Mail Authenticity

OX App Suite provides the Mail Authenticity feature, which enables users to be visually aware of the authenticity status of emails and may help to distinguish phishing mails from regular communication.

Mail Authenticity is a collection of different authentication mechanisms, each with its own advantages. Mail Authenticity in OX App Suite is based on three of those mechanisms, namely SPF, DKIM and DMARC. All three standards provide different aspects to email authentication, and they address complementary issues. In a nutshell:

  • SPF checks whether the sender's IP address is allowed to send e-mail for a particular domain.
  • DKIM provides digital signatures and encryption keys that verify that an e-mail message was not forged, faked or altered.
  • DMARC links SPF and DKIM under one roof and provides reports and feedback to the domain owner about the results of the previous mentioned mechanisms.

An email can have one of the following status: pass, fail, neutral, not-analyzed or none. For more details and a matrix on evaluating statuses, see: in new window.