.. _backend_pools: ************* Backend Pools ************* Any request handled by the :ref:`routing engine ` and resulting in a ``forward`` action is effectively forwarded to an origin/upstream server. Upstream servers are organized in *backend pools*, which are groups of servers that all serve the same type of requests and form a load balancing cluster. Load balancing happens across all servers within a backend pool. Backend pools can be *global* or *per shard*. A global pool is a single cluster of servers that handle certain inbound requests. In :ref:`sharded environments `, upstream services like App Suite Middleware can be split up into multiple deployments, called *shards*. If a request is supposed to be forwarded to a service within a certain shard, an according backend pool must exist per available shard. .. note:: Requests that have bypassed the routing engine and have been handled by custom inbound filters can also be forwarded to configured backend pools. The inbound filter implementation is responsible for assigning the according pool in that case. Configuration ============= Backend pools are configured via ``backends.yml``. Each pool has a ``type`` attribute, that defines how the actual hosts are determined. The most basic type is ``static``, which allows to configure backend hosts inline in the pool configuration. .. hint:: The hosts within a pool can be set using IPv4 or IPv6 notation. In case that IPv6 notation is used it is mandatory to enclose the address with brackets (see example below). .. note:: Whether TLS is used for upstream, connections can only be configured per pool, not per server. Therefore it is enforced that all server URIs within a pool must be configured with the same protocol, i.e. ``http`` or ``https``. Static pools ------------ .. code-block:: yaml global: - name: 'appsuite-mw' type: 'static' hosts: - '' - '' - '' - 'http://[1234:1234::5678:5678]:8009' clientConfig: connectTimeout: 5000 readTimeout: 100000 - name: 'appsuite-ui' type: 'static' hosts: - '' - '' - 'http://[4321:4321:0:0:0:0:8765:8765]:8009' .. _client_config: Client Configuration -------------------- The ``clientConfig`` attribute contains a list of parameters that influence the performance of a pool. There is a set of variables which can be overwritten in the ``routing.yml`` file. This way a certain server configuration can differ from the overall pool configuration. Those variables are: Rewritable per route properties ``````````````````````````````` Can be defined in ``backends.yml`` and overwritten in ``routing.yml``. :maxConnectionsPerHost: **Optional:** Defines the connection threshold of a client for a single host. Default: 50 :connectTimeout: **Optional:** Maximum time for a connection to be established in ms. Default: 2000 :maxAutoRetriesNextServer: **Optional:** Retry functionality when using Round Robin. Set the max number of next servers to retry (exclude the first try) Default: 1 :serverListRefreshInterval: **Optional:** Interval to refresh the used server list from the source in ms. Disabled when connection pool contains standy servers. Default: 30000 :readTimeout: **Optional:** Maximum read duration for a connection in ms. Default: 5000 :maxAutoRetries: **Optional:** Maximum number of retries on the same server after a failed communication. Default: 0 :connIdleEvictTimeMilliSeconds: **Optional:** Maximum time a connection can be idle before it gets evicted in ms. Default: 30000 :receiveBufferSize: **Optional:** The size of the receiving buffer in byte. Default: 32 * 1024 :sendBufferSize: **Optional:** The size of the sending buffer in byte. Default: 32 * 1024 Pool wide properties ```````````````````` Can be defined in ``backends.yml``. :perServerWaterline: **Optional:** Max amount of connections per server, per event loop. Default: 4 :maxRequestsPerConnection: **Optional:** How many requests per connection: Default: 1000 :tcpKeepAlive: **Optional:** Trigger prolonging TCP connections. Default: false :tcpNoDelay: **Optional:** Activate Nagles'S noDelay algorithm to reduce bandwidth by reducing the amount of small packages that are sent on their own. Default: false :writeBufferHighWaterMark: **Optional:** The high water mark of the write buffer. If the number of bytes queued in the write buffer exceeds this value, Channel.isWritable() will start to return false. Default: 32 * 1024 :writeBufferLowWaterMark: **Optional:** The low water mark of the write buffer. Once the number of bytes queued in the write buffer exceeded the high water mark and then dropped down below this value, Channel.isWritable() will return true again. Default: 8 * 1024 :autoRead: **Optional:** Enables and disables channels 'autoread' function. Default: false :concurrencyMaxRequests: **Optional:** How many concurrent requests are allowed. Default: 200 :concurrencyProtectEnabled: **Optional:** If concurrency protection is activated or not. Default true Load Balancing ============== Methods ------- The load balancer is capable of using different configurable methods for server selection per backend pool. This is configured via the ``loadBalanceMethod`` setting. :round-robin: (default) Chooses the next server on every selection, like ``++$select_count % $num_servers``. :connections: Skips servers with "tripped" circuit breaker and picks the server with lowest concurrent requests. Sticky Sessions --------------- With sticky sessions, all requests belonging to the same HTTP session are routed to the same backend node. This is realized based on cookies or query parameters of incoming requests. Cookies must be maintained by the actual backend nodes. By default this feature is disabled but can be enabled for each backend pool. If for an incoming request, no indicator for the actual backend server exists, the configured load balancing method is used to determine the server. The same happens if the server which is responsible for a session becomes unreachable. Every backend pool can be configured separately to use sticky session mechanisms or not by setting the property named ``stickySession`` to ``true``. .. note:: If sticky session is enabled for a pool, all configured hosts must have a parameter ``route`` set, that matches the route identifier of the according backend. Effectively, the route identifier must be a suffix of a cookie or query parameter value, separated by a dot: ``.``. The cookie name must be ``JSESSIONID``, the query parameter must be named ``jsessionid``. An existing cookie wins over the query parameter. If no route identifier could be determined, the standard load balancing mechanisms are applied. Example configuration: .. code-block:: yaml global: - name: 'appsuite-mw' type: 'static' stickySession: true loadBalanceMethod: 'connections' hosts: - 'http://localhost:8009?route=APP1' - name: 'appsuite-ui' type: 'static' # this is the assumed default: #stickySession: false hosts: - 'http://localhost:80' Deactivation of servers ----------------------- A distinct server in a pool can be marked as inactive. This will filter those servers from the loadbalancers list of available servers. This feature can be triggered by adding an ``active`` property with value ``false`` to the host query. By default every server without this this property will be considered active. .. note:: This mechanism will not trigger any standby servers to take the place of those inactive servers. Example configuration: .. code-block:: yaml global: - name: 'appsuite-mw' type: 'static' hosts: - '' - '' Hot-standby fail-over --------------------- Hot-standby load balancing comes into play when all productive servers are not available. In this case all requests are routed to the backup servers which are statically marked as such in the ``backends.yml`` file. .. note:: This mechanism will only work if health checks are active. The use of this feature will also disable automated refresh server list mechanism (see property ``serverListRefreshInterval``) Example configuration: .. code-block:: yaml global: - name: 'appsuite-mw' type: 'static' hosts: - '' - '' - '' - '' If the primary servers ```` and ```` become both unavailable, requests are only balanced between the standby servers, using the same selection method as for the primaries. .. _backend_pools_tls: TLS === Whether outbound connections will use HTTPS depends on the according backend pool type and configuration. Outbound HTTPS connections are only established if the TLS certificate of an origin is trusted. Per default, trusted certificates are the ones contained in the JRE default trust store ``$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts``. This can be overridden to use a custom trust store or to trust any certificate. Use the latter option only for testing purposes! Configuration ------------- :proxy.tls.client.truststore: Path to the trust store file that contains trusted certificates Default: ```` Reloadable: ``false`` EnvVar: ``PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_TRUSTSTORE`` :proxy.tls.client.truststore.type: Type to the trust store, either ``pkcs12`` or ``jks`` Default: ``pkcs12`` Reloadable: ``false`` EnvVar: ``PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE`` :proxy.tls.client.truststore.pass: Password of the trust store Default: ```` Reloadable: ``false`` EnvVar: ``PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_TRUSTSTORE_PASS`` :proxy.tls.client.trustany: If set to ``true`` no trust store is used and any connection is established without certificate checking. **Do not use in production!** Default: ``false`` Reloadable: ``false`` EnvVar: ``PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_TRUSTANY`` :proxy.tls.client.ciphers: Set the cipher suites that should be supported Default:: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 EnvVar: ``PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_CIPHERS`` :proxy.tls.client.protocols: Set the protocols that should be supported Default: ``TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1`` Reloadable: ``false`` EnvVar: ``PROXY_TLS_CLIENT_PROTOCOLS`` .. _backend_pools_health_checks: Health Checks ============= To track the lifecycle of servers in a specific server pool, periodic healthchecks can be configured on a per server pool base. The health check pings the servers health endpoint and determines if the server is up and running or currently unavailable. The following properties can be used for configuration in the ``backends.yml``: :secure: (Optional) Decides wether to use a secure connection or not. Default: ``"false"`` :path: (Optional) The path of the healthcheck Default: ``"/health"`` :port: (Optional) The port of the healthcheck. Default: ``The port of the backend pool server`` :headers: (Optional) Http headers for the ping. Default: ```` :periodSeconds: (Optional) The amount of time between each ping. Default: ``30`` :timeoutSeconds: (Optional) The amount of time before the ping timeout. Default: ``2`` :successThreshold: (Optional) The amount of successful pings to the server before the server is marked as running. Default: ``1`` :failureThreshold: (Optional) The amount of failed pings to the server before the server is marked as down. Default: ``1`` :pingStrategy: (Optional) The ping strategy which is used for pinging. Either ``serial`` or ``concurrent``. Default: ``serial`` If you configure the health check to be secure you need to add the tls client properties as described in the section :ref:`above `. Example:: healthCheck: secure: false path: '/health' port: 8009 headers: Host: 'mail.example.com' periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 pingStrategy: concurrent