These pages provide information on OX App Suite 8 related security topics. The objective is to give insight to available hardening options and guidance on secure operations of the solution in order to prevent security risk related to improper configuration and architecture decisions. Typical security concerns and corresponding countermeasures are described in detail and should be considered where applicable.
The scope is limited to a standard deployment using first-party components provided by Open-Xchange. Custom configuration and third-party components are not specifically covered, however they may benefit from integration related security functions, for example API security.
Content is being updated frequently in case new security features are available, new information becomes available or the threat landscape changes significantly. Unless otherwise mentioned, this documentation refers to the latest publicly available software release.
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Further resources
Since this documentation is focused on security topics, please use further product documentation at documentation.open-xchange.com as reference.
This documentation has been published on 2025-03-03 based on commit b39291d