
This page describes the http api of the ox drive module.

The module drive is used to synchronize files and folders between server and client, using a server-centric approach to allow an easy implementation on the client-side.

The synchronization is based on checksums for files and folders, differences between the server- and client-side are determined using a three-way comparison of server, client and previously acknowledged file- and directory-versions. The synchronization logic is performed by the server, who instructs the client with a set of actions that should be executed in order to come to a synchronized state.

Therefore, the client takes a snapshot of it's local files and directories, calculates their checksums, and sends them as a list to the server, along with a list of previously acknowledged checksums. The server takes a similar snapshot of the files and directories on the underlying file storages and evaluates which further actions are necessary for synchronization. After executing the server-side actions, the client receives a list of actions that should be executed on the client-side. These steps are repeated until the server-state matches the client-state.

Key concept is that the synchronization works stateless, i.e. it can be interrupted and restarted at any time, following the eventual consistency model.

Entry point for the synchronization is the syncfolders request, where the directories are compared, and further actions are determined by the server, amongst others actions to synchronize the files in a specific directory using the syncfiles request. After executing the actions, the client should send another syncfolders request to the server and execute the returned actions (if present), or finish the synchronization if there are no more actions to execute. In pseudo-code, the synchronization routine could be implemented as follows:

  response = SYNCFOLDERS()
  IF 0 == response.actions.length

Basically, it's up to the client how often such a synchronization cycle is initiated. For example, he could start a new synchronization cycle after a fixed interval, if he recognizes that the client directories have changed, or if he is informed that something has changed on the server by an event. It's also up to the client to interrupt the synchronization cycle at any time during execution of the actions and continue later on, however, it's recommended to start a new synchronization cycle each time to avoid possibly outdated actions.

Since API version 8, also a minimized synchronization cycle is available which can be used to synchronize changes within a distinct directory, without transferring the other directory versions in the folder tree. The minimized cycle operates on one directory only, and may directly start with synchronizing the contents using the corresponding syncfiles-action for the directory. After synchronization of the directory contents is finished, a subsequent request to synchronize the directory itself can then be performed using the special syncfolder action to acknowledge this directory checksum.

This optimized synchronization routine can be used whenever it is known that there are content changes within a specific directory only, either due to a event from the filesystem on client side, or due to a received push event from the server whose payload points to a certain path. In pseudo-code, this would look like:

  response = SYNCFILES(<path>)
  IF 0 == response.actions.length


As part of the HTTP API, the basic conventions for exchanging messages described there are also valid for this case, especially the HTTP API - Section: low level protocol and HTTP API - Section: Error handling. Each request against the Drive API assumes a valid server session that is uniquely identified by the session id and the corresponding cookies and are sent with each request. A new session can be created via the HTTP API - Section: Login module).

The root folder plays another important role for the message exchange. The root folder has a unique identifier. It is the parent server folder for the synchronization. All path details for directories and files are relative to this folder. This folder's id is sent with each request. To select the root folder during initial client configuration, the client may get a list of synchronizable folders with the subfolders action.

Subsequently all transferred objects and all possible actions are listed.

File Version

A file in a directory is uniquely identified by its filename and the checksum of its content.

Name Type Value
name String The name of the file, including its extension, e.g. test.doc.
checksum String The MD5 hash of the file, expressed as a lowercase hexadecimal number string, 32 characters long, e.g. f8cacac95379527cd4fa15f0cb782a09.

Directory Version

A directory is uniquely identified by its full path, relative to the root folder, and the checksum of its content.

Name Type Value
path String The path of the directory, including the directory's name, relative to the root folder, e.g. /sub/test/letters.
checksum String The MD5 hash of the directory, expressed as a lowercase hexadecimal number string, 32 characters long, e.g. f8cacac95379527cd4fa15f0cb782a09.

Note: the checksum of a directory is calculated based on its contents in the following algorithm:

  • Build a list containing each file in the directory (not including subfolders or files in subfolders)
  • Ensure a lexicographically order in the following way:
    • Normalize the filename using the NFC normalization form (canonical decomposition, followed by canonical composition) - see for details
    • Encode the filename to an array of UTF-8 unsigned bytes (array of codepoints)
    • Compare the filename (encoded as byte array "fn1") to another one "fn2" using the following comparator algorithm:
min_length = MIN(LENGTH(fn1), LENGTH(fn2))
FOR i = 0; i < min_length; i++
  result = fn1[i] - fn2[i]
  IF 0 != result RETURN result
  • Calculate the aggregated MD5 checksum for the directory based on each file in the ordered list:
    • Append the file's NFC-normalized (see above) name, encoded as UTF-8 bytes
    • Append the file's MD5 checksum string, encoded as UTF-8 bytes


All actions are encoded in the following format. Depending on the action type, not all properties may be present.

Name Type Value
action String The type of action to execute, currently one of acknowledge, edit, download, upload, remove, sync, error.
version Object The (original) file- or directory-version referenced by the action.
newVersion Object The (new) file- or directory-version referenced by the action.
path String The path to the synchronized folder, relative to the root folder.
root String The corresponding root folder identifier (optional, available since API version 5).
offset Number The requested start offset in bytes for file uploads.
totalLength Number The total length in bytes for file downloads.
contentType String The file's content type for downloads (deprecated, available until API version 2).
created Timestamp The file's creation time (always UTC, not translated into user time).
modified Timestamp The file's last modification time (always UTC, not translated into user time).
error Object The error object in case of synchronization errors.
quarantine Boolean The flag to indicate whether versions need to be excluded from synchronization.
reset Boolean The flag to indicate whether locally stored checksums should be invalidated.
stop Boolean The flag to signal that the client should stop the current synchronization cycle.
acknowledge Boolean The flag to signal if the client should not update it's stored checksums when performing an EDIT action.
thumbnailLink String A direct link to a small thumbnail image of the file if available (deprecated, available until API version 2).
previewLink String A direct link to a medium-sized preview image of the file if available (deprecated, available until API version 2).
directLink String A direct link to the detail view of the file in the web interface (deprecated, available until API version 2).
directLinkFragments String The fragments part of the direct link (deprecated, available until API version 2).

The following list gives an overview about the used action types:


Acknowledges the successful synchronization of a file- or directory version, i.e., the client should treat the version as synchronized by updating the corresponding entry in its metadata store and including this updated information in all following originalVersions arrays of the syncfiles / syncfolders actions. Depending on the version and newVersion parameters of the action, the following acknowledge operations should be executed (exemplarily for directory versions, file versions are acknowledged in the same way):

Example 1: Acknowledge a first time synchronized directory
The server sends an acknowledge action where the newly synchronized directory version is encoded in the newVersion parameter. The client should store the version in his local checksum store and send this version in the originalVersions array in upcoming syncfolders requests.

  "action" : "acknowledge",
  "newVersion" : {
      "path" : "/",
      "checksum" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"

Example 2: Acknowledge a synchronized directory after updates
The server sends an acknowledge action where the previous directory version is encoded in the version, and the newly synchronized directory in the newVersion parameter. The client should replace any previously stored entries of the directory version in his local checksum store with the updated version, and send this version in the originalVersions array in upcoming syncfolders requests.

  "action" : "acknowledge",
  "newVersion" : {
    "path" : "/",
    "checksum" : "7bb1f1a550e9b9ab4be8a12246f9d5fb"
  "version" : {
    "path" : "/",
    "checksum" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"

Example 3: Acknowledge the deletion of a previously synchronized directory
The server sends an acknowledge where the newVersion parameter is set to null to acknowledge the deletion of the previously synchronized directory version as found in the version parameter. The client should remove any stored entries for this directory from his local checksum store, and no longer send this version in the originalVersions array in upcoming syncfolders requests. Note that an acknowledged deletion of a directory implicitly acknowledges the deletion of all contained files and subfolders, too, so the client should also remove those originalVersions from his local checksum store.

  "action" : "acknowledge",
  "version" : {
    "path" : "/test",
    "checksum" : "3525d6f28eb8cb30eb61ab7932367c35"


Instructs the client to edit a file- or directory version. This is used for move/rename operations. The version parameter is set to the version as sent in the clientVersions array of the preceding syncfiles/syncfolders action. The newVersion contains the new name/path the client should use. Unless the optional boolean parameter acknowledge is set to false an edit action implies that the client updates its known versions store accordingly, i.e. removes the previous entry for version and adds a new entry for newVersion. When editing a directory version, the client should implicitly take care to create any not existing subdirectories in the path of the newVersion parameter. A concurrent client-side modification of the file/directory version can be detected by the client by comparing the current checksum against the one in the passed newVersion parameter.

Example 1: Rename a file
The server sends an edit action where the source file is encoded in the version, and the target file in the newVersion parameter. The client should rename the file identified by the version parameter to the name found in the newVersion parameter. Doing so, the stored checksum entry for the file in version should be updated, too, to reflect the changes.

  "path" : "/",
  "action" : "edit",
  "newVersion" : {
    "name" : "test_1.txt",
    "checksum" : "03395a94b57eef069d248d90a9410650"
  "version" : {
    "name" : "test.txt",
    "checksum" : "03395a94b57eef069d248d90a9410650"

Example 2: Move a directory
The server sends an edit action where the source directory is encoded in the version, and the target directory in the newVersion parameter. The client should move the directory identified by the version parameter to the path found in the newVersion parameter. Doing so, the stored checksum entry for the directory in version should be updated, too, to reflect the changes.

  "action" : "edit",
  "newVersion" : {
    "path" : "/test2",
    "checksum" : "3addd6de801f4a8650c5e089769bdb62"
  "version" : {
    "path" : "/test1/test2",
    "checksum" : "3addd6de801f4a8650c5e089769bdb62"

Example 3: Rename a conflicting file
The server sends an edit action where the original client file is encoded in the version, and the target filename in the newVersion parameter. The client should rename the file identified by the version parameter to the new filename found in the newVersion parameter. If the acknowledge parameter is set to true or is not set, the stored checksum entry for the file in version should be updated, too, to reflect the changes, otherwise, as in this example, no changes should be done to the stored checksums.

  "action" : "edit",
  "version" : {
    "checksum" : "fade32203220752f1fa0e168889cf289",
    "name" : "test.txt"
  "newVersion" : {
    "checksum" : "fade32203220752f1fa0e168889cf289",
    "name" : "test (TestDrive).txt"
  "acknowledge" : false,
  "path" : "/"


Contains information about a file version the client should download. For updates of existing files, the previous client version is supplied in the version parameter. For new files, the version parameter is omitted. The newVersion holds the target file version, i.e. filename and checksum, and should be used for the following download request. The totalLength parameter is set to the file size in bytes, allowing the client to recognize when a download is finished. Given the supplied checksum, the client may decide on its own if the target file needs to be downloaded from the server, or can be created by copying a file with the same checksum to the target location, e.g. from a trash folder. The file's content type can be retrieved from the contentType parameter, similar to the file's creation and modification times that are available in the created and modified parameters.

Example 1: Download a new file
The server sends a download action where the file version to download is encoded in the newVersion paramter. The client should download and save the file as indicated by the name property of the newVersion in the directory identified by the supplied path. After downloading, the newVersion should be added to the client's known file versions database.

  "totalLength" : 536453,
  "path" : "/",
  "action" : "download",
  "newVersion" : {
    "name" : "test.pdf",
    "checksum" : "3e0d7541b37d332c42a9c3adbe34aca2"
  "contentType" : "application/pdf",
  "created" : 1375276738232,
  "modified" : 1375343720985

Example 2: Download an updated file
The server sends a download action where the previous file version is encoded in the version, and the file version to download in the newVersion parameter. The client should download and save the file as indicated by the name property of the newVersion in the directory identified by the supplied path, replacing the previous file. After downloading, the newVersion should be added to the client's known file versions database, replacing an existing entry for the previous version.

  "totalLength" : 1599431,
  "path" : "/",
  "action" : "download",
  "newVersion" : {
    "name" : "test.pdf",
    "checksum" : "bb198790904f5a1785d7402b0d8c390e"
  "contentType" : "application/pdf",
  "version" : {
    "name" : "test.pdf",
    "checksum" : "3e0d7541b37d332c42a9c3adbe34aca2"
  "created" : 1375276738232,
  "modified" : 1375343720985


Instructs the client to upload a file to the server. For updates of existing files, the previous server version is supplied in the version parameter, and should be used for the following upload request. For new files, the version parameter is omitted. The newVersion holds the target file version, i.e. filename and checksum, and should be used for the following upload request. When resuming a previously partly completed upload, the offset parameter contains the offset in bytes from which the file version should be uploaded by the client. If possible, the client should set the contentType parameter for the uploaded file, otherwise, the content type falls back to application/octet-stream.


Instructs the client to delete a file or directory version. The version parameter contains the version to delete. A deletion also implies a removal of the corresponding entry in the client's known versions store. A concurrent client-side modification of the file/directory version can be detected by comparing the current checksum against the one in the passed version parameter.

Example 1: Remove a file
The server sends a remove action where the file to be removed is encoded as version parameter. The newVersion parameter is not set in the action. The client should delete the file identified by the version parameter. A stored checksum entry for the file in version should be removed, too, to reflect the changes. The newVersion parameter is not set in the action.

  "path" : "/test2",
  "action" : "remove",
  "version" : {
    "name" : "test.txt",
    "checksum" : "03395a94b57eef069d248d90a9410650"

Example 2: Remove a directory
The server sends a remove action where the directory to be removed is encoded as version parameter. The newVersion parameter is not set in the action. The client should delete the directory identified by the version parameter. A stored checksum entry for the directory in version should be removed, too, to reflect the changes.

  "action" : "remove",
  "version" : {
    "path" : "/test1",
    "checksum" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"


The client should trigger a synchronization of the files in the directory supplied in the version parameter using the syncfiles request. A sync action implies the client-side creation of the referenced directory if it not yet exists, in case of a new directory on the server.

If the version parameter is not specified, a synchronization of all folders using the syncfolders request should be initiated by the client.

If the reset flag in the SYNC action is set to true, the client should reset his local state before synchronizing the files in the directory. This may happen when the server detects a synchronization cycle, or believes something else is going wrong. Reset means that the client should invalidate any stored original checksums for the directory itself and any contained files, so that they get re-calculated upon the next synchronization. If the reset flag is set in a SYNC action without a specific directory version, the client should invalidate any stored checksums, so that all file- and directory-versions get re-calculated during the following synchronizations.

Example 1: Synchronize folder
The server sends a sync action with a version. The client should trigger a syncfiles request for the specified folder.

  "action": "sync",
  "version": {
    "path": "<folder>",
    "checksum": "<md5>"

Example 2: Synchronize all folders
The server sends a sync action without version (or version is //null//). The client should trigger a syncfolder request, i.e. the client should synchronize all folders.

  "action": "sync",
  "version": null


With the error action, file- or directory versions causing a synchronization problem can be identified. The root cause of the error is encoded in the error parameter as described at the HTTP API - Section: Error handling.

Basically, there are two scenarios where either the errorneous version affects the synchronization state or not. For example, a file that was deleted at the client without sufficient permissions on the server can just be downloaded again by the client, and afterwards, client and server are in-sync again. On the other hand, e.g. when creating a new file at the client and this file can't be uploaded to the server due to missing permissions, the client is out of sync as long as the file is present. Therefore, the boolean parameter quarantine instructs the client whether the file or directory version must be excluded from the synchronization or not. If it is set to true, the client should exclude the version from the clientVersions array, and indicate the issue to the enduser. However, if the synchronization itself is not affected and the quarantine flag is set to false, the client may still indicate the issue once to the user in the background, e.g. as a balloontip notification.

The client may reset it's quarantined versions on it's own, e.g. if the user decides to "try again", or automatically after a configurable interval.

The server may also decide that further synchronization should be suspended, e.g. in case of repeated synchronization problems. Such a situation is indicated with the parameter stop set to true. In this case, the client should at least cancel the current synchronization cycle. If appropriate, the client should also be put into a 'paused' mode, and the user should be informed accordingly.

There may also be situations where a error or warning is sent to the client, independently of a file- or directory version, e.g. when the client version is outdated and a newer version is available for download.

The most common examples for errors are insufficient permissions or exceeded quota restrictions, see examples below.

Example 1: Create a file in a read-only folder
The server sends an error action where the errorneous file is encoded in the newVersion parameter and the quarantine flag is set to true. The client should exclude the version from the clientVersions array in upcoming syncFiles requests so that it doesn't affect the synchronization algorithm. The error message and further details are encoded in the error object of the action.

  "error" : {
    "category" : 3,
    "error_params" : ["/test"],
    "error" : "You are not allowed to create files at \"/test\"",
    "error_id" : "1358320776-69",
    "categories" : "PERMISSION_DENIED",
    "code" : "DRV-0012"
  "path" : "/test",
  "quarantine" : true,
  "action" : "error",
  "newVersion" : {
    "name" : "test.txt",
    "checksum" : "3f978a5a54cef77fa3a4d3fe9a7047d2"

Example 2: Delete a file without sufficient permissions
Besides a new download action to restore the locally deleted file again, the server sends an error action where the errorneous file is encoded in the version parameter and the quarantine flag is set to false. Further synchronizations are not affected, but the client may still inform the user about the rejected operation. The error message and further details are encoded in the error object of the action.

  "error" : {
    "category" : 3,
    "error_params" : ["test.png", "/test"],
    "error" : "You are not allowed to delete the file \"test.png\" at \"/test\"",
    "error_id" : "1358320776-74",
    "categories" : "PERMISSION_DENIED",
    "code" : "DRV-0011"
  "path" : "/test",
  "quarantine" : false,
  "action" : "error",
  "newVersion" : {
    "name" : "test.png",
    "checksum" : "438f06398ce968afdbb7f4db425aff09"

Example 3: Upload a file that exceeds the quota
The server sends an error action where the errorneous file is encoded in the newVersion parameter and the quarantine flag is set to true. The client should exclude the version from the clientVersions array in upcoming syncFiles requests so that it doesn't affect the synchronization algorithm. The error message and further details are encoded in the error object of the action.

  "error" : {
    "category" : 3,
    "error_params" : [],
    "error" : "The allowed Quota is reached",
    "error_id" : "-485491844-918",
    "categories" : "PERMISSION_DENIED",
    "code" : "DRV-0016"
  "path" : "/",
  "quarantine" : true,
  "action" : "error",
  "newVersion" : {
    "name" : "test.txt",
    "checksum" : "0ca6033e2a9c2bea1586a2984bf111e6"

Example 4: Synchronize with a client where the version is no longer supported.
The server sends an error action with code DRV-0028 and an appropriate error message. The stop flag is set to true to interrupt the synchronization cycle.

  "stop" : true,
  "error" : {
    "category" : 13,
    "error_params" : [],
    "error" : "The client application you're using is outdated and no longer supported - please upgrade to a newer version.",
    "error_id" : "103394512-13",
    "categories" : "WARNING",
    "code" : "DRV-0028",
    "error_desc" : "Client outdated - current: \"0.9.2\", required: \"0.9.10\""
  "quarantine" : false,
  "action" : "error"

Example 5: Synchronize with a client where a new version of the client application is available.
The server sends an error action with code DRV-0029 and an appropriate error message. The stop flag is set to false to indicate that the synchronization can continue.

  "stop" : false,
  "error" : {
    "category" : 13,
    "error_params" : [],
    "error" : "A newer version of your client application is available for download.",
    "error_id" : "103394512-29",
    "categories" : "WARNING",
    "code" : "DRV-0029",
    "error_desc" : "Client update available - current: \"0.9.10\", available: \"0.9.12\""
  "quarantine" : false,
  "action" : "error"



The default security scheme which uses a session ID previously obtained from the login module. Used in combination with a session cookie.

OX Drive API

The drive http api.
  • Drive

    The drive module