2048
Configcascade: false
The maximum number of jobs that can be queued in asynchronous queue in order to be processed. Any additional asynchronous job that would exceed this limit will be rejected and not processed asynchronously.